1 | KBBVFND ;Portland/jeb Barebones search for global or routine strings May 2016
2 | ;;v2.0 June 2019
3 | ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 | ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 | ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 | ;; (at your option) any later version.
7 | ;;
8 | ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 | ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
12 | ;;
13 | ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 | ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>
15 | ;
16 | EN ;
17 | K %ZR,%ZG S ANS=""
18 | EN2 R !,"Search [G]lobal or (R)outine or [H]elp: ",WHAT:30 I '$L(WHAT) K WHAT,ANS Q
19 | S WHAT=$E($$UP^XLFSTR(WHAT),1) ;Upcase it
20 | I WHAT="H" D HELP G EN2
21 | I WHAT="R" D
22 | . R !?5,"[L]abel or [S]tring: ",W1:30 S W1=$E($$UP^XLFSTR(W1),1) Q:'$L(W1)
23 | . I W1="L" R !?7,"Enter part or full label or [A]ll for all labels: ",W2:30 Q:'$L(W2) D LAB($S(W2="A":"",1:W2),$S(W2="A":W2,1:"C"))
24 | . I W1="S" R !?7,"Search for string: ",MATCH:30 G EN2:'$L(MATCH) D STR(MATCH) G EN2
25 | ;Q ;Testing
26 | I WHAT="G" R !?2,"Search for String: ",MATCH:30 G EN2:'$L(MATCH) D GSRCH(MATCH)
28 | W ! G EN2
29 | ;
31 | D ^%RSEL
32 | Q:$D(%ZR)#11 ;No selection array
33 | D ^%ZIS U IO
34 | S R="" F S R=$O(%ZR(R)) Q:R="" D
35 | . S MATCH=$S('$L($G(MATCH)):"",1:MATCH)
36 | . F I=1:1 S X=$T(@R+I^@R) Q:X="" S LABEL=$P(X," ") I $L(LABEL) D
37 | .. I ANS="A",MATCH="" S %ZR(R,$O(%ZR(R," "),-1)+1)="+"_$J(I,5)_" "_X Q
38 | .. I ANS="C",X[MATCH S %ZR(R,$O(%ZR(R," "),-1)+1)="+"_$J(I,5)_" "_X Q
39 | .. ;I ANS="E",X=MATCH S %ZR(R,$O(%ZR(R," "),-1)+1)=X Q
40 | D WR,^%ZISC
42 | Q
43 | ;
44 | STR(MATCH) ;Strings in the code
45 | I '$L(MATCH) W !?4,"Dude! No info!" Q
46 | D ^%RSEL
47 | Q:$D(%ZR)#11 ;No selection array
48 | D ^%ZIS U IO
49 | S R="" F S R=$O(%ZR(R)) Q:R="" D
50 | . F I=1:1 S X=$T(@R+I^@R) Q:X="" D
51 | .. F J=1:1:$L(X,MATCH) I X[MATCH S %ZR(R,$O(%ZR(" "),-1)+1)="+"_I_" ->"_X
52 | D WR,^%ZISC
53 | K %ZR,R,X,I
54 | Q
55 | ;
56 | WR ;Go through %ZR array and only print path/routine name
57 | ; target...
58 | W !,"Searching for ",MATCH
59 | S R="" F S R=$O(%ZR(R)) Q:R="" D:$O(%ZR(R,0))
60 | . W !,%ZR(R)_R
61 | . S N=0 F S N=$O(%ZR(R,N)) Q:'+N W !?2,%ZR(R,N)
62 | Q
63 | ;
64 | ;ROUTINE fini
65 | ;
66 | GSRCH(MATCH) ;Global search for string
67 | D CALL^%GSEL Q:$D(%ZG)#11
68 | G1 W !,"Searching for ",MATCH,"...working...."
69 | S N="" F S N=$O(%ZG(N)) Q:N="" S X=N W "." D
70 | . F S X=$Q(@X) Q:X="" I X[MATCH!(@X[MATCH) W !,X,"->",@X
71 | . K %ZG(N)
73 | Q
74 | ;Global fini
75 | ;
76 | HELP F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(HELP+I^STUFF),";;",2) Q:'$L(X) W !,X
77 | ;;G________Select to search a Global. Both node(subscript) and
78 | ;; content of the subscript will be searched. Return
79 | ;; will be any matches containing the string.
80 | ;; HINT: To avoid searching a full global, use Merge to move
81 | ;; the subscripted global to a temp/scratch global and
82 | ;; just search that.
83 | ;;
84 | ;;R________Select to search a string in selected routine(s).
85 | ;; If L for Label search is selected:
86 | ;; Entering an A at the prompt will show all labels at
87 | ;; the location in the routine, otherwise it will search
88 | ;; for labels containing the string.
89 | ;; If S for string is selected, search will be for the string
90 | ;; specified in the body of the routine. All matches will get listed.
91 | W !
92 | Q
93 | ; |