This API is not documented. This API is preliminary and subject to change. {0} {0} ({1}) Namespaces {0} Namespace {0} Class {0} Structure {0} Interface {0} Derived Classes {0} Delegate {0} Enumeration {0} Field {0} Method {1} {0} Constructor {1} {0} Property {1} {0} Event {0} Operator {0} Attached Property {0} Attached Event {0} Generic Class {0} Generic Structure {0} Generic Interface {0} Generic Delegate {0} Generic Method {0} Fields {0} Methods {1} {0} Constructors {1} {0} Properties {1} {0} Events {0} Attached Properties {0} Attached Events {0} Members Members namespaces {0} namespace {0} class {0} structure {0} interface {0} delegate {0} enumeration {0} enumeration member {0}, about {0} {0}, derived types {0}, all members {0}, methods {0}, properties {0}, fields {0}, events {0}, constructors {0}, constructor {0} constructor {0} method {0} property {0} event {0} field {0} operator {0} attached property {0} attached event Syntax Type Parameters Parameters Value Return Value Return Value Property Value Field Value Implements Examples Thread Safety Exceptions Permissions Namespaces Types Members Overload List Inheritance Hierarchy Version Information Platforms See Also Namespace Description Icon Class Structure Interface Delegate Enumeration Name Description Icon Member Description Exception Condition Permission Description All Types Classes Structures Interfaces Delegates Enumerations All Members Constructors Methods Properties Attached Properties Fields Events Operators Attached Events Explicit Interface Implementations Public Protected Instance Static Declared Inherited .NET Compact Framework Only XNA Framework Only Public Constructors Protected Constructors Constructors Private Constructors Public Methods Protected Methods Private Methods Public Fields Protected Fields Private Fields Public Properties Protected Properties Private Properties Public Events Protected Events Private Events Public Attached Properties Protected Attached Properties Private Attached Properties Public Attached Events Protected Attached Events Private Attached Events (see also {0}) Thread Safety Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. Notes to Implementers: Notes to Callers: Notes to Inheritors: {0} Platform Note: {1} Windows 95 Windows 98 Second Edition Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT Server 4.0 Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Professional Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Advanced Server Windows XP Home Edition Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Windows XP Embedded Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Standard Microsoft TV , , , , , , , Platforms

The .NET Framework 3.0 is supported on Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP SP2, and Windows Server 2003 SP1. .NET Framework Class Library Namespaces Obsolete. This API is obsolete. The non-obsolete alternative is {0}. Obsolete. NOTE: This API is now obsolete. (Inherited from {0}.) (Overrides {0}.) Assembly: {0} (Module: {1}) HostProtectionAttribute. The attribute applied to this has the following property value: {1}. The does not affect desktop applications (which are typically started by double-clicking an icon, typing a command, or entering a URL in a browser). For more information, see the class or . class delegate structure interface enumeration Static members of this type are safe for multi-threaded operations. Static members of this type are not safe for multi-threaded operations. Instance members of this type are safe for multi-threaded operations. Instance members of this type are not safe for multi-threaded operations. Public class Public structure Public interface Public delegate Public enumeration Protected class Protected structure Protected interface Protected delegate Protected enumeration Private class Private structure Private interface Private delegate Private enumeration Public constructor Public method Public field Public property Public event Public operator Public attached property Public attached event Protected constructor Protected method Protected field Protected property Protected event Protected operator Protected attached property Protected attached event Private constructor Private method Private field Private property Private event Private operator Private attached property Private attached event Static member Language Filter: {0} All Multiple Visual Basic Visual Basic Script C# Visual C++ J# JScript Xml Html and XAML Usage (Declaration) () Constructors Methods Properties Events Fields Operators Attached Properties Attached Events Collapse All Expand All Example {0} Namespace {0} {0} Members {0} Overload Class Structure Interface Delegate Enumeration Members Options: Show All Members Options: Filtered Include Inherited Members Include Protected Members .NET Compact Framework Members Only XNA Framework Members Only Namespace: Platforms: {0} Assemblies: Assembly: {0} (in {1}.{2}) Assembly: {0} (in {1}.dll) Supported in: {0} Supported in: {0}, {1} Supported in: {0}, {1}, {2} Supported in: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} Supported in: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} Obsolete (compiler warning) in {0} Obsolete (does not compile) in {0} and later Return Value Property Value Field Value Derived Classes Supported by the .NET Compact Framework Supported by the XNA Framework Explicit Interface Implementations Explicit interface implemetation The {0} generic type exposes the following . The {0} type exposes the following . members methods properties events fields operators attached properties attached events Dependency Property Information Routed Event Information More Code Overloaded. ( Default Namespace ) {0} type parameter of {1}. This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Infrastructure. Windows 98 Windows Millennium Edition Windows Server 2000 SP4 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Windows XP SP2 Windows CE Windows Mobile for Pocket PC Windows Mobile for Smartphone Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Media Center Edition Windows XP Starter Edition Windows Vista .NET Framework .NET Compact Framework XNA Framework 3.5 3.0 2.0 1.1 1.0 3.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 XMLNS for XAML: {0} Not mapped to an xmlns.