1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 | <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
3 | xmlns:maml="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
4 | xmlns:doc="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/internal"
5 | xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
6 | targetNamespace="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
7 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
8 | attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
9 | >
10 |
11 |
12 | <!-- Schema documentation -->
13 | <annotation>
14 | <documentation>
15 | This schema defines attributes and simpleTypes that can be referenced
16 | from any other part of Maml.
17 | </documentation>
18 | </annotation>
19 |
20 | <import schemaLocation="xlink.xsd" namespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/>
21 |
22 | <!-- simpleType declarations -->
23 | <simpleType name="mediaFileFormatsType">
24 | <annotation>
25 | <documentation>
26 | The mediaFileFormatsType simpleType provides a list of commonly
27 | used media formats.
28 | </documentation>
29 | </annotation>
30 | <restriction base="token">
31 | <enumeration value="asx"/>
32 | <enumeration value="bmp"/>
33 | <enumeration value="eps"/>
34 | <enumeration value="flash"/>
35 | <enumeration value="gif"/>
36 | <enumeration value="png"/>
37 | <enumeration value="jpeg"/>
38 | <enumeration value="shockwave"/>
39 | <enumeration value="quicktime"/>
40 | <enumeration value="wma"/>
41 | <enumeration value="wmf"/>
42 | <enumeration value="mpeg"/>
43 | <enumeration value="mp3"/>
44 | <enumeration value="other"/>
45 | </restriction>
46 | </simpleType>
47 |
48 | <simpleType name="alertTypesType">
49 | <annotation>
50 | <documentation>
51 | The alertTypesType simpleType provides a list of the various types
52 | of alerts that can be used to describe alerts.
53 | </documentation>
54 | </annotation>
55 | <restriction base="string">
56 | <enumeration value="note"/>
57 | <enumeration value="caution"/>
58 | <enumeration value="important"/>
59 | <enumeration value="tip"/>
60 | <enumeration value="warning"/>
61 | <enumeration value="security note"/>
62 | <enumeration value="visual basic note"/>
63 | <enumeration value="visual c# note"/>
64 | <enumeration value="visual c++ note"/>
65 | <enumeration value="visual j# note"/>
66 | </restriction>
67 | </simpleType>
68 |
69 | <simpleType name="devLanguagesType">
70 | <restriction base="token">
71 | <enumeration value="cpp" />
72 | <enumeration value="vb" />
73 | <enumeration value="vbs" />
74 | <enumeration value="js" />
75 | <enumeration value="c#" />
76 | <enumeration value="j#" />
77 | <enumeration value="jscript#" />
78 | <enumeration value="cpp#"/>
79 | <enumeration value="vb#" />
80 | <enumeration value="xml"/>
81 | <enumeration value="html" />
82 | <!--<enumeration value="other"/>-->
83 | <!--<enumeration value="other#"/>-->
84 | <!-- the following 3 were entered for DDUELocTools bug 1858 -->
85 | <enumeration value="unstlib"/>
86 | <enumeration value="minterastlib"/>
87 | <enumeration value="mintraastlib"/>
88 | <!-- CAS: added the following for DDUE -->
89 | <enumeration value="vb-c#"/>
90 | <enumeration value="jscript"/>
91 | <enumeration value="scr"/>
92 | </restriction>
93 | </simpleType>
94 |
95 | <!-- attribute declarations -->
96 | <attributeGroup name="contentFlavourGroup">
97 | <annotation>
98 | <documentation>
99 | The contentFlavourGroup attribute group provides a set of attributes for describing the
100 | general flavour of content.
101 | </documentation>
102 | </annotation>
103 |
104 | <attribute name="language" type="token">
105 | <annotation>
106 | <documentation>
107 | The language attribute describes the natural language of a particular part of a document.
108 | </documentation>
109 | <documentation>
110 | This attribute should eventually use a simpleType that provides the list of natural languages.
111 | </documentation>
112 | </annotation>
113 | </attribute>
114 |
115 | <attribute name="userLevel" type="token">
116 | <annotation>
117 | <documentation>
118 | The userLevel attribute describes the level of user that is appropriate for a
119 | particular part of a document. The level may map to personas or to levels of
120 | knowledge.
121 | </documentation>
122 | </annotation>
123 | </attribute>
124 |
125 | <attribute name="technology" type="token">
126 | <annotation>
127 | <documentation>
128 | The technology attribute describes one or more technologies to which the
129 | content applies.
130 | </documentation>
131 | </annotation>
132 | </attribute>
133 |
134 | <attribute name="textType" default="normal">
135 | <annotation>
136 | <documentation>
137 | The class attribute is used to select the type of content.
138 | </documentation>
139 | </annotation>
140 | <simpleType>
141 | <restriction base="token">
142 | <enumeration value="normal" />
143 | <enumeration value="overview" />
144 | <enumeration value="prescriptive" />
145 | <enumeration value="abstract" />
146 | <enumeration value="conclusion"/>
147 | <enumeration value="legal"/>
148 | <enumeration value="prerequisite"/>
149 | <enumeration value="advertisement"/>
150 | </restriction>
151 | </simpleType>
152 | </attribute>
153 | </attributeGroup>
154 |
155 | <simpleType name="conditionStringType">
156 | <restriction base="anyURI">
157 | </restriction>
158 | </simpleType>
159 |
160 | <attributeGroup name="addressAttributeGroup">
161 | <attribute name="address" type="ID">
162 | <annotation>
163 | <documentation>
164 | The address attribute describes the attached content with a unique ID/GUID/URI that
165 | can be referenced for sharing, hyperlinking or other purposes.
166 | </documentation>
167 | </annotation>
168 | </attribute>
169 | </attributeGroup>
170 |
171 | <attributeGroup name="contentIdentificationSharingAndConditionGroup">
172 | <annotation>
173 | <documentation>
174 | The contentIdentificationSharingAndConditionGroup provides a set of attributes for
175 | identifying content and for marking it for sharing and conditional filtering.
176 | </documentation>
177 | </annotation>
178 |
179 | <attributeGroup ref="maml:addressAttributeGroup"/>
180 |
181 | <!--<attribute name="condition" type="maml:conditionStringType">
182 | <annotation>
183 | <documentation>
184 | The value of this attribute is a reference to a condition set that holds one
185 | or more conditions that must be met if the element to which this attribute is applied
186 | is to be considered 'relevant'. (Relevance may be a build-time or a run-time concept).
187 | </documentation>
188 | </annotation>
189 | </attribute>-->
190 |
191 | </attributeGroup>
192 |
193 | <attributeGroup name="linkingGroup">
194 | <attribute ref="xlink:href"/>
195 | </attributeGroup>
196 |
197 | <!-- complexType declarations -->
198 | <complexType name="textType">
199 | <annotation>
200 | <documentation>
201 | This type includes the common attributes and allows character data.
202 | </documentation>
203 | </annotation>
204 | <simpleContent>
205 | <extension base="normalizedString">
206 | <attributeGroup ref="maml:contentIdentificationSharingAndConditionGroup"/>
207 | </extension>
208 | </simpleContent>
209 | </complexType>
210 |
211 | <complexType name="emptyType">
212 | <annotation>
213 | <documentation>
214 | The emptyType type is intended for empty element w/o attributes.
215 | There is no schema type for empty.
216 | </documentation>
217 | </annotation>
218 | </complexType>
219 |
220 | </schema>