1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 | <schema
3 | xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
4 | xmlns:maml="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
5 | xmlns:doc="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/internal"
6 | targetNamespace="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
7 | blockDefault="#all"
8 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
9 | attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
10 | xml:lang="en"
11 | >
12 |
13 | <!-- Schema documentation -->
14 | <annotation>
15 | <documentation>
16 | This schema describes MAML, the Microsoft Assistance Markup Language.
17 | MAML is intended for software documentation. In particular, it is
18 | intended to accomodate the needs of Microsoft documentation.
19 | </documentation>
20 | <documentation>
21 | The schema is broken into three main areas: end user, developer and
22 | IT Pro. These areas adequaltely categorize Microsoft
23 | documentation.
24 | </documentation>
25 | <documentation>
26 | The namespace uri for this version of Maml is: http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5.
27 | Each backwards-incompatible revision to Maml will require that the date fields be appropriately
28 | incremented in uri of the updated version of the Maml schema.
29 | </documentation>
30 | </annotation>
31 |
32 | <annotation>
33 | <documentation>
34 | This portion of the schema was created by alexstoc in April 2003.
35 | </documentation>
36 | </annotation>
37 |
38 | <include schemaLocation="base.xsd"/>
39 |
40 | <complexType name="programmingLanguageType" mixed="false">
41 | <simpleContent>
42 | <extension base="maml:devLanguagesType"/>
43 | </simpleContent>
44 | </complexType>
45 |
46 | <element name="programmingLanguage" type="maml:programmingLanguageType">
47 | <annotation>
48 | <documentation>
49 | This element is used to hold a programming language.
50 | </documentation>
51 | <appinfo>
52 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
53 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
54 | </appinfo>
55 | </annotation>
56 | </element>
57 |
58 | <simpleType name="operatingSystemsStringType">
59 | <restriction base="token">
60 | <enumeration value="Win95"/> <!--Windows 95-->
61 | <enumeration value="Win98"/> <!--Windows 98-->
62 | <enumeration value="Win98Se"/> <!--Windows 98 Second Edition-->
63 | <enumeration value="WinMe"/> <!--Windows Millennium Edition-->
64 | <enumeration value="WinNt4Server"/> <!--Windows NT Server 4.0-->
65 | <enumeration value="WinNt4Workstation"/> <!--Windows NT Workstation 4.0-->
66 | <enumeration value="Win2kProfessional"/> <!--Windows 2000 Professional-->
67 | <enumeration value="Win2kServer"/> <!--Windows 2000 Server-->
68 | <enumeration value="Win2kAdvanced"/> <!--Windows 2000 Advanced Server-->
69 | <enumeration value="Win2kDatacenter"/> <!--Windows 2000 Datacenter Server-->
70 | <enumeration value="Win2kServerApplianceKit"/> <!--Windows 2000 with Server Appliance Kit-->
71 | <enumeration value="WinXpHome"/> <!--Windows XP Home Edition-->
72 | <enumeration value="WinXpProfessional"/> <!--Windows XP Professional-->
73 | <enumeration value="WinXpMediaCenter"/> <!--Windows XP Media Center-->
74 | <enumeration value="WinXpTablet"/> <!--Windows XP Tablet PC-->
75 | <enumeration value="WinXpEmbedded"/> <!--Windows XP Embedded-->
76 | <enumeration value="Win2003Server"/> <!--Windows Server 2003-->
77 | <!--<enumeration value="WinCeDotNet"/> --> <!--Windows CE .NET-->
78 | <enumeration value="NETCF"/> <!--Windows CE .NET-->
79 | </restriction>
80 | </simpleType>
81 |
82 | <simpleType name="operatingSystemFamiliesStringType">
83 | <restriction base="token">
84 | <enumeration value="Win9xFamily"/> <!--Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition-->
85 | <enumeration value="WinNt4Family"/> <!--Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows NT Workstation 4.0-->
86 | <enumeration value="Win2kFamily"/> <!--Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server-->
87 | <enumeration value="WinXpFamily"/> <!--Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Media Center, Windows XP Tablet PC-->
88 | <!--<enumeration value="WinCeFamily"/> --> <!--Windows CE .NET (and previous versions)-->
89 | </restriction>
90 | </simpleType>
91 |
92 | <simpleType name="platformStringType">
93 | <union memberTypes="maml:operatingSystemsStringType maml:operatingSystemFamiliesStringType">
94 | <simpleType>
95 | <restriction base="token">
96 | <enumeration value="EcmaCli"/> <!--Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Standard-->
97 | </restriction>
98 | </simpleType>
99 | </union>
100 | </simpleType>
101 |
102 | <complexType name="platformType" mixed="false">
103 | <simpleContent>
104 | <extension base="maml:platformStringType"/>
105 | </simpleContent>
106 | </complexType>
107 |
108 | <element name="platform" type="maml:platformType">
109 | <annotation>
110 | <documentation>
111 | This element holds the identifier for a platform (such as an operating system version).
112 | </documentation>
113 | <appinfo>
114 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
115 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
116 | </appinfo>
117 | </annotation>
118 | </element>
119 |
120 | <simpleType name="legacyPlatformStringType">
121 | <restriction base="token">
122 | <enumeration value="Win"/>
123 | <enumeration value="Mac"/>
124 | </restriction>
125 | </simpleType>
126 |
127 | <complexType name="legacyPlatformType" mixed="false">
128 | <simpleContent>
129 | <extension base="maml:legacyPlatformStringType"/>
130 | </simpleContent>
131 | </complexType>
132 |
133 | <element name="legacyPlatform" type="maml:legacyPlatformType">
134 | <annotation>
135 | <documentation>
136 | This element holds the identifier for a platform used in conditional markup.
137 | </documentation>
138 | <appinfo>
139 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
140 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
141 | </appinfo>
142 | </annotation>
143 | </element>
144 |
145 | <simpleType name="legacyMediumStringType">
146 | <restriction base="token">
147 | <enumeration value="CD"/>
148 | <enumeration value="Online"/>
149 | <enumeration value="Print"/>
150 | <enumeration value="VSonly"/>
151 | <enumeration value="SDKonly"/>
152 | </restriction>
153 | </simpleType>
154 |
155 | <complexType name="legacyMediumType" mixed="false">
156 | <simpleContent>
157 | <extension base="maml:legacyMediumStringType"/>
158 | </simpleContent>
159 | </complexType>
160 |
161 | <element name="legacyMedium" type="maml:legacyMediumType">
162 | <annotation>
163 | <documentation>
164 | This element holds the identifier for a medium used in conditional markup.
165 | </documentation>
166 | <appinfo>
167 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
168 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
169 | </appinfo>
170 | </annotation>
171 | </element>
172 |
173 | <simpleType name="legacyUserDefinedStringType">
174 | <restriction base="token">
175 | <enumeration value="Ent"/>
176 | <enumeration value="Pro"/>
177 | <enumeration value="Std"/>
178 | <enumeration value="Comment"/>
179 | <enumeration value="Rad"/>
180 | <enumeration value="Net"/>
181 | <enumeration value="None"/>
182 | <enumeration value="Jsharp"/>
183 | <enumeration value="Vb"/>
184 | <enumeration value="Cplus"/>
185 | <enumeration value="Csharp"/>
186 | <enumeration value="Office"/>
187 | <enumeration value="VS"/>
188 | <enumeration value="SqlServer"/>
189 | <enumeration value="Js7"/>
190 | <enumeration value="Js7net"/>
191 | <enumeration value="Vblr7"/>
192 | <enumeration value="Vblr7net"/>
193 | </restriction>
194 | </simpleType>
195 |
196 | <complexType name="legacyUserDefinedType" mixed="false">
197 | <simpleContent>
198 | <extension base="maml:legacyUserDefinedStringType"/>
199 | </simpleContent>
200 | </complexType>
201 |
202 | <element name="legacyUserDefined" type="maml:legacyUserDefinedType">
203 | <annotation>
204 | <documentation>
205 | This element holds the identifier for a user-defined condition used in conditional markup.
206 | </documentation>
207 | <appinfo>
208 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
209 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
210 | </appinfo>
211 | </annotation>
212 | </element>
213 |
214 | <complexType name="platformsType" mixed="false">
215 | <sequence>
216 | <element ref="maml:platform" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
217 | </sequence>
218 | </complexType>
219 |
220 | <element name="platforms" type="maml:platformsType">
221 | <annotation>
222 | <documentation>
223 | This element is a collection of platform elements.
224 | </documentation>
225 | <appinfo>
226 | <doc:localizable>n/a</doc:localizable>
227 | <doc:type>structure</doc:type>
228 | </appinfo>
229 | </annotation>
230 | </element>
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 | </schema>