1 |
2 | // Dropdown menu control
3 |
4 | function Dropdown(activatorId, dropdownId) {
5 |
6 | // store activator and dropdown elements
7 | this.activator = document.getElementById(activatorId);
8 | this.dropdown = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
9 |
10 | // wire up show/hide events
11 | registerEventHandler(this.activator,'mouseover', getInstanceDelegate(this, "show"));
12 | registerEventHandler(this.activator,'mouseout', getInstanceDelegate(this, "requestHide"));
13 | registerEventHandler(this.dropdown,'mouseover', getInstanceDelegate(this, "show"));
14 | registerEventHandler(this.dropdown,'mouseout', getInstanceDelegate(this, "requestHide"));
15 |
16 | // fix visibility and position
17 | this.dropdown.style.visibility = 'hidden';
18 | this.dropdown.style.position = 'absolute';
19 | this.reposition(null);
20 |
21 | // wire up repositioning event
22 | registerEventHandler(window, 'resize', getInstanceDelegate(this, "reposition"));
23 |
24 |
25 | }
26 |
27 | Dropdown.prototype.show = function(e) {
28 | clearTimeout(this.timer);
29 | this.dropdown.style.visibility = 'visible';
30 | }
31 |
32 | Dropdown.prototype.hide = function(e) {
33 | this.dropdown.style.visibility = 'hidden';
34 | }
35 |
36 | Dropdown.prototype.requestHide = function(e) {
37 | this.timer = setTimeout( getInstanceDelegate(this, "hide"), 250);
38 | }
39 |
40 | Dropdown.prototype.reposition = function(e) {
41 |
42 | // get position of activator
43 | var offsetLeft = 0;
44 | var offsetTop = 0;
45 | var offsetElement = this.activator;
46 | while (offsetElement) {
47 | offsetLeft += offsetElement.offsetLeft;
48 | offsetTop += offsetElement.offsetTop;
49 | offsetElement = offsetElement.offsetParent;
50 | }
51 |
52 | // set position of dropdown relative to it
53 | this.dropdown.style.left = offsetLeft;
54 | this.dropdown.style.top = offsetTop + this.activator.offsetHeight;
55 |
56 | }