BMXNET 4.0 Developer API

The visit object is used to determine the current context of the application. The key wrinkle in the visit class relates to create a common interface for EHR/VueCentric and WinForm applications. The EHR/VueCentric supports visit stubs by default and the WinFramework does not. If the consumer of the visit object is going to use it to make changes to RPMS then the visit can not be a stub and must the visit must be created.


In either EHR or WinForm applications, always check for a stub before you call RPC's to update RPMS. If you do not, the visit may not have been created on RPMS and the visit id will be null.
Copy Code
            if (this.Context.HasVisit)
                if (this.Context.Visit.IsStub && !this.Context.Visit.Create())
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to establish visit.","Editing Disabled");
                //Call RPC to update RPMS with current visit ien

Namespace:  IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Model
Assembly:  BMXNET40 (in BMXNET40.dll)


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public interface Visit
Public Interface Visit
public interface class Visit


 All Members  Properties   Methods  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

If the receiver is a stub, then call Create() to create a visit in RPMS and then new data can be added in the context of a created visit. In the WinForm edition, this all Visits are created to the method will do nothing yet you should call it to be consistent.
In the EHR some visits need user interaction to change from a stub to a created visit.
Official timetamp of the visit
This will be non-null if the visit has been created in RPMS, otherwise it is null and the receiver in considered a stub.
Answer true if a future appointment.
If a visit can not be added to if it is locked. In the WinForm edition, all visits answered by BMX FIND VISIT are considered unlocked.
If a visit is transient in the client memory space, it is a stub. In the EHR visits are often created as stubs (Create New is not checked) Once data is entered, the visit is created. The WinForm only supports full created visits therefore IsStub is always false
Hospital Location of the visit
Primary provider of the visit

See Also