1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 | <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
3 | xmlns:maml="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
4 | xmlns:doc="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/internal"
5 | targetNamespace="http://ddue.schemas.microsoft.com/authoring/2003/5"
6 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
7 | attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
8 | >
9 |
10 | <!-- Schema documentation -->
11 | <annotation>
12 | <documentation>
13 | This schema definition defines block inline types for the CS Schema.
14 | This schema is part of the base layer.
15 | </documentation>
16 | </annotation>
17 |
18 | <!-- include and import declarations -->
19 | <include schemaLocation="inline.xsd"/>
20 |
21 | <!-- Element declarations -->
22 | <element name="code">
23 | <annotation>
24 | <documentation>
25 | The code element describes a code fragment.
26 | </documentation>
27 | <appinfo>
28 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
29 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
30 | </appinfo>
31 | </annotation>
32 | <complexType mixed="true">
33 | <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
34 | <element name="legacyItalic" type="maml:textType" />
35 | <element name="codeFeaturedElement" type="maml:textType" />
36 | <element ref="maml:placeholder"/>
37 | <element name="comment" type="string" >
38 | <annotation>
39 | <documentation>
40 | The comment element allows for the description of code/developer
41 | comments within a code block.
42 | </documentation>
43 | <appinfo>
44 | <doc:localizable>true</doc:localizable>
45 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
46 | </appinfo>
47 | </annotation>
48 | </element>
49 | </choice>
50 | <attributeGroup ref="maml:contentIdentificationSharingAndConditionGroup"/>
51 | <attribute name="language" type="maml:devLanguagesType">
52 | <annotation>
53 | <documentation>
54 | The language attribute describes the programming language used in a code sample or
55 | some other programattic structure.
56 | </documentation>
57 | </annotation>
58 | </attribute>
59 | </complexType>
60 | </element>
61 |
62 | <simpleType name="codeReferenceStringType">
63 | <restriction base="token">
64 | </restriction>
65 | </simpleType>
66 |
67 | <complexType name="codeReferenceType" mixed="false">
68 | <simpleContent>
69 | <extension base="maml:codeReferenceStringType">
70 | </extension>
71 | </simpleContent>
72 | </complexType>
73 |
74 | <element name="codeReference" type="maml:codeReferenceType">
75 | <annotation>
76 | <documentation>
77 | This element holds a reference to a block of code.
78 | </documentation>
79 | <appinfo>
80 | <doc:localizable>false</doc:localizable>
81 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
82 | </appinfo>
83 | </annotation>
84 | </element>
85 |
86 | <group name="codeGroup">
87 | <choice>
88 | <element ref="maml:code"/>
89 | <element ref="maml:codeReference"/>
90 | </choice>
91 | </group>
92 |
93 | <element name="computerOutput" type="maml:inlineType">
94 | <annotation>
95 | <documentation>
96 | The computerOutput element describes UI or console output.
97 | </documentation>
98 | <appinfo>
99 | <doc:localizable>true</doc:localizable>
100 | <doc:type>paragraph</doc:type>
101 | </appinfo>
102 | </annotation>
103 | </element>
104 |
105 | <!-- group declarations -->
106 | <group name="blockSoftwareGroup">
107 | <choice>
108 | <group ref="maml:codeGroup"/>
109 | <element ref="maml:computerOutput"/>
110 | </choice>
111 | </group>
112 | </schema>