using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; using IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Net; using IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Services; using IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Model; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace IndianHealthService.BMXNet { /// /// BMXNetBroker implements low-level socket connectivity to RPMS databases. /// The VA RPC Broker must be running on the RPMS server in order for /// BMXNetBroker to connect. /// [DnsPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)] internal abstract class BMXNetBroker:EncryptionProvider { public static BMXNetBroker CreateSocketBroker() { return (BMXNetBroker)new BMXNetSocketBroker(); } private Log _log = new NullLog(); public Log Log { get { return _log; } set { _log = value; } } public BMXNetBroker() { this.EncryptionProvider = new BMXAdeCrypto(); } internal RemoteSessionPool CreateRemoteSessionPool(BMXNetSessionConnectionSource aSource, int maxConnectionCount) { BMXRemoteSessionPool pool = new BMXRemoteSessionPool(); pool.Log = this.Log; pool.MaxSessions = maxConnectionCount; pool.Begin(aSource); return pool; } public abstract bool IsConnected { get; } public abstract RemoteSession PrimaryRemoteSession { get; } public virtual bool Open(string aServer, int aPort, string aNameSpace, string anAccessCode, string aVerifyCode, int sendTimeout, int receiveTimeout) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public virtual bool Open(string aServer, int aPort, string aNameSpace, WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity, int sendTimeout, int receiveTimeout) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } private EncryptionProvider _encryptionProvider = null; public EncryptionProvider EncryptionProvider { get { return _encryptionProvider; } set { _encryptionProvider = value; } } public String Duz { get { return this.User.Duz; } } private User _user=null; public User User { get { return _user; } set { _user = value; } } public double ImHereServer() { try { DateTime past = DateTime.Now; this.PrimaryRemoteSession.TransmitRPC("BMX IM HERE", ""); return (DateTime.Now - past).TotalMilliseconds; } catch { return -1; } } public abstract void Close(); public abstract RemoteSessionPool RemoteSessionPool { get; } #region Piece Functions /// /// Corresponds to M's $L(STRING,DELIMITER) /// /// /// /// internal static int PieceLength(string sInput, string sDelim) { char[] cDelim = sDelim.ToCharArray(); string[] cSplit = sInput.Split(cDelim); return cSplit.GetLength(0); } /// /// Corresponds to M's $$Piece function /// /// /// /// /// internal static string Piece(string sInput, string sDelim, int nNumber) { try { char[] cDelim = sDelim.ToCharArray(); string[] cSplit = sInput.Split(cDelim); int nLength = cSplit.GetLength(0); if ((nLength < nNumber) || (nNumber < 1)) return ""; return cSplit[nNumber - 1]; } catch (Exception bmxEx) { string sMessage = bmxEx.Message + bmxEx.StackTrace; throw new BMXNetException(sMessage); } } internal static string Piece(string sInput, string sDelim, int nNumber, int nEnd) { try { if (nNumber < 0) nNumber = 1; if (nEnd < nNumber) return ""; if (nEnd == nNumber) return Piece(sInput, sDelim, nNumber); char[] cDelim = sDelim.ToCharArray(); string[] cSplit = sInput.Split(cDelim); int nLength = cSplit.GetLength(0); if ((nLength < nNumber) || (nNumber < 1)) return ""; //nNumber = 1-based index of the starting element to return //nLength = count of elements //nEnd = 1-based index of last element to return //nCount = number of elements past nNumber to return //convert nNumber to 0-based index: nNumber--; //convert nEnd to 0-based index; nEnd--; //Calculate nCount; int nCount = nEnd - nNumber + 1; //Adjust nCount for number of elements if (nCount + nNumber >= nLength) { nCount = nLength - nNumber; } string sRet = string.Join(sDelim, cSplit, nNumber, nCount); return sRet; } catch (Exception bmxEx) { string sMessage = bmxEx.Message + bmxEx.StackTrace; throw new BMXNetException(sMessage); } } #endregion Piece Functions #region RPX Functions /// /// Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3. Default for nLength is 3. /// /// /// internal protected string ADEBLDPadString(string strInput) { return ADEBLDPadString(strInput, 3); } /// /// Given strInput = "13" builds "013" if nLength = 3 Default for nLength is 3. /// /// /// Default = 3 /// internal protected string ADEBLDPadString(string strInput, int nLength ) //=3 { return strInput.PadLeft(nLength, '0'); } /// /// Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput /// Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" /// If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" /// Default for nSize is 3. /// /// /// internal protected string ADEBLDB(string sInput) { return ADEBLDB(sInput, 3); } /// /// Concatenates zero-padded length of sInput to sInput /// Given "Hello" returns "004Hello" /// If nSize = 5, returns "00004Hello" /// Default for nSize is 3. /// /// /// /// internal protected string ADEBLDB(string sInput, int nSize) //=3 { int nLen = sInput.Length; string sLen = this.ADEBLDPadString(nLen.ToString(), nSize); return sLen + sInput; } /// /// Build protocol header /// /// /// /// /// /// internal protected string ADEBHDR(string sWKID, string sWINH, string sPRCH, string sWISH) { string strResult; strResult = sWKID + ";" + sWINH + ";" + sPRCH + ";" + sWISH + ";"; strResult = ADEBLDB(strResult); return strResult; } internal protected string ADEBLDMsg(string cHDR, string cRPC, string cParam) { string sMult = ""; return ADEBLDMsg(cHDR, cRPC, cParam, ref sMult); } internal protected string ADEBLDMsg(string cHDR, string cRPC, string cParam, ref string cMult) { //Builds RPC message //TODO: Verify that this is still needed. If this is needed, it should be //handled exclusively on the RPMS-side and allow TCP/IP to optimize the //transort string cMSG; string sBuild = ""; string sPiece = ""; int l; int nLength; if (cParam == "") { cMSG = "0" + cRPC; } else { l = PieceLength(cParam, "^"); for (int j = 1; j <= l; j++) { sPiece = Piece(cParam, "^", j); nLength = sPiece.Length + 1; sPiece = ADEBLDPadString(nLength.ToString()) + "0" + sPiece; sBuild = sBuild + sPiece; } nLength = sBuild.Length; string sTotLen = ADEBLDPadString(nLength.ToString(), 5); if (cMult.Length > 0) { cMSG = "1" + cRPC + "^" + sTotLen + sBuild; } else { cMSG = "0" + cRPC + "^" + sTotLen + sBuild; } } cMSG = ADEBLDB(cMSG, 5); cMSG = cHDR + cMSG; return cMSG; } internal static int FindChar(byte[] c, char y) { int n = 0; int nRet = -1; for (n = 0; n < c.Length; n++) { if (y == (char)c[n]) { nRet = n; break; } } return nRet; } internal static int FindChar(string s, char y) { int n = 0; int nRet = -1; foreach (char c in s) { if (y == c) { nRet = n; break; } n++; } return nRet; } /// /// Returns index of first instance of sSubString in sString. /// If sSubString not found, returns -1. /// /// /// /// internal static int FindSubString(string sString, string sSubString) { int nFound = -1; int nLimit = sString.Length - sSubString.Length + 1; if (nLimit < 0) return -1; int nSubLength = sSubString.Length; for (int j = 0; j < nLimit; j++) { if (sString.Substring(j, nSubLength) == sSubString) { nFound = j; break; } } return nFound; } /* StreamWriter m_LogWriter; bool m_bLogging = false; public void StartLog() { try { if (m_bLogging) { throw new Exception("Already logging."); } string sFile = "BMXLog " + DateTime.Now.DayOfYear.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + ".log"; StartLog(sFile); return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } public void StartLog(string LogFileName) { try { if (m_bLogging) { throw new Exception("Already logging."); } m_LogWriter = File.AppendText(LogFileName); m_bLogging = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } public void StopLog() { try { //Close the writer and underlying file. if (m_bLogging == false) { return; } m_LogWriter.Close(); m_bLogging = false; return; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } private static void Log(String logMessage, TextWriter w) { w.WriteLine("{0} {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); w.WriteLine(" :"); w.WriteLine(" :{0}", logMessage); w.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); // Update the underlying file. w.Flush(); } public bool Lock(string Variable) { return Lock(Variable, "", ""); } public bool Lock(string Variable, string Increment) { return Lock(Variable, Increment, ""); } /// /// Lock a local or global M variable /// Returns true if lock is obtained during TimeOut seconds /// Use + to increment, - to decrement lock. /// /// /// /// /// public bool Lock(string Variable, string Increment, string TimeOut) { try { string sContext = this.AppContext; this.AppContext = "BMXRPC"; Variable = Variable.Replace("^", "~"); string sRet = "0"; bool bRet = false; string sParam = Variable + "^" + Increment + "^" + TimeOut; sRet = TransmitRPC("BMX LOCK", sParam); bRet = (sRet == "1") ? true : false; this.AppContext = sContext; return bRet; } catch (Exception ex) { string sMsg = ex.Message; return false; } } static ReaderWriterLock m_rwl = new ReaderWriterLock(); private int m_nRWLTimeout = 30000; //30-second default timeout /// /// Returns a reference to the internal ReaderWriterLock member. /// public ReaderWriterLock BMXRWL { get { return m_rwl; } } /// /// Sets and returns the timeout in milliseconds for locking the transmit port. /// If the transmit port is unavailable an ApplicationException will be thrown. /// public int RWLTimeout { get { return m_nRWLTimeout; } set { m_nRWLTimeout = value; } } protected string EncodeSendString(String cSendString, String cMulti) { String encoded = null; int nLen = cSendString.Length; string sLen = nLen.ToString(); sLen = sLen.PadLeft(5, '0'); encoded = sLen + cSendString; nLen += 15; sLen = nLen.ToString(); sLen = sLen.PadLeft(5, '0'); encoded = "{BMX}" + sLen + encoded; encoded = encoded + cMulti; return encoded; } protected string DecodeReceiveString(String aString) { return aString; } protected String SendReceiveString(String sendString) { return this.SendReceiveString(sendString, ""); } protected abstract String SendReceiveString(String sendString, String multi); public virtual string TransmitRPC(string sRPC, string sParam, int nLockTimeOut) { try { try { if (!this.IsConnected) { throw new BMXNetException("BMXNetBroker.TransmitRPC failed because BMXNetBroker is not connected to RPMS."); } string priorAppContext = this.AppContext; if (sRPC.StartsWith("BMX") && (this.AppContext != "BMXRPC")) { this.AppContext = "BMXRPC"; } string sMult = ""; string sSend = ADEBLDMsg(m_cHDR, sRPC, sParam, ref sMult); string strResult = SendReceiveString(sSend, sMult); this.AppContext = priorAppContext; return strResult; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "Unable to write data to the transport connection.") { this.BeDisconnected(); } throw ex; } finally { } } catch (ApplicationException aex) { // The writer lock request timed out. Debug.Write("TransmitRPC writer lock request timed out.\n"); throw aex; } catch (Exception OuterEx) { throw OuterEx; } } public virtual void BeDisconnected() { //TAE } public string TransmitRPC(string sRPC, string sParam) { try { return TransmitRPC(sRPC, sParam, m_nRWLTimeout); } catch (ApplicationException aex) { throw aex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } public abstract string GetLoginFacility(String aDuz); #endregion RPX Functions /// /// Gets/sets the Kernel Application context /// Throws an exception if unable to set the context. /// public string AppContext { get { return m_cAppContext; } set { if (m_cAppContext == value) return; //Send the changed context to RPMS if ((this.IsConnected) && (value != null) && (value != "")) { try { string sRPC = ADEEncryp(value); string sAuthentication = TransmitRPC("XWB CREATE CONTEXT", sRPC); if (BMXNetBroker.FindSubString(sAuthentication, "does not have access to option") > -1) { throw new BMXNetException(sAuthentication); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.Message); throw ex; } } m_cAppContext = value; } } public string DUZ { get { return m_cDUZ; } set { this.m_cDUZ = value; } } */ #region Encryption Keys private string[] m_sKey = new string[] { @"wkEo-ZJt!dG)49K{nX1BS$vH<&:Myf*>Ae0jQW=;|#PsO`'%+rmb[gpqN,l6/hFC@DcUa ]z~R}""V\iIxu?872.(TYL5_3", @"rKv`R;M/9BqAF%&tSs#Vh)dO1DZP> *fX'u[.4lY=-mg_ci802N7LTG<]!CWo:3?{+,5Q}(@jaExn$~p\IyHwzU""|k6Jeb", @"\pV(ZJk""WQmCn!Y,y@1d+~8s?[lNMxgHEt=uw|X:qSLjAI*}6zoF{T3#;ca)/h5%`P4$r]G'9e2if_>UDKb7H=CT8S!", @"NZW:1}K$byP;jk)7'`x90B|cq@iSsEnu,(l-hf.&Y_?J#R]+voQXU8mrV[!p4tg~OMez CAaGFD6H53%L/dT2<*>""{\wI=", @"vCiJ[D_0xR32c*4.P""G{r7}E8wUgyudF+6-:B=$(sY,LkbHa#'@Q", @"hvMX,'4Ty;[a8/{6l~F_V""}qLI\!@x(D7bRmUH]W15J%N0BYPkrs&9:$)Zj>u|zwQ=ieC-oGA.#?tfdcO3gp`S+En K2*<", @"jd!W5[];4'?ghBzIFN}fAK""#`p_TqtD*1E37XGVs@0nmSe+Y6Qyo-aUu%i8c=H2vJ\) R:MLb.9,wlO~P", @"2ThtjEM+!=xXb)7,ZV{*ci3""8@_l-HS69L>]\AUF/Q%:qD?1~m(yvO0e'<#o$p4dnIzKP|`NrkaGg.ufCRB[; sJYwW}5&", @"vB\5/zl-9y:Pj|=(R'7QJI *&CTX""p0]_3.idcuOefVU#omwNZ`$Fs?L+1Sk<,b)hM4A6[Y%aDrg@~KqEW8t>H};n!2xG{", @"sFz0Bo@_HfnK>LR}qWXV+D6`Y28=4Cm~G/7-5A\b9!a#rP.l&M$hc3ijQk;),TvUd<[:I""u1'NZSOw]*gxtE{eJp|y (?%", @"M@,D}|LJyGO8`$*ZqH .j>c~hanG", @"xVa1']_GU#zm+:5b@06O3Ap8=*7ZFY!H-uEQk; .q)i&rhd", @"I]Jz7AG@QX.""%3Lq>METUo{Pp_ |a6<0dYVSv8:b)~W9NK`(r'4fs&wim\kReC2hg=HOj$1B*/nxt,;c#y+![?lFuZ-5D}", @"Rr(Ge6F Hx>q$m&C%M~Tn,:""o'tX/*yP.{lZ!YkiVhuw_y|m};d)-7DZ""Fe/Y9 WidFN,1KsmwQ)GJM{I4:C%}#Ep(?HB/r;t.&U8o|l['Lg""2hRDyZ5`nbf]qjc0!zS-TkYO<_=76a\X@$Pe3+xVvu", @"yYgjf""5VdHc#uA,W1i+v'6|@pr{n;DJ!8(btPGaQM.LT3oe?NB/&9>Z`-}02*%x<7lsqz4OS ~E$\R]KI[:UwC_=h)kXmF", @"5:iar.{YU7mBZR@-K|2 ""+~`M%8sq4JhPo<_X\Sg3WC;Tuxz,fvEQ1p9=w}FAI&j/keD0c?)LN6OHV]lGy'$*>nd[(tb!#", }; #endregion Encryption Keys #endregion public virtual string RegisterWindowsIdentityForWindowsAuthenication(WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #region IEncryptionProvider Members public virtual string Encrypt(string aString) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public virtual string Decrypt(string aString) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endregion } }