SampleSuiteExtension Example This is a minimal example of a SuiteBuilder extension. It extends NUnit.Core.TestSuite test suite and creates a fixture that runs every test starting with "SampleTest..." It packages both the core extension and the attribute used in the tests in the same assembly. SampleSuiteExtension Class This class derives from NUnit.Framework.TestSuite and represents the extended suite within NUnit. Because it inherits from TestSuite, rather than TestFixture, it has to construct its own fixture object and find its own tests. Everything is done in the constructor for simplicity. SampleSuiteExtensionBuilder This class is the actual SuiteBuilder loaded by NUnit as an add-in. It recognizes the SampleSuiteExtensionAttribute and invokes the SampleSuiteExtension constructor to build the suite. SampleSuiteExtensionAttribute This is the special attribute used to mark tests to be constructed using this add-in. It is the only class referenced from the user tests. Note on Building this Extension If you use the Visual Studio solution, the NUnit references in both included projects must be changed so that they refer to the copy of NUnit in which you want to install the extension. The post-build step for the SampleSuiteExtension project must be changed to copy the extension into the addins directory for your NUnit install. NOTE: The references to nunit.core and nunit.common in the SampleSuiteExtension project have their Copy Local property set to false, rather than the Visual Studio default of true. In developing extensions, it is essential there be no extra copies of these assemblies be created. Once the extension is complete, those who install it in binary form will not need to deal with this issue.