BMXRPC5 ; IHS/OIT/HMW - BMX REMOTE PROCEDURE CALLS ; ;;4.1000;BMX;;Apr 17, 2011 ; ;Stolen from Mike Remillard. If it doesn't work, it's his fault. HS(BMXGBL,BMXDFN,BMXTYPE,BMXRDL,BMXFDL) ;EP ;---> Return patient's Health Summary in global array, ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS" ;---> Lines delimited by BMXRDL ;---> File delimited by BMXFDL ;---> Called by RPC: BMX HEALTH SUMMARY ;---> Parameters: ; 1 - BMXGBL (ret) Name of result global containing patient's ; Health Summary, passed to Broker. ; 2 - BMXDFN (req) DFN of patient. ; ;---> Delimiter to pass error with result to GUI. N BMX30,BMX31,BMXERR,X ;S BMX30=$C(30),BMX31=$C(31)_$C(31) S BMX30=$G(BMXRDL) I BMX30="" S BMX30=$C(13)_$C(10) S BMX31=$G(BMXFDL) S BMXGBL="^BMXTEMP("_$J_",""HS"")",BMXERR="" K ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS") ; N BMXPATH ;---> Should get path from a Site Parameter. For now, use MSM default. S BMXPATH="/usr/spool/uucppublic/" ;S BMXPATH="C:\MSM\" ;TODO: Change to site parameter ;--->Flag to test whether running as broker job: N BMXSOCK S BMXSOCK=0 ;I $I=56 S BMXSOCK=1 ; ;---> If DFN not supplied, set Error Code and quit. I '$G(BMXDFN) D Q . S BMXERR="No Patient DFN" S ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",I)=BMX31_BMXERR ; ;---> If patient does not exist, set Error Code and quit. I '$D(^AUPNPAT(BMXDFN,0)) D Q . S BMXERR="Patient DFN does not exist" S ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",I)=BMX31_BMXERR ; N APCHSPAT,APCHSTYP S APCHSPAT=BMXDFN S APCHSTYP=$G(BMXTYPE) S:'+APCHSTYP APCHSTYP=7 ;S APCHSTYP=9 ;---> Doesn't work from Device 56. ;D GUIR^XBLM("EN^APCHS","^TMP(""BMXHS"",$J,") ; ;---> Generate a host file name. N BMXFN S BMXFN="XB"_$J ; D .;---> Important to preserve IO variables for when $I returns to 56. .N IO,IOBS,IOF,IOHG,IOM,ION,IOPAR,IOS,IOSL,IOST,IOT,IOUPAR,IOXY .; .;---> Open host file to receive legacy code display. .S Y=$$OPEN^%ZISH(BMXPATH,BMXFN,"W") .;O 51:(BMXPATH_BMXFN:"W") .;S IO=51,IOST="P-OTHER80" .;K ^HW("HS") .;S ^HW("HS","IOST")=$G(IOST) .;S ^HW("HS","IO")=$G(IO) .; .;---> Call to legacy code for Health Summary display. .S IOSL=999,IOM=80 .D EN^APCHS .;---> Write End of File (EOF) marker. .W $C(9) .; .;---> %ZISC doesn't close Device 51 when called from TCPIP socket? .;D ^%ZISC .;---> Buffer won't write out to file until the device is closed .;---> or the buffer is flushed by some other command. .;---> At this point, host file exists but has 0 bytes. .;C 51 .;---> Now host file contains legacy code display data. .; .;---> For some reason %ZISH cannot open the host file a second time. .;S Y=$$OPEN^%ZISH(BMXPATH,BMXFN,"R") .;O 51:(BMXPATH_BMXFN:"R") .U 51 .; .;---> Read in the host file. .D ..;---> Stop reading Host File if line contains EOF $C(9). ..;N I,Y F I=1:1 R Y Q:Y[$C(9) S ^TMP("BMXHS",$J,I)=Y .; .;---> %ZISC doesn't close Device 51 when called from TCPIP socket? .;D ^%ZISC .;C 51 ; ;---> At this point $I=1. The job has "forgotten" its $I, even ;---> though %SS shows 56 as the current device. $I=1 causes a ;---> at CAPI+10^XWBBRK2. A simple USE 56 command ;---> appears to "remind" the job its $I is 56, and it works. ;---> Possibly this is something %ZISC ordinarily does. I BMXSOCK U 56 ;U 56 ; ;---> Copy Health Summary to global array for passing back to GUI. N I,N,U,X S U="^" S N=0 F I=1:1 S N=$O(^TMP("BMXHS",$J,N)) Q:'N D .;---> Set null lines (line breaks) equal to one space, so that .;---> Windows reader will quit only at the final "null" line. .S X=^TMP("BMXHS",$J,N) S:X="" X=" " .S ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",I)=X_BMX30 ; ;---> If no Health Summary produced, report it as an error. D:'$O(^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",0)) . S BMXERR="No Health Summary produced" S ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",I)=BMX31_BMXERR ; ;---> Tack on Error Delimiter and any error. S ^BMXTEMP($J,"HS",I)=BMX31_BMXERR ; ;---> Delete host file. ;---> This doesn't work. S Y=$$DEL^%ZISH(BMXPATH,BMXFN) ;---> Call system command. ;S ^MIKE(1)=BMXPATH ;S ^MIKE(2)=BMXFN ;S Y=$ZOS(2,BMXPATH_BMXFN) K ^TMP("BMXHS",$J) Q