BMXRPC8 ; IHS/OIT/HMW - BMX REMOTE PROCEDURE CALLS ; ;;4.1000;BMX;;Apr 17, 2011 ; ; BMXLOCKD(BMXY,BMXVAR,BMXINC,BMXTIME) ;EP ;Entry point for debugging ; ;D DEBUG^%Serenji("BMXLOCKD^BMXRPC8(.BMXY,BMXVAR,BMXINC,BMXTIME)") Q ; BMXLOCK(BMXY,BMXVAR,BMXINC,BMXTIME) ;EP ;Called by BMX LOCK rpc to lock variable BMXVAR ;If BMXVAR = "", argumentless lock is performed to release all locks ;BMXINC = increment lock if "+", decrement if "-" ;BMXTIME = lock timeout ;Returns 1 if lock successful, otherwise 0; ; S X="ERR^BMXRPC8",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ; N BMXC S:$E(BMXVAR,1,1)="~" BMXVAR="^"_$E(BMXVAR,2,$L(BMXVAR)) S:BMXTIME="" BMXTIME=0 I BMXVAR="" X "L" S BMXY=1 Q S BMXC="L " S BMXC=BMXC_$S(BMXINC="+":"+",BMXINC="-":"-",1:"") S BMXC=BMXC_BMXVAR_":"_+BMXTIME X BMXC S BMXY=$T Q ; ERR ;Error processing S BMXY=0 Q ; BMXVERD(BMXY,BMXNS,BMXLOC) ;EP ;Entry point for debugging ; ;D DEBUG^%Serenji("BMXVERD^BMXRPC8(.BMXY,BMXNS,BMXLOC)") Q ; BMXVER(BMXY,BMXNS,BMXLOC) ;EP ; ;Called by BMX VERSION INFO rpc ;Returns recordset of version info for server components in namespace BMXNS. ;If BMXLOC is "", then the version info is assumed to be stored in piece 1-3 of ;^APPL(1,0) ; ;TODO: ;BMXLOC, if not null, is either a global reference such that $P(@BMXLOC,U,1,3) returns ;MAJOR^MINOR^BUILD ;Or BMXLOC can be an extrinsic function call that returns MAJOR^MINOR^BUILD. ; ;The returned error field is either "" or contains a text error message. ; N X,BMXI,BMXNOD,BMXDAT ; S X="VETRAP^BMXRPC8",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") S BMXI=0 K ^BMXTMP($J) S BMXY="^BMXTMP("_$J_")" S ^BMXTMP($J,BMXI)="T00030ERROR^T00030MAJOR_VERSION^T00030MINOR_VERSION^T00030BUILD"_$C(30) S BMXI=BMXI+1 I BMXNS="" D VERR(BMXI,"BMXRPC8: Invalid Null Application Namespace") Q S BMXNOD="^"_BMXNS_"APPL(1,0)" S BMXDAT=$G(@BMXNOD) I BMXNS="" D VERR(BMXI,"BMXRPC8: No version info for Application Namespace") Q S ^BMXTMP($J,BMXI)="^"_$P(BMXDAT,U,1,3)_$C(30) Q ; ; VERR(BMXI,BMXERR) ;Error processing S BMXI=BMXI+1 S ^BMXTMP($J,BMXI)=BMXERR_"^^^"_$C(30) S BMXI=BMXI+1 S ^BMXTMP($J,BMXI)=$C(31) Q ; VETRAP ;EP Error trap entry D ^%ZTER I '$D(BMXI) N BMXI S BMXI=999999 S BMXI=BMXI+1 D VERR(BMXI,"BMXRPC8 Error: "_$G(%ZTERROR)) Q ; IMHERE(BMXRES) ;EP ;Entry point for BMX IM HERE remote procedure S BMXRES=1 Q ;