BMXFIND ; IHS/OIT/HMW - BMX GENERIC FIND ; ;;2.2;BMX;;Sep 07, 2010 ; ; TABLE(BMXGBL,BMXFL) ;EP ; ;---> If file number not provided check for file name. ;S ^HW("BMXTABLE")=BMXFL S BMX31=$C(31)_$C(31) I +BMXFL'=BMXFL D . S BMXFL=$TR(BMXFL,"_"," ") . I '$D(^DIC("B",BMXFL)) S BMXFL="" Q . S BMXFL=$O(^DIC("B",BMXFL,0)) I '$G(BMXFL) D ERROUT("File number not provided.",1) Q D FIND(.BMXGBL,BMXFL,"*",,,10,,,,1) Q ; FIND(BMXGBL,BMXFL,BMXFLDS,BMXFLG,BMXIN,BMXMX,BMXIX,BMXSCR,BMXMC,BMXNUM) ;EP ; ;TODO: ; -- Return column info even if no rows returned ; ;---> Places matching records from requested file into a ;---> result global, ^BMXTEMP($J). The exact global name ;---> is returned in the first parameter (BMXGBL). ;---> Records are returned one per node in the result global. ;---> Each record is terminated with a $C(30), for parsing out ;---> on the VB side, since the Broker concatenates all nodes ;---> into a single string when passing the data out of M. ;---> Requested fields within records are delimited by "^". ;---> NOTE: The first "^"-piece of every node is the IEN of ;---> that entry in its file; the requested fields follow. ;---> The final record (node) contains Error Delimiter, ; $C(31)_$C(31), followed by error text, if any. ; ; ;---> Parameters: ; 1 - BMXGBL (ret) Name of result global for Broker. ; 2 - BMXFL (req) File for lookup. ; 3 - BMXFLDS (opt) Fields to return w/each entry. ; 4 - BMXFLG (opt) Flags in DIC(0); If null, "M" is sent. ; 5 - BMXIN (opt) Input to match on (see Algorithm below). ; 6 - BMXMX (opt) Maximum number of entries to return. ; 7 - BMXIX (opt) Indexes to search. ; 8 - BMXSCR (opt) Screen/filter (M code). ; 9 - BMXMC (opt) Mixed Case: 1=mixed case, 0=no change. ; (Converts data in uppercase to mixed case.) ; 10 - BMXNUM (opt) Include IEN in returned recordset (1=true) ; ;---> Set variables, kill temp globals. ;N (BMXGBL,BMXFL,BMXFLDS,BMXFLG,BMXIN,BMXMX,BMXIX,BMXSCR,BMXMC) S BMX31=$C(31)_$C(31) S BMXGBL="^BMXTEMP("_$J_")",BMXERR="",U="^" K ^BMXTMP($J),^BMXTEMP($J) ; ;---> If file number not provided check for file name. I +BMXFL'=BMXFL D . I '$D(^DIC("B",BMXFL)) S BMXFL="" Q . S BMXFL=$O(^DIC("B",BMXFL,0)) I '$G(BMXFL) D ERROUT("File number not provided.",1) Q ; ;---> If no fields provided, pass .01. ;---> NOTE: If .01 is NOT included, but the Index to lookup on is ;---> NOT on the .01, then the .01 will be returned ;---> automatically as the second ^-piece of data in the ;---> Result Global. ;---> So it would be: IEN^.01^requested fields... I $G(BMXFLDS)="" S BMXFLDS=".01" ; ;---> If no index or flag provided, set flag="M". I $G(BMXFLG)="" D .I $G(BMXIX)="" S BMXFLG="M" Q .S BMXFLG="" ; ;---> If no Maximum Number provided, set it to 200. I '$G(BMXMX) S BMXMX=200 ; ;---> Define index and screen. S:'$D(BMXIX) BMXIX="" S:'$D(BMXSCR) BMXSCR="" ; ;---> Set Target Global for output and errors. S BMXG="^BMXTMP($J)" ; ;---> If Mixed Case not set, set to No Change. I '$D(BMXMC) S BMXMC=0 ; ;---> If Return IEN not set, set to No I '$D(BMXNUM) S BMXNUM=0 S BMXNUM=+BMXNUM ; ;---> Silent Fileman call. D .I $G(BMXIN)="" D Q ..D LIST^DIC(BMXFL,,,,BMXMX,0,,BMXIX,BMXSCR,,BMXG,BMXG) .D FIND^DIC(BMXFL,,,BMXFLG,BMXIN,BMXMX,BMXIX,BMXSCR,,BMXG,BMXG) ; D WRITE Q ; ; ;---------- WRITE ;EP ;---> Collect data for matching records and write in result global. ; ;---> First, check for errors. ;---> If errors exist, write them and quit. N I,N,X I $D(^BMXTMP($J,"DIERR")) I $O(^("DIERR",0)) D Q .S N=0,X="" .F S N=$O(^BMXTMP($J,"DIERR",N)) Q:'N D ..N M S M=0 ..F S M=$O(^BMXTMP($J,"DIERR",N,"TEXT",M)) Q:'M D ...S X=X_^BMXTMP($J,"DIERR",N,"TEXT",M)_" " .D ERROUT(X,1) ; ; ;---> Write valid results. ;---> Loop through the IEN node (...2,N) of the temp global. ; and call GETS^DIQ for each record N I,N,X S N=0 S BMXA="A" ;B S I=0 S BMXFLDF=0 RESULTS F S N=$O(^BMXTMP($J,"DILIST",2,N)) Q:'N D . S X=^BMXTMP($J,"DILIST",2,N) . S I=I+1 . K A . D GETS^DIQ(BMXFL,X_",",BMXFLDS,,BMXA,BMXA) . ;--->Once only, write field names . D:'BMXFLDF FIELDS . ; . ; . ;---> Loop through results global . S F=0,BMXCNT=0 . F S F=$O(A(BMXFL,X_",",F)) Q:'F S BMXCNT=BMXCNT+1 . S F=0 . S BMXREC="" . S:BMXNUM ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=X_"^" . S BMXCNTB=0 . S BMXORD=BMXNUM . F S F=$O(A(BMXFL,X_",",F)) Q:'F S BMXCNTB=BMXCNTB+1 D S:BMXCNTBBMXLEN(BMXORD) BMXLEN(BMXORD)=BMXLTMP . . . . Q . . . D ;It's a multiple. Implement in next phase . . . . Q ; . . . Q . . E D ;Not a multiple . . . S I=I+1 . . . S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=A(BMXFL,X_",",F) . . . S:$L(A(BMXFL,X_",",F))>BMXLEN(BMXORD) BMXLEN(BMXORD)=$L(A(BMXFL,X_",",F)) . . . Q . . Q . ;---> Convert data to mixed case if BMXMC=1. . ;S:BMXMC BMXREC=$$T^BMXTRS(BMXREC) . ;---> Set data in result global. . S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=^BMXTEMP($J,I)_$C(30) ; ;---> If no results, report it as an error. D:'$O(^BMXTEMP($J,0)) .I BMXIN]"" S BMXERR="No entry matches """_BMXIN_"""." Q .S BMXERR="Either the lookup file is empty" .S BMXERR=BMXERR_" or all entries are screened (software error)." ; ;---> Tack on Error Delimiter and any error. S I=I+1 S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=BMX31_BMXERR ;---> Column types and widths S C=0 F S C=$O(BMXLEN(C)) Q:'C D . I BMXLEN(C)>99999 S BMXLEN(C)=99999 . S ^BMXTEMP($J,C)=BMXTYP(C)_$$NUMCHAR(BMXLEN(C))_^BMXTEMP($J,C) Q ; ; NUMCHAR(BMXN) ;EP ;---> Returns Field Length left-padded with 0 ; N BMXC S BMXC="00000"_BMXN Q $E(BMXC,$L(BMXC)-4,$L(BMXC)) ; ;---> Dead code follows N C,BMXC,F,N,J S BMXC="" S N=BMXN S:N>99999 N=99999 S:N<0 N=0 F J=1:1:$L(N) D . S F=10**(J-1) . S C=65+(N-((N\(10*F))*(10*F))\F) . S C=$C(C) . S BMXC=C_BMXC S BMXC="AAAAA"_BMXC Q $E(BMXC,$L(BMXC)-4,$L(BMXC)) ; ; FIELDS ;---> Write Field Names ;Field name is TAAAAANAME ;Where T is the field type (T=Text; D=Date) ; AAAAA is the field size (see NUMCHAR routine) ; NAME is the field name S BMXFLDF=1 K BMXLEN,BMXTYP D:$D(A) . I BMXNUM S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)="IEN^",BMXLEN(I)=10,BMXTYP(I)="T",I=I+1 ;TODO: Change from text to number . S ASDXFNUM=0 . S BMXIENS=$O(A(BMXFL,0)) . F S ASDXFNUM=$O(A(BMXFL,BMXIENS,ASDXFNUM)) Q:'ASDXFNUM D . . S ASDXFNAM=$P(^DD(BMXFL,ASDXFNUM,0),"^") ;Get type here . . S ASDXFNAM=$TR(ASDXFNAM," ","_") . . S BMXTYP(I)="T" . . S BMXLEN(I)=0 ;Start with length zero . . S:ASDXFNAM="" ASDXFNAM="UNKNOWN"_I . . S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=ASDXFNAM_"^" . . S I=I+1 . S ^BMXTEMP($J,I-1)=$E(^BMXTEMP($J,I-1),1,$L(^BMXTEMP($J,I-1))-1)_$C(30) Q ; ;---------- ERROUT(BMXERR,I) ;EP ;---> Save next line for Error Code File if ever used. ;---> If necessary, use I>1 to avoid overwriting valid data. S:'$G(I) I=1 S ^BMXTEMP($J,I)=BMX31_BMXERR Q ; ; PASSERR(BMXGBL,BMXERR) ;EP ;---> If the RPC routine calling the BMX Generic Lookup above ;---> detects a specific error prior to the call and wants to pass ;---> that error in the result global rather than a generic error, ;---> then a call to this function (PASSERR) can be made. ;---> This call will store the error text passed in the result global. ;---> The calling routine should then quit (abort its call to the ;---> BMX Generic Lookup function above). ; ;---> Parameters: ; 1 - BMXGBL (ret) Name of result global for Broker. ; 2 - BMXERR (req) Text of error to be stored in result global. ; S:$G(BMXERR)="" BMXERR="Error not passed (software error)." ; N BMX31 S BMX31=$C(31)_$C(31) K ^BMXTMP($J),^BMXTEMP($J) S BMXGBL="^BMXTEMP("_$J_")" S ^BMXTEMP($J,1)=BMX31_BMXERR Q