BMXMBRK2 ; IHS/OIT/HMW - BMXNet MONITOR ; ;;2.2;BMX;;Sep 07, 2010 ; ; CAPI(BMXY,TAG,NAM,PAR) ;EP - make API call N R,T,DX,DY IF BMXZ(1,"FLAG")=2 D . S PAR=$P(PAR,BMXZ("FRM"))_BMXZ("TO")_$P(PAR,BMXZ("FRM"),2) S R=$S(PAR'=+PAR&(PAR=""):TAG_"^"_NAM_"(.BMXY)",1:TAG_"^"_NAM_"(.BMXY,"_PAR_")") U IO D @R ; D DEBUG^%Serenji("@R","") U $P Q ; BHDR(WKID,WINH,PRCH,WISH) ;Build a protocol header N S,L S S="" S S=WKID_";"_WINH_";"_PRCH_";"_WISH_";" S L=$L(S) S S=$E("000"_L,$L(L)+1,$L(L)+3)_S Q S ; BARY(A,R,V) ;add array elements+values to storage array IF A'["BMXS" Q "-1^ARRAY NAME MUST BE BMXS" S @A@(R)=V Q 0 ; BLDB(P) ;Build formatted string N L S L=$L(P) Q $E("000"_L,$L(L)+1,$L(L)+3)_P ; BLDA(N,P) ;Build API string ;M Extrinsic Function ;Inputs ;N API name ;P Comma delimited parameter string ;Outputs ;String API string if successful, "-1^Text" if error ; N I,F,L,T,U,T1,T2 IF '+$D(N) Q "-1^Required input reference is NULL" S U="^" S (F,T,Y)=0 IF '$D(P) S P="" IF P'="" D . S L=$L(P)-$L($TR(P,$C(44)))+1 . IF L=0 S L=1 . F I=1:1:L D Q:T . . S T1=$P(P,",",I) . . S T2=$E(T1,1,1)="." . . IF T1=+T1 Q . . IF $E(T1,1,1)="^" S F=2,T=1 Q . . IF T2&($E(T1,2,$L(T1))?.ANP) S F=1,T=1 Q S P=$$BLDB(P) S L=$L(P)+$L(P)-3 S P=F_N_U_P S L=$L(P) Q $E("000"_L,$L(L)+1,$L(L)+3)_P ; BLDS(R) ;Build a parameter string from an array N L,T,Y S Y="" F D Q:R="" . S R=$Q(@R) . IF R="" Q . S L=$L(R)+$L(@R)+1 . S T=@R . S T=$TR(T,$C(44),$C(23)) . S Y=Y_$E("000"_L,$L(L)+1,$L(L)+3)_R_"="_T Q Y_"000" ; BLDU(R) ;Build a parameter string from a scalar N DONE,L,N,N1,P1 IF R=+R Q R S N=$F(R,$C(34)) IF N=0 Q $C(34)_R_$C(34) S P1=$E(R,1,N-2) S (L,DONE)=0 F D Q:DONE . S N1=$F(R,$C(34),N) . IF N1=0 S L=$L(R)+2,N1=L . S P1=P1_$C(34,34)_$E(R,N,N1-2) . IF N1=L S DONE=1,P1=$C(34)_P1_$C(34) Q . S N=N1 Q $TR(P1,$C(44),$C(23)) ; BLDG(R) ;build a parameter string from a global reference N I,L,L1,M,T,T1,T2,Y K ^TMP("BMXZ",$J) IF '$D(R) Q "-1^Reference does not exist" S Y=$NA(^TMP("BMXZ",$J,$P($H,",",2))) S I=0 S M=512 S T1=$P(R,")") S L1=$L($P(R,"(")) F D Q:R="" . S R=$Q(@R) . S T2=$F(R,"(") . IF R=""!(R'[T1) Q . S L=$L(R)+$L(@R)-L1 . S T=@R . S T=$TR(T,$C(44),$C(23)) . S @Y@(I)=$E("000"_L,$L(L)+1,$L(L)+3)_"^("_$E(R,T2,M)_"="_$$BLDU(T) . S I=I+1 S @Y@(I)="000" S Y=$TR(Y,$C(44),$C(23)) Q Y ; OARY() ;EP - create storage array N A,DONE,I S (DONE,I)=0 F I=1:1 D Q:DONE . S A="BMXS"_I . K @A ;temp fix for single array . IF '$D(@A) S DONE=1 S @A="" ;set naked Q A ; CREF(R,P) ;EP - Convert array contained in P to reference A N I,X,DONE,F1,S S DONE=0 S S="" F I=1:1 D Q:DONE . IF $P(P,",",I)="" S DONE=1 Q . S X(I)=$P(P,",",I) . IF X(I)?1"."1A.E D . . S F1=$F(X(I),".") . . S X(I)="."_R . S S=S_X(I)_"," Q $E(S,1,$L(S)-1) ; GETP(P) ;returns various parameters out of the Protocol string N M,T,BMXZ S M=512 S T=$$PRSP^BMXMBRK(P) IF '+T D . S T=$$PRSM^BMXMBRK(BMXZ(0,"MESG")) . IF '+T S T=BMXZ(0,"WKID")_";"_BMXZ(0,"WINH")_";"_BMXZ(0,"PRCH")_";"_BMXZ(0,"WISH")_";"_$P(BMXZ(1,"TEXT"),"^") Q T ; CALLM(X,P,DEBUG) ;make call using Message string N ERR,S S X="",ERR=0 S ERR=$$PRSM^BMXMBRK(P) IF '+ERR S ERR=$$PRSA^BMXMBRK(BMXZ(1,"TEXT")) IF '+ERR S S=$$PRSB^BMXMBRK(BMXZ(2,"PARM")) IF (+S=0)!(+S>0) D . D CAPI(.X,BMXZ(2,"RTAG"),BMXZ(2,"RNAM"),S) IF 'DEBUG K BMXZ K @(X("BMXS")),X("BMXS") Q ; CALLA(X,P,DEBUG) ;make call using API string N ERR,S S X="",ERR=0 S ERR=$$PRSA^BMXMBRK(P) IF '+ERR S S=$$PRSB^BMXMBRK(BMXZ(2,"PARM")) IF (+S=0)!(+S>0) D . D CAPI(.X,BMXZ(2,"RTAG"),BMXZ(2,"RNAM"),S) IF 'DEBUG K BMXZ K @(X("BMXS")),X("BMXS") Q ; TRANSPRT() ;Determine the Transport Method ;DDP is local :=0 ;TCP/IP is remote :=1 ;Serial/RS-232 is remote :=2 Q 1 ;Q 0 ;Do DDP for Now