BMXMSEC ; IHS/OIT/HMW - BMXNet MONITOR ; 7/20/2009 ;;2.1;BMX;;Jul 26, 2009 ; Edit History ; Line SETUP+2 has been changed to support GT.M //SMH 7/5/09 ; Per Wally Fort's GT.M code in XWBTCPM, IP for GT.M is stored ; in IP("GTM-IP"). Changes in BMXMON and here follow that model. ; CHKPRMIT(BMXRP) ;EP - checks to see if remote procedure is permited to run ;Input: BMXRP - Remote procedure to check Q:$$KCHK("XUPROGMODE") N ERR,BMXALLOW S U="^",BMXSEC="" ;clear ; ;In the beginning, when no DUZ is defined and no context exist, setup ;default signon context S:'$G(DUZ) DUZ=0,XQY0="XUS SIGNON" ;set up default context ; I BMXRP'="XWB IM HERE",BMXRP'="XWB CREATE CONTEXT",BMXRP'="XWB RPC LIST",BMXRP'="BMX AV CODE" D ;check exemptions. new exemption for XWB*1.1*6 - dpc . I $G(XQY0)'="" D . . S BMXALLOW=$$CHK^XQCS(DUZ,$P(XQY0,U),BMXRP) ;do the check . . S:'BMXALLOW BMXSEC=BMXALLOW . E S BMXSEC="Application context has not been created!" Q ; OWNSKEY(RET,LIST) ;EP Does user have Key N I,K S I="" I $G(DUZ)'>0 S RET(0)=0 Q I $O(LIST(""))="" S RET(0)=$$KCHK(LIST) Q F S I=$O(LIST(I)) Q:I="" S RET(I)=$$KCHK(LIST(I)) Q KCHK(%) Q $S($G(DUZ)>0:$D(^XUSEC(%,DUZ)),1:0) ;EP Key Check ; ; SETUP(RET) ;EP - sets up environment for GUI signon ; K ^TMP("XQCS",$J) ; S IO("IP")=$P D ZIO^%ZIS4 ;IHS/OIT/HMW SAC Exemption Applied For ; --> Begin new code I $$OS^XWBTCPM="GT.M" S IO("IP")=IO("GTM-IP") I $$OS^XWBTCPM="OpenM" S IO("IP")=$P D ZIO^%ZIS4 ; <-- End new code //SMH D SET1(0),SET^BMXMSEC("XUS XOPT",XOPT),SET^BMXMSEC("XUS CNT",0) S %ZIS="0H",IOP="NULL" D ^%ZIS ;0=server name, 1=volume, 2=uci, 3=device, 4=# attempts, 5=skip signon-screen S RET(0)=$P(XUENV,U,3),RET(1)=$P(XUVOL,U),RET(2)=XUCI S RET(3)=$I,RET(4)=$P(XOPT,U,2),RET(5)=0 ;IHS/OIT/HMW SAC Exemption Applied For I $$INHIBIT() Q Q ; SET1(FLAG) ;Setup parameters D GETENV^%ZOSV S U="^",XUENV=Y,XUCI=$P(Y,U,1),XQVOL=$P(Y,U,2),XUEON=^%ZOSF("EON"),XUEOFF=^("EOFF") S X=$O(^XTV(8989.3,1,4,"B",XQVOL,0)),XUVOL=$S(X>0:^XTV(8989.3,1,4,X,0),1:XQVOL_"^y^1") S:$P(XUVOL,U,6)="y" XRTL=XUCI_","_XQVOL S XOPT=$S($D(^XTV(8989.3,1,"XUS")):^("XUS"),1:"") F I=2:1:15 I $P(XOPT,U,I)="" S $P(XOPT,U,I)=$P("^5^900^1^1^^^^1^300^^^^N^90",U,I) Q ; INHIBIT() ;Is Logon to this system Inhibited? I $G(^%ZIS(14.5,"LOGON",XQVOL)) Q 1 I $D(^%ZOSF("ACTJ")) X ^("ACTJ") I $P(XUVOL,U,3),($P(XUVOL,U,3)'>Y) Q 2 Q 0 ; NOW S U="^",XUNOW=$$NOW^XLFDT(),DT=$P(XUNOW,"."),XUDEV=0 Q ; STATE(%) ;Return a state value ;XWBSTATE is required by XUSRB Q:'$L($G(%)) $G(XWBSTATE) Q $G(XWBSTATE(%)) ; ; SET(%,VALUE) ;Set the state variable I $G(%)="" S XWBSTATE=VALUE S XWBSTATE(%)=VALUE Q KILL(%) ;Kill state variable I $L($G(%)) K XWBSTATE(%) Q