0) dialog.title = title; dialog.closeButtonLabel = closeButtonLabel; dialog.message = message; dialog.details = detail != null ? ObjectUtil.toString(detail) : "No details available for this error."; dialog.closeListener = closeListener; //Dispatch the event for getting clear background on PopuP Modal Dialog to support Jaws Virtual Cursor Mode.. Application.application.dispatchEvent(new ModalDialogEvent(ModalDialogEvent.OPEN)); PopUpManager.centerPopUp(dialog); } public static function fatal(message:String, detail:Object = null, title:String = null) : void { show(message, detail, title, logout, "Exit"); } private static function logout(): void { ClearUnsavedViewsModelEvent.dispatchClearUnsavedViews(); TrackingModelLocator.getInstance().logout(); } private function closeButtonHandler() : void { //Dispatch the event for removing the clear background on closing PopuP Modal Dialog and returning to normal view Application.application.dispatchEvent(new ModalDialogEvent(ModalDialogEvent.CLOSE)); PopUpManager.removePopUp(this); if (closeListener != null) { closeListener(); } } private function copyToClipboard() : void { flash.system.System.setClipboard(details); } private function creationCompleteHandler() : void { var focusTimer: Timer = new Timer(350, 1); focusTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveFocus); focusTimer.start(); } private function moveFocus(e: TimerEvent): void { if (AccessibilityTools.isAccessibilityActive()) { messageBox.setFocus(); messageBox.editable = true; } else { closeBtn.setFocus(); } } ]]>