DataGrid(dropTarget).selectedIndex) dropLoc = dropLoc - 1; if (dropLoc > IList(dropTarget.dataProvider).length - 1) dropLoc = dropLoc - 1; IList(dropTarget.dataProvider).removeItemAt(dropTarget.selectedIndex); IList(dropTarget.dataProvider).addItemAt(items[i], dropLoc); callLater(updateSelection, [dropLoc]); } else { IList(dropTarget.dataProvider).addItemAt(items[i], dropLoc); } } } private function updateSelection(index : int) : void { boardColumnsGrid.selectedIndex = index; } private function doDragExit(event:DragEvent):void { var dropTarget:DataGrid = DataGrid(event.currentTarget); dropTarget.hideDropFeedback(event); } private function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent): void { if (!KeyUtils.isRemoveKey(event)) return; if (boardColumnsGrid.editable && boardColumnsGrid.editedItemPosition != null) return; if (KeyUtils.isRemoveKey(event)) removeSelectedColumnsFromGrid(); if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE) { boardColumnsGrid.selectedIndex = -1; btnSaveBoard.setFocus(); } } private function removeSelectedColumnsFromGrid(): void { if (boardColumnsGrid.selectedItems != null && boardColumnsGrid.selectedItems.length > 0) { for each (var item:ColumnSpecVO in boardColumnsGrid.selectedItems) { removeColumn(item); } } } // update columns ------------------------------------------------- private function addColumn(selectedItem: ColumnSpecVO): void { if (selectedItem == null) return; var addEvent: ConfigAddColumnEvent = new ConfigAddColumnEvent(ConfigAddColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_ADD_COLUMN); = selectedItem; addEvent.dispatch(); model.config.availableColumns.refresh(); if (AccessibilityTools.isAccessibilityActive())"Added successfully", "Message", true, addColumnSelector); } private function removeColumn(selectedItem: ColumnSpecVO): void { if (selectedItem == null) return; var removeEvent: ConfigRemoveColumnEvent = new ConfigRemoveColumnEvent(ConfigRemoveColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_REMOVE_COLUMN); = selectedItem; removeEvent.dispatch(); model.config.availableColumns.refresh(); if (AccessibilityTools.isAccessibilityActive())"Removed successfully", "Message", true, boardColumnsGrid); } private function changeBoardName():void { var newBoardName: String = boardNameInput.text; if (newBoardName != model.config.boards[model.config.boardIndex].label) { boardList.selectedItem.label = newBoardName; new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_BOARD_MODIFIED).dispatch() } } private function changeColumnSequence(event: IndexChangedEvent): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeColumnEvent = new ConfigChangeColumnEvent(ConfigChangeColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_COLUMN_SEQ); changeEvent.oldIndex = event.oldIndex; changeEvent.newIndex = event.newIndex; changeEvent.dispatch(); } private function changeColumnWidth(event: DataGridEvent): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeColumnEvent = new ConfigChangeColumnEvent(ConfigChangeColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_COLUMN_WIDTH); changeEvent.widths = []; for (var i: int = 0; i < preview.columns.length; i++) { changeEvent.widths.push(DataGridColumn(preview.columns[i]).width); } changeEvent.dispatch(); } private function changeRowColor(): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeColumnEvent = new ConfigChangeColumnEvent(ConfigChangeColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_ROW_COLOR); var colorMap: ColorMapVO = rowColor.selectedItem as ColorMapVO; changeEvent.rowColor = (colorMap != null) ? : ""; changeEvent.dispatch(); } // update display properties -------------------------------------- private function changeDisplayBoardWidth(): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent = new ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent(ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_DISPLAY_WIDTH); var displayWidth: DisplaySizeVO = displaySizeCmb.selectedItem as DisplaySizeVO; changeEvent.displaySize = displayWidth; changeEvent.dispatch(); } private function changeDisplayBoardFontSize(): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent = new ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent(ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_FONT_SIZE); var fontSize: int = fntSizeNmStepper.value; changeEvent.fontSize = fontSize; changeEvent.dispatch(); for each (var gridColumn:DataGridColumn in preview.columns) { gridColumn.setStyle("fontSize", fontSize); } } private function changeDisplayBoardScrollDelay(): void { var changeEvent: ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent = new ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent(ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_SCROLL_DELAY); var scrollDelay: int = ScrollDlyNmStepper.value; changeEvent.scrollDelay = scrollDelay; changeEvent.dispatch(); } private function changeDisplayBoardSquish(): void { // prevent setting boardMods during initialization of checkbox if (model.config.boardLoaded == false) return; var changeEvent: ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent = new ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent(ConfigChangeDisplayBoardPropertiesEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_SQUISH); changeEvent.squish = squishChkBox.selected; changeEvent.dispatch(); } // label function for color maps private function showColorMapName(item: Object, column: DataGridColumn): String { var c: ColumnSpecVO = item as ColumnSpecVO; if ((c != null) && (c.colorMap != null)) { return; } else { return ""; } } private function changeColumnHeader(): void { if (headerInput.text != boardColumnsGrid.selectedItem.header) { boardColumnsGrid.selectedItem.header = headerInput.text; } } private function changeColumnColor(): void { if (boardColumnsGrid.selectedItem.colorMap != columnColor.selectedItem) { boardColumnsGrid.selectedItem.colorMap = columnColor.selectedItem; } } private function changeColumnSequenceText(): void { var currentIndex:int = boardColumnsGrid.selectedIndex; var newIndex:int = int(columnOrderInput.text) - 1; if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= boardColumns.length) return; if (newIndex != currentIndex) { boardColumnsGrid.selectedIndex = -1; var changeEvent: ConfigChangeColumnEvent = new ConfigChangeColumnEvent(ConfigChangeColumnEvent.EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGE_COLUMN_SEQ); changeEvent.oldIndex = currentIndex; changeEvent.newIndex = newIndex; changeEvent.dispatch(); callLater(updateSelection, [newIndex]); callLater(columnOrderInput.setFocus); } } private function changeColumnWidthText(): void { var currentWidth:int = 0; var newWidth:int = int(widthInput.text); resizeColumn(preview, boardColumnsGrid.selectedIndex, newWidth); } /** * @private * If there is no horizontal scroll bar, changes the display width of other columns when * one column's width is changed. * @param col column whose width is changed * @param w width of column */ private function resizeColumn(grid:DataGrid, col:int, w:Number):void { if (col < 0 || col >= grid.columns.length - 1) // no resize of right most column return; if (w < grid.columns[col].minWidth) w = grid.columns[col].minWidth; // find the columns in the set of visible columns; var n:int = grid.columns.length; var i:int = col; // we want all cols's new widths to the right of this to be in proportion // to what they were before the stretch. // get the original space to the right not taken up by the column var totalSpace:Number = 0; var lastColumn:DataGridColumn; var newWidth:Number; //non-resizable columns don't count though for (i = col + 1; i < n; i++) { if (grid.columns[i].visible) if (grid.columns[i].resizable) totalSpace += grid.columns[i].width; } var newTotalSpace:Number = grid.columns[col].width - w + totalSpace; if (totalSpace) { grid.columns[col].width = w; } var totX:Number = 0; // resize the columns to the right proportionally to what they were for (i = col + 1; i < n; i++) { if (grid.columns[i].visible) if (grid.columns[i].resizable) { newWidth = Math.floor(grid.columns[i].width * newTotalSpace / totalSpace); if (newWidth < grid.columns[i].minWidth) newWidth = grid.columns[i].minWidth; grid.columns[i].width = newWidth; totX += grid.columns[i].width; lastColumn = grid.columns[i]; } } if (totX > newTotalSpace) { // if excess then should be taken out only from changing column // cause others would have already gone to their minimum newWidth = grid.columns[col].width - totX + newTotalSpace; if (newWidth < grid.columns[col].minWidth) newWidth = grid.columns[col].minWidth; grid.columns[col].width = newWidth; } else if (lastColumn) { // if less then should be added in last column // dont need to check for minWidth as we are adding lastColumn.width = lastColumn.width - totX + newTotalSpace; } invalidateDisplayList(); } private static function availableColumnsFilterFunction(item:Object):Boolean { var availableColumn:ColumnSpecVO = item as ColumnSpecVO; for each (var col:ColumnSpecVO in TrackingModelLocator.getInstance().config.columns) { if (availableColumn.label == col.label) return false; } return true; } ]]>