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Disposition View

Disposing Patients and Removing Patients from the Display Board

Select a Disposition | Select a Reason for Delay | Enter ICD-9-CM Diagnoses | Enter Free-Text Diagnoses | Remove Patients Entered in Error | Remove Patients from the Display Board

The Disposition view enables you to enter patients� dispositions and either free-text or International Classification of Diseases-9-Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM) diagnoses, depending upon how your site sets the application�s parameters.

If your site has enabled coded diagnoses, entering a diagnosis in EDIS adds the diagnosis to the emergency-department visit EDIS creates in CPRS. Conversely, adding a diagnosis for this visit in CPRS automatically adds the diagnosis in EDIS. (EDIS creates the visit when you select a physician, resident, or nurse in the Update view, or a nurse in the Triage view, or when you add a diagnosis in the Disposition view.)

Also depending on your site’s configuration, the Disposition view may require you to select a disposition or a delay reason (for patients whose emergency-department stays have exceeded your site’s specified time limit.) In addition, this view enables you to add or update provider and resident assignments, update room and area assignments, update patients’ statuses, save your changes, and remove patients from the display board.

Screen capture:Disposition view;  EDIS and CPRS synchronize ICD-9-CM diagnoses
Disposition view with ICD-9-CM diagnoses enabled.

Select a Disposition

  1. Select a patient in the Active Patients list. The system displays the Patient Information pane. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the Active Patients list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a patient from the list.
  2. Open the Disposition list and select a disposition. Depending upon your site’s configuration, the application may require a disposition before allowing you to remove a patient from the display board. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the Disposition list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select a disposition from the list.

Defining National Disposition Selections

The EDIS TWG offers the following definitions for nationally released disposition selections:

Admitted to VA Ward—the patient was admitted to an inpatient location, not including an ICU, telemetry, or psychiatric unit.
AMA—the patient left against medical advice after signing a form; the patient may or may not have been medically evaluated before leaving.
Sent to Urgent Care Clinic—the patient was discharged from the emergency department and referred to another evaluation clinic at the same site; some degree of triage is necessary to make this judgment.
Deceased—the patient is dead.
Eloped—the patient left the emergency department and his or her disposition is unknown; a nurse or physician may have seen and evaluated the patient.
Patient Name Entered in Error—the patient’s name was entered in error; this disposition removes the patient from the board.
Home—the patient was discharged to his or her previous living arrangement.
Admitted to ICU—the patient was admitted to an inpatient critical-care unit.
Left Without Being Treated/Seen—the patient left the emergency department before receiving treatment and before signing the form; this is not the same as AMA, which assumes the patient signed a form before leaving.
Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop-in Clinic—the patient was discharged from the emergency department and referred to another evaluation clinic at the same site; some degree of triage is necessary to make this judgment.
Admitted to Psychiatry—the patient was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit.
Admitted to Telemetry—the patient was admitted to an inpatient telemetry unit.
Transferred to a Non-VA Facility—the patient was discharged from the emergency department and sent to another, non-VA, facility.
Transferred to VA Facility—the patient was discharged from the emergency department and sent to another VA facility.

Select a Reason for Delay