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Update View

Update Patient Information
Create a Visit

Update Patient Information | Create a Visit

Add or Update Patient Information

The Update view enables you to add or update the following information:

Screen capture: the Update view
The Update view.

  1. Click Update in the application’s left-hand menu bar. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the left-hand menu bar and use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to locate the Update view. Press the SPACEBAR key to select this view.
  2. Select from the Active Patients list the patient whose information you want to edit or update. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the Active Patients list. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select from the list the patient whose data you want to update.
  3. In the Patient Information pane, select and edit the fields and staff assignments you want to update. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate information fields. Use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW keys to select items from lists.
  4. When you make a nurse, resident, or provider assignment in EDIS, the application automatically creates a Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit in CPRS—if it hasn’t already done so, or unless the nurse or provider does not have an active person class in VistA. EDIS does not create visits for patients you’ve added using the Enter Name, Patient Is Not in VistA or Ambulance Is Arriving, Patient Name Is Unknown selections.

    Note: As a rule, EDIS requires you to enter a provider before it allows you to remove a patient from the display board. Exceptions to this rule apply to the following dispositions: Patient Name Entered in Error, Left Without Being Treated/Seen, and Sent to Nurse Eval / Drop In Clinic.
  5. Click Save to save your edits and updates or click Cancel to close the Patient Information pane without saving your changes. Keyboard: use the TAB key to locate the Save or Cancel button. Use the SPACEBAR key to select the button. The Save button is available only after you’ve added or updated information in the Patient Information pane.

Create a Visit

Adding a nurse, provider, or resident assignment in EDIS automatically creates a visit in CPRS—unless EDIS has already created a visit for a particular emergency-department episode of care or the staff member you assigned does not have a valid person class in VistA. To reduce the possibility of creating duplicate visits, EDIS checks back one hour for Patient Care Encounter (PCE) visit entries associated with the emergency department location your site’s IT staff has specified. (EDPF LOCATION parameter settings and—if applicable—Clinic list selections determine the location EDIS uses to create visits. The Clinic list is available on the Triage view.)

The application creates only one visit for each emergency-department episode of care (or encounter). You can avoid creating duplicate visits for the same episode of care by selecting the visit that EDIS creates when you complete patients’ emergency-department encounters in CPRS. EDIS displays a green checkmark in the Display Board view’s Visit column to indicate that it has created a visit in CPRS.

Setting a Primary Provider for Your Patient’s Visit

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