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6 | <artifactId>edis-tracking-parent</artifactId>
7 | <version>1.0.1.WorldVistA-SNAPSHOT</version>
8 | <packaging>pom</packaging>
9 | <name>EDIS Tracking Application</name>
10 | <description>Emergency Department Integration Software - Tracking Application</description>
11 | <modules>
12 | <module>../tracking-ui-core</module>
13 | <module>../tracking-ui-main</module>
14 | <module>../tracking-ui-bigboard</module>
15 | <module>../tracking-server-vista</module>
16 | <module>../tracking-server-core</module>
17 | <module>../tracking-server-main</module>
18 | <module>../tracking-server-bigboard</module>
19 | <module>../tracking-help</module>
20 | <module>../tracking-ear</module>
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23 | <name>WorldVistA</name>
24 | <url>http://www.worldvista.org/</url>
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31 | <name>GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2</name>
32 | <url>http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html</url>
33 | </license>
34 | </licenses>
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36 | <connection>https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/EDIS/trunk/java/tracking-parent</connection>
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40 | <url>https://trac.opensourcevista.net/</url>
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149 | <param>Event</param>
150 | <param>Managed</param>
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152 | <param>NonCommittingChangeEvent</param>
153 | <param>Transient</param>
154 | <param>Inject</param>
155 | <param>Autowire</param>
156 | <param>Mediate</param>
157 | <param>Dispatcher</param>
158 | <param>PostConstruct</param>
159 | <param>PreDestroy</param>
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171 | <!-- default to same warnings disabled as in SDK -->
172 | <!-- Array.toString() format has changed. -->
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174 | <!-- Boolean() with no arguments returns false in ActionScript 3.0. Boolean() returned undefined in ActionScript 2.0. -->
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176 | <!-- __resolve is no longer supported. -->
177 | <changesInResolve>false</changesInResolve>
178 | <!-- Class is sealed. It cannot have members added to it dynamically. -->
179 | <!-- Function used in new expression returns a value. Result will be what the -->
180 | <!-- function returns, rather than a new instance of that function. -->
181 | <constructorReturnsValue>false</constructorReturnsValue>
182 | <!-- EventHandler was not added as a listener. -->
183 | <deprecatedEventHandlerError>false</deprecatedEventHandlerError>
184 | <!-- ActionScript 3.0 iterates over an object's properties within a "for x in target" statement in random order. -->
185 | <forVarInChanges>false</forVarInChanges>
186 | <!-- Missing constructor. -->
187 | <noConstructor>false</noConstructor>
188 | <!-- The super() statement was not called within the constructor. -->
189 | <noExplicitSuperCallInConstructor>false</noExplicitSuperCallInConstructor>
190 | <!-- In ActionScript 3.0, white space is ignored and '' returns 0. Number() returns -->
191 | <!-- NaN in ActionScript 2.0 when the parameter is '' or contains white space. -->
192 | <numberFromStringChanges>false</numberFromStringChanges>
193 | <!-- Change in scoping for the this keyword. Class methods extracted from an -->
194 | <!-- instance of a class will always resolve this back to that instance. In -->
195 | <!-- ActionScript 2.0 this is looked up dynamically based on where the method -->
196 | <!-- is invoked from. -->
197 | <scopingChangeInThis>false</scopingChangeInThis>
198 | <!-- Possible usage of the ActionScript 2.0 XML class. -->
199 | <xmlClassHasChanged>false</xmlClassHasChanged>
200 | </warnings>
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203 | <dependency>
204 | <groupId>com.adobe.flex</groupId>
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209 | <!-- <dependency>
210 | <groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>
211 | <artifactId>flex-fontkit</artifactId>
212 | <version>${flex.version}</version>
213 | </dependency> -->
214 | <!--<dependency>-->
215 | <!--<groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>-->
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217 | <!--<version>${flex.version}</version>-->
218 | <!--<classifier>template</classifier>-->
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220 | <!--</dependency>-->
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240 | <report>scm</report>
241 | <report>license</report>
242 | </reports>
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249 | </plugin>
250 | <plugin>
251 | <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
252 | <version>2.7</version>
253 | </plugin>
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255 | <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
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257 | </plugin>
258 | <plugin>
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261 | </plugin>
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263 | <artifactId>maven-jxr-plugin</artifactId>
264 | <version>2.2</version>
265 | </plugin>
266 | <plugin>
267 | <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>
268 | <version>2.5</version>
269 | </plugin>
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273 | </plugin>
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278 |
279 | <!-- versions of dependencies -->
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282 | <spring.security.version>2.0.3</spring.security.version>
283 | <slf4j.version>1.5.2</slf4j.version>
284 | <easymock.version>2.4</easymock.version>
285 |
286 | <flex.version></flex.version>
287 | <flex.player.version>10.0</flex.player.version>
288 | <flexunit.version>0.85</flexunit.version>
289 | <cairngorm.version>2.2.1</cairngorm.version>
290 |
291 | <!-- flex compiler settings -->
292 | <flex.mojos.version>3.8</flex.mojos.version>
293 | <flex.compiler.accessible>true</flex.compiler.accessible>
294 | <flex.compiler.headless-server>true</flex.compiler.headless-server>
295 | <flex.compiler.debug>true</flex.compiler.debug>
296 | <!--<skipTests>${java.awt.headless}</skipTests>-->
297 |
298 | <!-- EDIS project settings -->
299 | <edis.tracking.trackingContextRoot>/main</edis.tracking.trackingContextRoot>
300 | <edis.tracking.boardContextRoot>/bigboard</edis.tracking.boardContextRoot>
301 | <edis.tracking.helpContextRoot>/help</edis.tracking.helpContextRoot>
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304 | <profile>
305 | <id>dev</id>
306 | <properties>
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308 | </properties>
309 | </profile>
310 | </profiles>
311 | </project>