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5 | <groupId>gov.va.med.edp</groupId>
6 | <artifactId>edis-tracking-parent</artifactId>
7 | <packaging>pom</packaging>
8 | <name>EDIS Tracking Application</name>
9 | <description>Emergency Department Integration Software - Tracking Application</description>
10 | <version>1.0-T29-SNAPSHOT</version>
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12 | <module>../tracking-ui-core</module>
13 | <module>../tracking-ui-main</module>
14 | <module>../tracking-ui-bigboard</module>
15 | <module>../tracking-server-core</module>
16 | <module>../tracking-server-main</module>
17 | <module>../tracking-server-bigboard</module>
18 | <module>../tracking-help</module>
19 | <module>../tracking-weblogic-ssl</module>
20 | <module>../tracking-ear</module>
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23 | <name>Department of Veterans Affairs</name>
24 | <url>http://www.va.gov/</url>
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31 | <name>Public Domain</name>
32 | <url>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/</url>
33 | </license>
34 | </licenses>
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45 | <url>http://vhaislcfgm2.vha.med.va.gov:8080/luntbuild</url>
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49 | <id>vhaislmeldruk</id>
50 | <name>Kevin Meldrum</name>
51 | <email>kevin.meldrum@va.gov</email>
52 | <organization>Department of Veterans Affairs</organization>
53 | <timezone>-7</timezone>
54 | </developer>
55 | <developer>
56 | <id>vhaislgearys</id>
57 | <name>Sandi Geary</name>
58 | <email>sandra.geary@va.gov</email>
59 | <organization>SAIC</organization>
60 | <timezone>-7</timezone>
61 | </developer>
62 | <developer>
63 | <name>Melanie Buechler</name>
64 | <email>melanie.buechler@va.gov</email>
65 | <organization>Department of Veterans Affairs</organization>
66 | <timezone>-6</timezone>
67 | </developer>
68 | <developer>
69 | <id>vhaislblazs</id>
70 | <name>Solomon Blaz</name>
71 | <email>solomon.blaz@va.gov</email>
72 | <organization>SAIC</organization>
73 | <timezone>-7</timezone>
74 | </developer>
75 | <developer>
76 | <id>vhaisldhars</id>
77 | <name>Sanjay Dhar</name>
78 | <email>sanjay.dhar@va.gov</email>
79 | <organization>SAIC</organization>
80 | <timezone>-7</timezone>
81 | </developer>
82 | </developers>
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84 | <contributor>
85 | <name>Gary Tyndall</name>
86 | <email>gary.tyndall@va.gov</email>
87 | <organization>Department of Veterans Affairs</organization>
88 | <timezone>-5</timezone>
89 | </contributor>
90 | <contributor>
91 | <name>Robert Stults</name>
92 | <email>robert.stults2@va.gov</email>
93 | <organization>Shoulders Corp</organization>
94 | <organizationUrl>http://www.shoulderscorp.com/</organizationUrl>
95 | <timezone>-5</timezone>
96 | </contributor>
97 | <contributor>
98 | <name>Cheryl Walton</name>
99 | <email>cheryl.walton2@va.gov</email>
100 | <organization>SAIC</organization>
101 | <timezone>-7</timezone>
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259 |
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262 |
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269 |
270 | <!-- EDIS project settings -->
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273 | <edis.tracking.helpContextRoot>/help</edis.tracking.helpContextRoot>
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