1 | /* CSPService.as */
2 |
3 | package gov.va.med.edp.business
4 | {
5 | import flash.display.DisplayObject;
6 |
7 | import gov.va.med.edp.command.debug.DebugHTTPServiceResponder;
8 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
9 |
10 | import mx.containers.Panel;
11 | import mx.controls.Label;
12 | import mx.core.Application;
13 | import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
14 | import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
15 | import mx.rpc.IResponder;
16 | import mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService;
17 |
18 | public class CSPService extends HTTPService implements IResponder
19 | {
20 | public var command:String; // command to pass to CSP Controller
21 | public var csp:String; // url for the Cache Server Page
22 | public var vlj: String // url for VistALink Call
23 | public var mock:String; // file name if using a mock object
24 | public var callType: int // determines which call (vlj, csp, mock) to use
25 | public var block: Boolean = false;
26 |
27 | public static const SERVICE_USE_VLJ: int = 0;
28 | public static const SERVICE_USE_CSP: int = 1
29 | public static const SERVICE_USE_MOCK: int = 2;
30 | private var model:TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
31 |
32 | private var _wait: Panel;
33 |
34 | public function CSPService()
35 | {
36 | super();
37 | this.resultFormat = "text";
38 | this.method = "POST";
39 | this.requestTimeout = 20;
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 | override public function send(parameters:Object=null):AsyncToken
44 | {
45 | if ((vlj.length == 0) || (csp.length == 0) || (command.length == 0))
46 | throw new Error( "csp, vlj and command may not be empty" );
47 | if (parameters == null)
48 | parameters = new Object;
49 | parameters.command = this.command;
50 | if (Application.application.parameters.swfID != null) parameters.swfID = Application.application.parameters.swfID;
51 | if (Application.application.parameters.siteId != null)parameters.siteId = Application.application.parameters.siteId;
52 | switch (callType) {
53 | case SERVICE_USE_CSP:
54 | this.url = csp;
55 | break;
57 | this.url = mock;
58 | break;
59 | default:
60 | this.url = vlj;
61 | break;
62 | }
63 | model.connecting = true;
64 | //trace(this.url, ": ", this.command);
65 | var token: AsyncToken = super.send(parameters);
66 | token.addResponder(this);
67 | if (this.block) {
68 | showWaitWindow();
69 | }
70 |
71 | if (model.session != null && model.session.debugEnabled){
72 | var debugResponder:DebugHTTPServiceResponder = new DebugHTTPServiceResponder(this, parameters);
73 | token.addResponder(debugResponder);
74 | }
75 |
76 | return token;
77 | }
78 |
79 | private function showWaitWindow(): void
80 | {
81 | var label: Label = new Label();
82 | label.text = "Wait...";
83 | _wait =
84 | Panel(PopUpManager.createPopUp(Application.application as DisplayObject, Panel, true));
85 | _wait.addChild(label);
86 | PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_wait);
87 | }
88 |
89 | public function result(data:Object):void
90 | {
91 | model.connecting = false;
92 | if (model.disconnected) model.disconnected = false;
93 | if (this.block) PopUpManager.removePopUp(_wait);
94 | }
95 |
96 | public function fault(info:Object):void
97 | {
98 | model.connecting = false;
99 | if (this.block) PopUpManager.removePopUp(_wait);
100 | }
101 |
102 | }
103 | }