1 | /* TrackingModelLocator.as */
2 |
3 | package gov.va.med.edp.model
4 | {
5 | import com.adobe.cairngorm.model.ModelLocator;
6 |
7 | import flash.events.TimerEvent;
8 | import flash.net.URLRequest;
9 | import flash.net.navigateToURL;
10 | import flash.utils.Timer;
11 |
12 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.reports.ReportsModel;
13 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.model.PatientChecksModel;
14 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.LogEditParamsVO;
15 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.LogSelectorVO;
16 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.SessionVO;
17 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.VisitVO;
18 |
19 | import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
20 | import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
21 | import mx.rpc.Fault;
22 |
23 |
24 | [Bindable]
25 | public class TrackingModelLocator implements ModelLocator
26 | {
27 | // Possible view states for the application
28 | public static const VIEW_APP_INTRO: int = 0;
29 | public static const VIEW_APP_SIGN_IN: int = 1;
30 | public static const VIEW_APP_TRIAGE: int = 2;
31 | public static const VIEW_APP_UPDATE: int = 3;
32 | public static const VIEW_APP_DISPOSITION: int = 4;
33 | public static const VIEW_APP_EDIT_CLOSED: int = 5;
34 | public static const VIEW_APP_DISPLAY_BOARD: int = 6;
35 | public static const VIEW_APP_ASSIGN_STAFF: int = 7;
36 | public static const VIEW_APP_REPORTS: int = 8;
37 | public static const VIEW_APP_CONFIGURE: int = 9;
38 | public static const VIEW_APP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBILITY: int = 90;
39 | public static const VIEW_APP_NO_VIEWS: int = 99;
40 |
41 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_MESSAGE: String = "Message";
42 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_SIGN_IN: String = "SignIn";
43 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_TRIAGE: String = "Triage";
44 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_UPDATE: String = "Update";
45 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_UPDATE_NORES: String = "UpdateNoRes";
46 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_DISP_DELAY: String = "DispDelay";
47 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_DISP_DELAY_CODED: String = "DispDelayCoded";
48 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_CLOSED: String = "EditClosed";
49 | public static const VIEW_EDIT_CLOSED_CODED: String = "EditClosedCoded";
50 |
51 | public static const APP_NAME_BIGBOARD: String = "bigboard";
52 | public static const APP_NAME_TRACKING: String = "tracking";
53 |
54 | public var bigboardInfo: BigBoardDebugInfo;
55 |
56 | public var appName: String = "";
57 | public var appClientVersion: String = "1.0";
58 | public var contextRoot: String = "";
59 | public var appViewList: ArrayCollection;
60 | public var appViewState: int = VIEW_APP_INTRO;
61 | public var logEntryViewState: String = "";
62 | public var logEntryTitle: String = "";
63 |
64 | // Session information
65 | public var session: SessionVO;
66 | public var rootURL: String;
67 | public var logoutURL: String;
68 | public var helpContextRootURL: String;
69 |
70 | // Reports
71 | public var reports: ReportsModel = new ReportsModel();
72 |
73 | // Debug
74 | public var debug: DebugModel = new DebugModel();
75 |
76 | // Log Editor
77 | public var logArea: int;
78 | public var logEntryList: LogEntryList = new LogEntryList();
79 | public var logEdit: LogEdit = new LogEdit();
80 | public var logEditParams: LogEditParamsVO;
81 | public var matchingDiagnoses: ArrayCollection;
82 | public var matchingDiagnosesLoaded: Boolean = false;
83 |
84 | // Patient Selection
85 | public var patientChecksModel:PatientChecksModel = new PatientChecksModel();
86 |
87 | public var matchingClosedVisits: ArrayCollection;
88 | public var matchingClosedVisitsIndex: int = -1;
89 |
90 | // Display Board
91 | public var boardSortField: String = "";
92 | public var boardSortDescending: Boolean;
93 | public var boardReady: Boolean = false;
94 | public var boardData: XMLListCollection;
95 | public var boardSpec: BoardSpec = new BoardSpec();
96 | public var boardLastUpdated: Date;
97 |
98 | // Configure
99 | public var config: Config = new Config();
100 |
101 | // Connectivity
102 | public var reconnectFunction:Function;
103 | public var disconnectionFault:Fault = null;
104 | private var _disconnected: Boolean = false;
105 | private var _connecting: Boolean = false;
106 | private var _reconnectTimer: Timer;
107 |
108 | public var reloadFunction:Function; // function for reloading the flash application in case of fatal error or sommat
109 |
110 | private static const RECONNECT_SECONDS:int = 10;
111 |
112 | //Singleton logic -----------------------------------------------------------
113 |
114 | private static var modelLocator: TrackingModelLocator;
115 |
116 | public static function getInstance(): TrackingModelLocator
117 | {
118 | if (modelLocator == null) {
119 | modelLocator = new TrackingModelLocator();
120 | }
121 | return modelLocator;
122 | }
123 |
124 | public function TrackingModelLocator()
125 | {
126 | if (modelLocator != null) {
127 | throw new Error("Only one TrackingModelLocator should be instantiated.");
128 | }
129 | }
130 |
131 | public function isDisconnected(): Boolean {
132 | return disconnected;
133 | }
134 |
135 | public function buildSiteDate(): Date
136 | {
137 | var now:Date = new Date();
138 | return new Date(now.time - session.baseTime.time + session.siteTime.time);
139 | }
140 |
141 | public function synchToLastEntry(): void
142 | {
143 | for (var i:int = 0; i < logEntryList.entries.length; i++) {
144 | var logSelector: LogSelectorVO = logEntryList.entries[i];
145 | if (logSelector.id == logEdit.entry.id) {
146 | logEntryList.selectedIndex = -1; // force binding to fire
147 | logEntryList.selectedIndex = i;
148 | logEntryList.selectedID = logSelector.id;
149 | return;
150 | } // if
151 | } // for
152 | } // synchToLastEntry
153 |
154 | public function synchToClosedEntry(): void
155 | {
156 | for (var i: int = 0; i < matchingClosedVisits.length; i++) {
157 | var visit: VisitVO = matchingClosedVisits[i];
158 | if (visit.id == logEdit.entry.id) {
159 | matchingClosedVisitsIndex = -1; // force binding to fire
160 | matchingClosedVisitsIndex = i;
161 | return;
162 | } // if
163 | } // for
164 | } // synchToClosedEntry
165 |
166 | public function appViewTitle(view: int): String
167 | {
168 | switch (appViewState) {
169 | case VIEW_APP_SIGN_IN:
170 | return "EDIS Sign In";
171 | case VIEW_APP_TRIAGE:
172 | return "EDIS Triage";
173 | case VIEW_APP_UPDATE:
174 | return "EDIS Update";
176 | return "EDIS Disposition";
178 | return "EDIS Edit Closed Visit";
180 | return "EDIS Display Board";
182 | return "EDIS Staff List";
183 | case VIEW_APP_REPORTS:
184 | return "EDIS Reports";
186 | return "EDIS Configuration";
187 | case VIEW_APP_NO_VIEWS:
188 | return "EDIS";
189 | default:
190 | return "EDIS";
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | public function appViewHelp(view: int): String
195 | {
196 | switch (appViewState) {
197 | case VIEW_APP_SIGN_IN:
198 | return "SignIn";
199 | case VIEW_APP_TRIAGE:
200 | return "Triage";
201 | case VIEW_APP_UPDATE:
202 | return "Update";
204 | return "Disposition";
206 | return "EditClosedVisit";
208 | return "DisplayBoard";
210 | return "StaffList";
211 | case VIEW_APP_REPORTS:
212 | return "Reports";
214 | return "Configuration";
215 | case VIEW_APP_NO_VIEWS:
216 | return "General";
217 | default:
218 | return "General";
219 | }
220 | }
221 |
222 | public function setEditState(): void
223 | {
224 | // always start at the beginning
225 | logEntryViewState = "";
226 |
227 | if (logEdit.entry == null) {
228 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_MESSAGE;
229 | return;
230 | }
231 |
232 | // convenient place to clear lookup list since this is called when entry changes
233 | matchingDiagnoses = null;
234 |
235 | switch (appViewState) {
236 | case VIEW_APP_SIGN_IN:
237 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_SIGN_IN;
238 | break;
239 | case VIEW_APP_TRIAGE:
240 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_TRIAGE;
241 | break;
242 | case VIEW_APP_UPDATE:
243 | logEditParams.promptResidents ?
244 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_UPDATE : logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_UPDATE_NORES;
245 | break;
247 | logEditParams.codedDiagnosis ?
248 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_DISP_DELAY_CODED :
249 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_DISP_DELAY;
250 | break;
252 | logEditParams.codedDiagnosis ?
253 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_CLOSED_CODED :
254 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_CLOSED;
255 | break;
256 | default:
257 | logEntryViewState = VIEW_EDIT_MESSAGE;
258 | break;
259 | } // switch
260 | } // setEditState
261 |
262 | public function modifiedViews(): String
263 | {
264 | var x: String = "";
265 | if (logEdit.dirty) {
266 | var viewName: String = logEntryViewState;
267 | viewName = (viewName.substr(0, 4) == "Disp") ? "Disposition" : viewName;
268 | viewName = (viewName.substr(0, 4) == "Upda") ? "Update" : viewName;
269 | viewName = (viewName.substr(0, 4) == "Edit") ? "Edit Closed" : viewName;
270 | x += "\t" + viewName + "\n";
271 | }
272 | x += config.staffMods ? "\tStaff Configuration \n" : "";
273 | x += config.bedMods ? "\tRoom / Area Configuration \n" : "";
274 | x += config.boardMods ? "\tDisplay Board Configuration \n" : "";
275 | x += config.colorMods ? "\tColor Configuration \n" : "";
276 | x += config.paramMods ? "\tParameter Configuration \n" : "";
277 | x += config.selectionMods ? "\tSelection List Configuration \n" : "";
278 | return x;
279 | }
280 |
281 | public function entryRemoveReady(): void
282 | {
283 | var ready: Boolean = true;
284 |
285 | // special dispositions that allow immediate removal
286 | if ((logEdit.entry.disposition == logEditParams.errorIEN) ||
287 | (logEdit.entry.disposition == logEditParams.nurseEvalIEN) ||
288 | (logEdit.entry.disposition == logEditParams.leftIEN)) {
289 | logEdit.entry.removeReady = true;
290 | return;
291 | }
292 |
293 | if (logEdit.entry.requireDiagnosis && (logEdit.entry.diagnoses.length == 0)) {
294 | ready = false;
295 | }
296 | if (logEdit.entry.requireDisposition &&
297 | ((logEdit.entry.disposition == logEditParams.emptyValue) ||
298 | (logEdit.entry.disposition < 1))) {
299 | ready = false;
300 | }
301 | if (logEdit.entry.requireDelay &&
302 | ((logEdit.entry.delay == logEditParams.emptyValue) ||
303 | (logEdit.entry.delay < 1))) {
304 | ready = false;
305 | }
306 | if (Number(logEdit.entry.provider) < 1) {
307 | ready = false;
308 | }
309 |
310 | logEdit.entry.removeReady = ready;
311 | }
312 |
313 | public function logout(): void {
314 | var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest(logoutURL);
315 | navigateToURL(request, "_top");
316 | }
317 |
318 | public function get disconnected(): Boolean {
319 | return _disconnected;
320 | }
321 |
322 | public function set disconnected(b:Boolean):void {
323 | if (_disconnected && !b) {
324 | stopReconnectCountdown();
325 | disconnectionFault = null;
326 | } else if (!_disconnected && b) {
327 | startReconnectCountdown();
328 | }
329 | _disconnected = b;
330 | }
331 |
332 | public function get connecting(): Boolean {
333 | return _connecting;
334 | }
335 |
336 | public function set connecting(b:Boolean):void {
337 | _connecting = b;
338 | if (disconnected) {
339 | if (!_connecting) {
340 | startReconnectCountdown();
341 | } else {
342 | stopReconnectCountdown();
343 | }
344 | }
345 | }
346 |
347 | [Bindable(event="reconnectSecondsChanged")]
348 | public function get reconnectSeconds():int {
349 | if (_reconnectTimer == null) return RECONNECT_SECONDS;
350 | return _reconnectTimer.repeatCount - _reconnectTimer.currentCount;
351 | }
352 |
353 | public function attemptReconnect():void {
354 | stopReconnectCountdown();
355 | reconnectFunction.call(null);
356 | }
357 |
358 | private function reconnectCountDown(e:TimerEvent):void {
359 | dispatchEvent(new Event("reconnectSecondsChanged"));
360 | }
361 |
362 | private function reconnectTimerComplete(e:TimerEvent):void {
363 | attemptReconnect();
364 | }
365 |
366 | private function startReconnectCountdown():void {
367 | if (_reconnectTimer == null) {
368 | _reconnectTimer = new Timer(1000, RECONNECT_SECONDS);
369 | _reconnectTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reconnectCountDown);
370 | _reconnectTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, reconnectTimerComplete);
371 | }
372 | _reconnectTimer.reset();
373 | _reconnectTimer.start();
374 | }
375 |
376 | private function stopReconnectCountdown():void {
377 | if (_reconnectTimer != null) {
378 | _reconnectTimer.reset();
379 | }
380 | }
381 |
382 | } // class
383 | } // package