1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <mx:VBox
3 | xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
4 | xmlns:widget="gov.va.med.edp.widget.*"
5 | xmlns:accessibility="flash.accessibility.*"
6 | width="100%" height="100%"
7 | show="providerSrc.setFocus();"
8 | paddingTop="6" paddingBottom="6" paddingLeft="12" paddingRight="12"
9 | currentState="{getState(model.appViewState)}"
10 | styleName="contentArea" >
11 |
12 | <mx:Script>
13 | <![CDATA[
14 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.config.ColorChangedEvent;
15 | import gov.va.med.edp.widget.InfoDialog;
16 | import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
17 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.config.MatchPersonEvent;
18 | import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
19 | import gov.va.med.edp.widget.AutoComplete;
20 | import gov.va.med.edp.widget.ColorSelector;
21 | import mx.controls.DataGrid;
22 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.StaffMemberVO;
23 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.config.UpdateStaffEvent;
24 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.config.ConfigurationEvent;
25 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
26 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.AccessibilityTools;
27 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.KeyUtils;
28 | import mx.core.UIComponent;
29 |
30 | [Bindable]
31 | private var model: TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
32 |
33 | [Bindable]
34 | private var selectedProvider:StaffMemberVO;
35 | [Bindable]
36 | private var selectedResident:StaffMemberVO;
37 | [Bindable]
38 | private var selectedNurse:StaffMemberVO;
39 |
40 | private static const WIDTH:int = 320;
41 |
42 | private var curStaffSrc: AutoComplete;
43 | private var keyTimer: Timer;
44 | private var lastRoot: String = "";
45 |
46 | private function getState(state: int): String
47 | // monitor state instead of using show event, since show not called on initial view
48 | {
49 | if (model.appViewState == TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_ASSIGN_STAFF) {
50 | loadStaffLists();
51 | }
52 | return "";
53 | }
54 |
55 | private function setStaffSrc(src: AutoComplete): void
56 | {
57 | // clear the control we are leaving
58 | if (curStaffSrc != null) {
59 | curStaffSrc.typedText = "";
60 | }
61 | if (src == null) {
62 | var e:MatchPersonEvent = new MatchPersonEvent(MatchPersonEvent.EVENT_MATCH_PERSON);
63 | e.partial = "";
64 | e.personType = "";
65 | }
66 |
67 | // set to the new control or null
68 | curStaffSrc = src;
69 | lastRoot = "";
70 | if ((keyTimer != null) && keyTimer.running) {
71 | keyTimer.stop();
72 | }
73 | }
74 |
75 | private function setTimer(event: Event): void
76 | {
77 | // stop the running timer, if we come back here too soon
78 | if ((keyTimer != null) && keyTimer.running) {
79 | keyTimer.stop();
80 | }
81 | // don't start the timer if we already have the subset of choices
82 | if ((lastRoot.length > 0) && (curStaffSrc.typedText.substr(0, lastRoot.length) == lastRoot)) {
83 | return;
84 | }
85 | // only search for inputs of length 3 or more
86 | if (curStaffSrc != null && curStaffSrc.typedText.length > 2) {
87 | keyTimer = new Timer(500,1);
88 | keyTimer.addEventListener("timer", refreshStaffSrc);
89 | keyTimer.start();
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | private function refreshStaffSrc(event: TimerEvent): void
94 | {
95 | lastRoot = curStaffSrc.typedText.toUpperCase();
96 | var e: MatchPersonEvent = new MatchPersonEvent(MatchPersonEvent.EVENT_MATCH_PERSON);
97 | e.partial = lastRoot;
98 | if (curStaffSrc == providerSrc) {e.personType = "P"}
99 | if (curStaffSrc == residentSrc) {e.personType = "R"}
100 | if (curStaffSrc == nurseSrc) {e.personType = "N"}
101 | e.dispatch();
102 | }
103 |
104 | private function set staffSrcReady(isReady: Boolean): void
105 | {
106 | if (isReady == false) return;
107 | curStaffSrc.dataProvider = model.config.srcStaff;
108 | curStaffSrc.open();
109 | if (model.config.srcStaff.length > 0) curStaffSrc.selectedIndex = 0;
110 | }
111 |
112 | private function loadStaffLists(): void
113 | {
114 | if (model.config.staffConfigLoaded) return;
115 | var loadEvent: ConfigurationEvent =
116 | new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_LOAD_STAFF_CONFIG);
117 | loadEvent.dispatch();
118 | }
119 |
120 | private function addStaff(list: AutoComplete, role: String, grid: DataGrid): void
121 | {
122 | var staff:StaffMemberVO = null;
123 | if (list!= null && list.selectedItem != null) {
124 | staff = list.selectedItem as StaffMemberVO;
125 | UpdateStaffEvent.dispatchAdd(staff, role);
126 | grid.setFocus();
127 | } else {
128 | var selectedStaffMemberName:String = list.typedText;
129 | if (selectedStaffMemberName != null && selectedStaffMemberName != ""){
130 | var ac:ICollectionView = list.dataProvider as ICollectionView;
131 | for each (var item:StaffMemberVO in ac){
132 | if (selectedStaffMemberName == item.displayName){
133 | staff = item;
134 | UpdateStaffEvent.dispatchAdd(staff, role);
135 | grid.setFocus();
136 | break;
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 | }
141 | resetAutoComplete(list);
142 |
143 | }
144 |
145 |
146 | private function resetAutoComplete(list:AutoComplete):void{
147 | list.selectedIndex = -1;
148 | list.typedText = "";
149 | }
150 |
151 | private function handleRemoveAndEscKeys(event:KeyboardEvent, grid: DataGrid):void{
152 | if (KeyUtils.isRemoveKey(event)){
153 | removeStaff(grid);
154 | } else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE){
155 | grid.selectedIndex = -1;
156 | btnSaveStaff.setFocus();
157 | }
158 | }
159 |
160 |
161 | private function removeStaff(grid: DataGrid): void
162 | {
163 | if (grid.selectedIndex < 0 || grid.selectedItem == null) return;
164 | var selectedIndx:int = grid.selectedIndex;
165 | var staff:StaffMemberVO = grid.selectedItem as StaffMemberVO;
166 | UpdateStaffEvent.dispatchRemove(staff);
167 | if (AccessibilityTools.isAccessibilityActive())InfoDialog.show("removed successfully", "Message", true, grid);
168 | grid.setFocus();
169 | if (grid.dataProvider.length > 0){
170 | grid.selectedIndex = selectedIndx - 1;
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | private function saveStaff(): void
175 | {
176 | var saveEvent: ConfigurationEvent =
177 | new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_SAVE_STAFF_CONFIG);
178 | saveEvent.dispatch();
179 |
180 | providerDest.selectedIndex = -1;
181 | residentDest.selectedIndex = -1;
182 | nurseDest.selectedIndex = -1;
183 | }
184 |
185 |
186 | private function enableButton(list: AutoComplete,component:UIComponent):void
187 | {
188 | var enableFlag:Boolean = false;
189 |
190 | if (list.typedText == "")
191 | {
192 | enableFlag = false;
193 | }
194 | else
195 | {
196 | if ((list.selectedIndex > -1) || ((list.text.length > 0) && (list.text != null)))
197 | {
198 | enableFlag = true;
199 | }
200 | }
201 |
202 | component.enabled = enableFlag;
203 | }
204 |
205 | private function fireColorChange(event:ColorChangedEvent):void {
206 | var staffMember:StaffMemberVO = null;
207 | if (event.currentTarget === providerColorSelector) {
208 | staffMember = selectedProvider;
209 | if (staffMember.color != providerColorSelector.color) {
210 | staffMember.color.ignore = providerColorSelector.color.ignore;
211 | staffMember.color.text = providerColorSelector.color.text;
212 | staffMember.color.back = providerColorSelector.color.back;
213 | staffMember.colorChanged = true;
214 | new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_STAFF_MODIFIED).dispatch();
215 | model.config.providers.refresh();
216 | }
217 | } else if (event.currentTarget === residentColorSelector) {
218 | staffMember = selectedResident;
219 | if (staffMember.color != residentColorSelector.color) {
220 | staffMember.color.ignore = residentColorSelector.color.ignore;
221 | staffMember.color.text = residentColorSelector.color.text;
222 | staffMember.color.back = residentColorSelector.color.back;
223 | staffMember.colorChanged = true;
224 | new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_STAFF_MODIFIED).dispatch();
225 | model.config.residents.refresh();
226 | }
227 | } else if (event.currentTarget === nurseColorSelector) {
228 | staffMember = selectedNurse;
229 | if (staffMember.color != nurseColorSelector.color) {
230 | staffMember.color.ignore = nurseColorSelector.color.ignore;
231 | staffMember.color.text = nurseColorSelector.color.text;
232 | staffMember.color.back = nurseColorSelector.color.back;
233 | staffMember.colorChanged = true;
234 | new ConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent.EVENT_STAFF_MODIFIED).dispatch();
235 | model.config.nurses.refresh();
236 | }
237 | }
238 | }
239 | ]]>
240 | </mx:Script>
241 |
242 | <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
243 | <mx:VBox verticalGap="0">
244 | <mx:Label id="mdLabel" text="Providers" styleName="controlLabel" />
245 | <widget:AutoComplete
246 | id="providerSrc"
247 | name="Autocomplete Provider Name"
248 | focusIn="{setStaffSrc(providerSrc); enableButton(providerSrc,addProvider)}"
249 | focusOut="{setStaffSrc(null); enableButton(providerSrc,addProvider)}"
250 | keyUp="enableButton(providerSrc,addProvider)"
251 | typedTextChange="setTimer(event)"
252 | selectedIndex="-1"
253 | prompt="(type provider name)"
254 | labelField="displayName"
255 | width="190"
256 | enter="{addStaff(providerSrc, 'P', providerDest)}"
257 | tabIndex="1001"/>
258 | </mx:VBox>
259 | <mx:Canvas height="100%">
260 | <mx:Button
261 | label="Add >>"
262 | id="addProvider"
263 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(addProvider,'Press button to add provider to the list.')}"
264 | top="{mdLabel.height}" horizontalCenter="0"
265 | click="addStaff(providerSrc, 'P', providerDest); enableButton(providerSrc,addProvider)"
266 | enabled="{false}"
267 | tabIndex="1002"
268 | focusEnabled="false"/>
269 | <mx:Button
270 | label="Remove"
271 | id="removeProvider"
272 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(removeProvider,'Press button to remove provider from the list.')}"
273 | verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0"
274 | click="removeStaff(providerDest)"
275 | enabled="{providerDest.selectedItem != null}"
276 | tabIndex="1004"
277 | focusEnabled="false"/>
278 | </mx:Canvas>
279 | <mx:DataGrid
280 | id="providerDest"
281 | accessibilityProperties="{providerAccProps}"
282 | height="100%"
283 | editable="false"
284 | keyDown="handleRemoveAndEscKeys(event,providerDest)"
285 | dataProvider="{model.config.providers}"
286 | headerStyleName="controlLabel"
287 | tabIndex="1003">
288 | <mx:columns>
289 | <mx:DataGridColumn
290 | headerText="Provider"
291 | dataField="name"
292 | width="190"/>
293 | <mx:DataGridColumn
294 | headerText="Initials"
295 | dataField="initials"
296 | width="60"/>
297 | <mx:DataGridColumn
298 | editable="true"
299 | headerText="Color"
300 | width="90"
301 | dataField="color"
302 | itemRenderer="gov.va.med.edp.widget.ColorSampleRenderer" />
303 | </mx:columns>
304 | </mx:DataGrid>
305 | <mx:VBox
306 | verticalGap="2"
307 | height="100%"
308 | id="providerColorSelectorFrm"
309 | visible="{providerDest.selectedItem != null}">
310 | <mx:Label text="Change Color"/>
311 | <widget:ColorSelector id="providerColorSelector" tabIndex="1004" color="{selectedProvider.color}" colorChange="fireColorChange(event)"/>
312 | </mx:VBox>
313 | </mx:HBox>
314 |
315 | <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" paddingTop="18">
316 | <mx:VBox verticalGap="0">
317 | <mx:Label text="Residents" styleName="controlLabel" />
318 | <widget:AutoComplete
319 | id="residentSrc"
320 | name="Autocomplete resident name"
321 | focusIn="setStaffSrc(residentSrc); enableButton(residentSrc,addResident)"
322 | focusOut="setStaffSrc(null); enableButton(residentSrc,addResident)"
323 | keyUp="enableButton(residentSrc,addResident)"
324 | typedTextChange="setTimer(event)"
325 | selectedIndex="-1"
326 | prompt="(type resident name)"
327 | labelField="displayName"
328 | width="190"
329 | enter="addStaff(residentSrc, 'R', residentDest)"
330 | tabIndex="1010"/>
331 | </mx:VBox>
332 | <mx:Canvas height="100%">
333 | <mx:Button
334 | label="Add >>"
335 | id="addResident"
336 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(addResident,'Press button to add resident to the list.')}"
337 | top="{mdLabel.height}" horizontalCenter="0"
338 | click="addStaff(residentSrc, 'R', residentDest); enableButton(residentSrc,addResident)"
339 | tabIndex="1011"
340 | enabled="{false}"
341 | focusEnabled="false"/>
342 | <mx:Button
343 | label="Remove"
344 | id="remResident"
345 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(remResident,'Press button to remove resident from the list.')}"
346 | verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0"
347 | click="removeStaff(residentDest)"
348 | tabIndex="1013"
349 | enabled="{residentDest.selectedItem != null}"
350 | focusEnabled="false"/>
351 | </mx:Canvas>
352 |
353 | <mx:DataGrid
354 | id="residentDest"
355 | accessibilityProperties="{residentAccProps}"
356 | height="100%"
357 | editable="false"
358 | keyDown="handleRemoveAndEscKeys(event,residentDest)"
359 | dataProvider="{model.config.residents}"
360 | headerStyleName="controlLabel"
361 | tabIndex="1012">
362 | <mx:columns>
363 | <mx:DataGridColumn
364 | headerText="Resident"
365 | dataField="name"
366 | width="190"/>
367 | <mx:DataGridColumn
368 | headerText="Initials"
369 | dataField="initials"
370 | width="60"/>
371 | <mx:DataGridColumn
372 | editable="true"
373 | headerText="Color"
374 | width="90"
375 | dataField="color"
376 | itemRenderer="gov.va.med.edp.widget.ColorSampleRenderer" />
377 | </mx:columns>
378 | </mx:DataGrid>
379 | <mx:VBox
380 | verticalGap="2"
381 | height="100%"
382 | id="residentColorSelectorFrm"
383 | visible="{residentDest.selectedItem != null}">
384 | <mx:Label text="Change Color"/>
385 | <widget:ColorSelector id="residentColorSelector" tabIndex="1013" color="{selectedResident.color}" colorChange="fireColorChange(event)"/>
386 | </mx:VBox>
387 | </mx:HBox>
388 |
389 | <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" paddingTop="18">
390 | <mx:VBox verticalGap="0">
391 | <mx:Label text="Nurses" styleName="controlLabel" />
392 | <widget:AutoComplete
393 | id="nurseSrc"
394 | name="Autocomplete nurse name"
395 | focusIn="setStaffSrc(nurseSrc); enableButton(nurseSrc,addNurse)"
396 | focusOut="setStaffSrc(null); enableButton(nurseSrc,addNurse)"
397 | keyUp="enableButton(nurseSrc,addNurse)"
398 | typedTextChange="setTimer(event)"
399 | selectedIndex="-1"
400 | prompt="(type nurse name)"
401 | labelField="displayName"
402 | width="190"
403 | enter="addStaff(nurseSrc, 'N', nurseDest)"
404 | tabIndex="1020"/>
405 | </mx:VBox>
406 | <mx:Canvas height="100%">
407 | <mx:Button
408 | label="Add >>"
409 | id="addNurse"
410 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(addNurse,'Press button to add nurse to the list.')}"
411 | top="{mdLabel.height}" horizontalCenter="0"
412 | click="addStaff(nurseSrc, 'N', nurseDest); enableButton(nurseSrc,addNurse)"
413 | enabled="{false}"
414 | tabIndex="1021"
415 | focusEnabled="false"/>
416 | <mx:Button
417 | label="Remove"
418 | id="remNurse"
419 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentDescription(remNurse,'Press button to remove nurse from the list.')}"
420 | verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0"
421 | click="removeStaff(nurseDest)"
422 | enabled="{nurseDest.selectedItem != null}"
423 | tabIndex="1023"
424 | focusEnabled="false"/>
425 | </mx:Canvas>
426 | <mx:DataGrid
427 | id="nurseDest"
428 | accessibilityProperties="{nurseAccProps}"
429 | height="100%"
430 | editable="false"
431 | keyDown="handleRemoveAndEscKeys(event,nurseDest)"
432 | dataProvider="{model.config.nurses}"
433 | headerStyleName="controlLabel"
434 | tabIndex="1022">
435 | <mx:columns>
436 | <mx:DataGridColumn
437 | headerText="Nurse"
438 | dataField="name"
439 | width="190"/>
440 | <mx:DataGridColumn
441 | headerText="Initials"
442 | dataField="initials"
443 | width="60"/>
444 | <mx:DataGridColumn
445 | editable="true"
446 | headerText="Color"
447 | width="90"
448 | dataField="color"
449 | itemRenderer="gov.va.med.edp.widget.ColorSampleRenderer" />
450 | </mx:columns>
451 | </mx:DataGrid>
452 | <mx:VBox
453 | verticalGap="2"
454 | height="100%"
455 | id="nurseColorSelectorFrm"
456 | visible="{nurseDest.selectedItem != null}">
457 | <mx:Label text="Change Color"/>
458 | <widget:ColorSelector id="nurseColorSelector" tabIndex="1023" color="{selectedNurse.color}" colorChange="fireColorChange(event)"/>
459 | </mx:VBox>
460 | </mx:HBox>
461 |
462 | <mx:Canvas width="100%" >
463 | <mx:Button
464 | id = "btnSaveStaff"
465 | label="Save Staff Changes"
466 | enabled="{(model.config.staffMods && model.config.staffConfigLoaded)}"
467 | horizontalCenter="0" top="6" bottom="6"
468 | click="saveStaff()"
469 | tabIndex="1100"/>
470 | </mx:Canvas>
471 | <accessibility:AccessibilityProperties id="residentAccProps" name="active residents list"/>
472 | <accessibility:AccessibilityProperties id="providerAccProps" name="active providers list"/>
473 | <accessibility:AccessibilityProperties id="nurseAccProps" name="active nurses list"/>
474 | <mx:Binding source="model.config.srcStaffReady" destination="staffSrcReady" />
475 | <mx:Binding source="StaffMemberVO(providerDest.selectedItem)" destination="selectedProvider"/>
476 | <mx:Binding source="StaffMemberVO(residentDest.selectedItem)" destination="selectedResident"/>
477 | <mx:Binding source="StaffMemberVO(nurseDest.selectedItem)" destination="selectedNurse"/>
478 | </mx:VBox>