1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <!-- LogEntryEditor.mxml -->
3 |
4 | <mx:VBox
5 | xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
6 | xmlns:widget="gov.va.med.edp.widget.*"
7 | xmlns:log="gov.va.med.edp.view.log.*"
8 | xmlns:accessibility="flash.accessibility.*"
9 | currentState="{model.logEntryViewState}"
10 | keyDown="keyHandler(event)" >
11 |
12 | <mx:states>
13 | <mx:State name="Message" enterState="initMessageState()" >
14 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{patientBar}" />
15 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{entryForm}" />
16 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{btnArea}" />
17 | <mx:AddChild>
18 | <mx:Canvas id="msgArea" width="100%" height="100%" >
19 | <mx:TextArea
20 | id="txtMsg"
21 | accessibilityProperties="{accMsg}"
22 | text="{model.logEdit.message}"
23 | tabIndex="99"
24 | restrict="*~_"
25 | horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" textAlign="center"
26 | styleName="accessibleControlLabel" />
27 | </mx:Canvas>
28 | </mx:AddChild>
29 | </mx:State>
30 | <mx:State name="EditClosed" enterState="initEditState()" >
31 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{entryForm}" position="after">
32 | <log:DiagnosesFreeText width="100%" paddingBottom="18" />
33 | </mx:AddChild>
34 | </mx:State>
35 | <mx:State name="EditClosedCoded" enterState="initEditState()" >
36 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{entryForm}" position="after">
37 | <log:DiagnosesCoded width="100%" paddingBottom="18" />
38 | </mx:AddChild>
39 | </mx:State>
40 | <mx:State name="SignIn" enterState="initEditState()" >
41 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{longComplaintItem}" />
42 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{acuityItem}" />
43 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{clinicItem}" />
44 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{statusItem}" />
45 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{providerItem}" />
46 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{residentItem}" />
47 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{nurseItem}" />
48 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{commentItem}" />
49 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{dispositionItem}" />
50 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{delayItem}" />
51 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeInItem}" />
52 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeOutItem}" />
53 | </mx:State>
54 | <mx:State name="Triage" enterState="initEditState()">
55 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{commentItem}" />
56 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{dispositionItem}" />
57 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{delayItem}" />
58 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeInItem}" />
59 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeOutItem}" />
60 | </mx:State>
61 | <mx:State name="Update" enterState="initEditState()" >
62 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{complaintItem}" />
63 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{longComplaintItem}" />
64 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{acuityItem}" />
65 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{clinicItem}" />
66 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{arrivalItem}" />
67 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{dispositionItem}" />
68 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{delayItem}" />
69 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeInItem}" />
70 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeOutItem}" />
71 | </mx:State>
72 | <mx:State name="UpdateNoRes" basedOn="Update" enterState="initEditState()" >
73 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{residentItem}" />
74 | </mx:State>
75 | <mx:State name="DispDelay" enterState="initEditState()" >
76 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{complaintItem}" />
77 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{longComplaintItem}" />
78 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{acuityItem}" />
79 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{clinicItem}" />
80 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{arrivalItem}" />
81 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{nurseItem}" />
82 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{commentItem}" />
83 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeInItem}" />
84 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{timeOutItem}" />
85 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{entryForm}" position="after" creationPolicy="all">
86 | <log:DiagnosesFreeText id="diagnosesFreeText" width="100%" paddingBottom="18" />
87 | </mx:AddChild>
88 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{btnArea}" position="firstChild" >
89 | <mx:Button
90 | label="Save & Remove from Board"
91 | enabled="{model.logEdit.entry.removeReady}"
92 | click="removeEntry()" tabIndex="1899"/>
93 | </mx:AddChild>
94 | </mx:State>
95 | <mx:State name="DispDelayCoded" basedOn="DispDelay" enterState="initEditState()" >
96 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{diagnosesFreeText}" />
97 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{entryForm}" position="after" creationPolicy="all">
98 | <log:DiagnosesCoded id="diagnosesCoded" width="100%" paddingBottom="18" />
99 | </mx:AddChild>
100 | </mx:State>
101 | </mx:states>
102 |
103 | <mx:Script>
104 | <![CDATA[
105 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.AccessibilityTools;
106 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.model.MatchingPatientsModel;
107 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.model.PatientChecksModel;
108 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.IPatientChecksController;
109 | import gov.va.med.edp.widget.InfoDialog;
110 | import mx.controls.TextArea;
111 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.RemoveLogEntryEvent;
112 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.LogEntryVO;
113 | import mx.validators.Validator;
114 |
115 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.TrackingEvent;
116 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
117 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ChangeWatcher;
118 |
119 | [Bindable]
120 | public var ptChecksController:IPatientChecksController;
121 |
122 | [Bindable]
123 | public var patientChecksModel:PatientChecksModel;
124 |
125 | [Bindable]
126 | private var model: TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
127 |
128 | [Bindable]
129 | private var _showDelay: Boolean = false; // shows delay if edit closed or server rejects due to delay missing
130 |
131 | private var _validators: Array;
132 | private var _txtMsg: TextArea;
133 |
134 | private function initMessageState(): void
135 | {
136 | if (AccessibilityTools.isAccessibilityActive()) {
137 | callLater(txtMsg.setFocus);
138 | } else {
139 | txtMsg.editable = false;
140 | }
141 | }
142 |
143 | private function initEditState(): void
144 | {
145 | // reCalc Widths
146 | var item: FormItem;
147 | var minWidth: int = 30;
148 | var newWidth: int;
149 |
150 | for (var i: int = 0; i < entryForm.numChildren; i++) {
151 | item = entryForm.getChildAt(i) as FormItem;
152 | newWidth = item.measureText(item.label + "M").width;
153 | if (newWidth > minWidth) {
154 | minWidth = newWidth;
155 | }
156 | }
157 | entryForm.setStyle("labelWidth", minWidth);
158 |
159 | // set up validators
160 | switch (model.appViewState) {
161 | case TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_SIGN_IN:
162 | _validators = [complaintValid, bedValid];
163 | break;
164 | case TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_TRIAGE:
165 | _validators = [complaintValid, bedValid, acuityValid, clinicValid];
166 | break;
167 | case TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_EDIT_CLOSED:
168 | _validators = [complaintValid, bedValid, acuityValid, providerValid];
169 | if (model.logEditParams.requireDisposition) {
170 | _validators.push(dispositionValid)
171 | };
172 | if (model.logEditParams.requireDelay) {
173 | _validators.push(delayValid)
174 | };
175 | _showDelay = true; // always show delay prompt for edit closed
176 | break;
177 | default:
178 | _validators = [];
179 | break;
180 | }
181 | if (model.logEdit.entry != null) {
182 | // must call later to give a chance for the bound controls to get set
183 | this.callLater(validateOnLoad);
184 | }
185 | }
186 |
187 | private function saveIfValid(): void
188 | {
189 | var results: Array = Validator.validateAll(_validators);
190 |
191 | if (results.length == 0) {
192 | // save record if validators passed
193 | var e: TrackingEvent = new TrackingEvent(TrackingEvent.EVENT_SAVE_LOG_ENTRY);
194 | e.dispatch();
195 | } else {
196 | var msg: String = "The following must be satisfied before saving:\n";
197 | for (var i: int = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
198 | msg += results[i].target.source.id + "\n";
199 | }
200 | InfoDialog.show(msg);
201 | if (msg.indexOf("delay") > -1) {
202 | _showDelay = true;
203 | }
204 | }
205 | }
206 |
207 | public function cancelEdit(): void
208 | {
209 | if (model.logEdit.entry.isStub) {
210 | var eDelete: TrackingEvent = new TrackingEvent(TrackingEvent.EVENT_DELETE_STUB_ENTRY);
211 | eDelete.dispatch();
212 | } else {
213 | var eCancel: TrackingEvent = new TrackingEvent(TrackingEvent.EVENT_CANCEL_EDIT);
214 | eCancel.dispatch();
215 | }
216 | }
217 |
218 | private function removeEntry(): void
219 | {
220 | var removeEvent: RemoveLogEntryEvent =
221 | new RemoveLogEntryEvent(RemoveLogEntryEvent.EVENT_REMOVE_LOG_ENTRY);
222 | removeEvent.dispatch();
223 | }
224 |
225 | private function set currentEntry(entry: LogEntryVO): void
226 | {
227 | if (entry == null) return;
228 |
229 | //make sure that outTS is disabled for the patients that are still active.
230 | //This could potentially mess up data for the active listed patients on the board
231 | //if someone assigned them an outTS while they still haven't been discharged..
232 | if (!entry.closed) {
233 | outTS.selectedDate = null;
234 | outTS.enabled = false;
235 | outTS.toolTip = "The patient needs to be discharged first to make this field active."
236 | } else {
237 | outTS.enabled = true;
238 | outTS.toolTip = "";
239 | }
240 | // init _showDelay to false unless we're in edit closed
241 | // (usually the model will say whether we need delay reason
242 | _showDelay = (model.appViewState == TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_EDIT_CLOSED);
243 |
244 | if (model.logEditParams.promptClinics && (entry.visit == 0)) {
245 | clinicItem.visible = true;
246 | clinicItem.includeInLayout = true;
247 | } else {
248 | clinicItem.visible = false;
249 | clinicItem.includeInLayout = false;
250 | }
251 | }
252 |
253 | private function set patientSelectionComplete(isDone: Boolean): void
254 | {
255 | if (isDone) {
256 | // get JAWS to the first prompt after adding a new patient
257 | //this.callLater(complaint.setFocus);
258 | this.callLater(complaint.setFocus);
259 | //var fi: FormItem = entryForm.getChildAt(0) as FormItem;
260 | //trace("first child", fi.tabChildren);
261 | }
262 | }
263 |
264 | private function validateOnLoad(): void
265 | {
266 | // must set the errorString to null to get the red border to reset
267 | complaint.errorString = "";
268 | longComplaint.errorString = "";
269 | comment.errorString = "";
270 | bed.errorString = "";
271 | acuity.errorString = ""
272 | provider.errorString = "";
273 | disposition.errorString = "";
274 | delay.errorString = "";
275 | clinic.errorString = "";
276 | Validator.validateAll(_validators);
277 | }
278 |
279 | private function keyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent): void
280 | {
281 | if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.ESCAPE) {
282 | cancelEdit();
283 | }
284 | }
285 | ]]>
286 | </mx:Script>
287 |
288 | <log:PatientHeaderBar id="patientBar" width="100%" ptChecksController="{ptChecksController}"
289 | patientChecksModel="{patientChecksModel}"/>
290 |
291 | <mx:Form id="entryForm" width="100%">
292 |
293 | <mx:FormItem
294 | id="complaintItem"
295 | label="Complaint for Display Board"
296 | width="100%" >
297 | <mx:Canvas width="100%">
298 | <mx:TextInput
299 | id="complaint"
300 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.complaint}"
301 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
302 | left="0" right="0"
303 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1100"/>
304 | </mx:Canvas>
305 | </mx:FormItem>
306 |
307 | <mx:FormItem
308 | id="longComplaintItem"
309 | label="Long Complaint (optional)"
310 | width="100%" >
311 | <mx:Canvas width="100%" >
312 | <mx:TextInput
313 | id="longComplaint"
314 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.longComplaint}"
315 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
316 | left="0" right="0"
317 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1101"/>
318 | </mx:Canvas>
319 | </mx:FormItem>
320 |
321 | <mx:FormItem
322 | id="bedItem" width="100%"
323 | label="Room / Area" >
324 | <widget:ValueComboBox
325 | id="bed"
326 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.beds}"
327 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.bed}"
328 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
329 | rowCount="20"
330 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1102"/>
331 | </mx:FormItem>
332 |
333 | <mx:FormItem
334 | id="acuityItem" width="100%"
335 | label="Acuity" >
336 | <widget:ValueComboBox
337 | id="acuity"
338 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.acuities}"
339 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.acuity}"
340 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
341 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.acuities.length}"
342 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1103"/>
343 | </mx:FormItem>
344 |
345 | <mx:FormItem
346 | id="statusItem" width="100%"
347 | label="Status" >
348 | <widget:ValueComboBox
349 | id="status"
350 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.statuses}"
351 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.status}"
352 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
353 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.statuses.length}"
354 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1104"/>
355 | </mx:FormItem>
356 |
357 | <mx:FormItem
358 | id="providerItem" width="100%"
359 | label="Provider" >
360 | <widget:ValueComboBox
361 | id="provider"
362 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.providers}"
363 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.provider}"
364 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
365 | rowCount="12"
366 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1105"/>
367 | </mx:FormItem>
368 |
369 | <mx:FormItem
370 | id="residentItem" width="100%"
371 | label="Resident" >
372 | <widget:ValueComboBox
373 | id="resident"
374 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.residents}"
375 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.resident}"
376 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
377 | rowCount="12"
378 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1106"/>
379 | </mx:FormItem>
380 |
381 | <mx:FormItem
382 | id="nurseItem" width="100%"
383 | label="Nurse" >
384 | <widget:ValueComboBox
385 | id="nurse"
386 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.nurses}"
387 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.nurse}"
388 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
389 | rowCount="12"
390 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1107"/>
391 | </mx:FormItem>
392 |
393 | <mx:FormItem
394 | id="commentItem"
395 | label="Comments"
396 | width="100%" >
397 | <mx:Canvas width="100%">
398 | <mx:TextInput
399 | id="comment"
400 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.comment}"
401 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
402 | right="0" left="0"
403 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1108"/>
404 | </mx:Canvas>
405 | </mx:FormItem>
406 |
407 | <mx:FormItem
408 | id="arrivalItem" width="100%"
409 | label="Source" >
410 | <widget:ValueComboBox
411 | id="arrival"
412 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.arrivals}"
413 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.arrival}"
414 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
415 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.arrivals.length}"
416 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1109"/>
417 | </mx:FormItem>
418 |
419 | <mx:FormItem
420 | id="clinicItem" width="100%"
421 | label="Clinic" >
422 | <widget:ValueComboBox
423 | id="clinic"
424 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.clinics}"
425 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.clinic}"
426 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
427 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.clinics.length}"
428 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1110"/>
429 | </mx:FormItem>
430 |
431 | <mx:FormItem
432 | id="dispositionItem" width="100%"
433 | label="Disposition" >
434 | <widget:ValueComboBox
435 | id="disposition"
436 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.dispositions}"
437 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.disposition}"
438 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
439 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.dispositions.length}"
440 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1111"/>
441 | </mx:FormItem>
442 |
443 | <mx:FormItem
444 | id="delayItem" width="100%"
445 | visible="{(_showDelay || model.logEdit.entry.requireDelay)}"
446 | label="Delay Reason">
447 | <widget:ValueComboBox
448 | id="delay"
449 | dataProvider="{model.logEdit.delays}"
450 | value="{model.logEdit.entry.delay}"
451 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
452 | rowCount="{model.logEdit.delays.length}"
453 | styleName="formField" tabIndex="1112"/>
454 | </mx:FormItem>
455 |
456 | <mx:FormItem
457 | id="timeInItem" width="100%"
458 | label="Time In">
459 | <widget:DateTimeChooser
460 | id="inTS"
461 | tabEnabled="true"
462 | dateType="Time In"
463 | selectedDate="{model.logEdit.entry.inTS}"
464 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
465 | styleName="formField" tabIndexBase="1113"/>
466 | </mx:FormItem>
467 |
468 | <mx:FormItem
469 | id="timeOutItem" width="100%"
470 | label="Time Out">
471 | <widget:DateTimeChooser
472 | id="outTS"
473 | tabEnabled="true"
474 | dateType="Time Out"
475 | selectedDate="{model.logEdit.entry.outTS}"
476 | change="ChangeWatcher.changeField(event)"
477 | styleName="formField" tabIndexBase="1114"/>
478 | </mx:FormItem>
479 |
480 | </mx:Form>
481 |
482 | <mx:Canvas id="btnArea" width="100%" >
483 | <mx:Button
484 | id="cancel"
485 | label="Cancel"
486 | enabled="{model.logEdit.dirty}"
487 | click="cancelEdit()"
488 | right="{save.width + 12}" tabIndex="1900"/>
489 | <mx:Button
490 | id="save"
491 | label="Save"
492 | enabled="{model.logEdit.dirty}"
493 | click="saveIfValid()"
494 | right="6" tabIndex="1901"/>
495 | </mx:Canvas>
496 |
497 | <mx:StringValidator
498 | id="complaintValid"
499 | source="{complaint}" property="text"
500 | maxLength="50" required="true" />
501 | <mx:StringValidator
502 | id="longCompValid"
503 | source="{longComplaint}" property="text"
504 | maxLength="220" required="false" />
505 | <mx:StringValidator
506 | id="commentValid"
507 | source="{comment}" property="text"
508 | maxLength="80" required="false" />
509 | <mx:NumberValidator
510 | id="bedValid"
511 | source="{bed}" property="selectedIndex"
512 | minValue="1" required="true" lowerThanMinError="A room must be selected." />
513 | <mx:NumberValidator
514 | id="acuityValid"
515 | source="{acuity}" property="selectedIndex"
516 | minValue="1" required="true" lowerThanMinError="An acuity must be selected." />
517 | <mx:NumberValidator
518 | id="providerValid"
519 | source="{provider}" property="selectedIndex"
520 | minValue="1" required="true" lowerThanMinError="A provider must be selected." />
521 | <mx:NumberValidator
522 | id="clinicValid"
523 | source="{clinic}" property="selectedIndex"
524 | minValue="1"
525 | required="{(model.logEditParams.promptClinics && (model.logEdit.entry.visit == 0))}"
526 | lowerThanMinError="A clinic must be selected." />
527 | <mx:NumberValidator
528 | id="dispositionValid"
529 | source="{disposition}" property="selectedIndex"
530 | minValue="1" required="{model.logEdit.entry.requireDisposition}" lowerThanMinError="A disposition must be selected." />
531 | <mx:NumberValidator
532 | id="delayValid"
533 | source="{delay}" property="selectedIndex"
534 | minValue="1" required="{model.logEdit.entry.requireDelay}" lowerThanMinError="A delay reason must be selected." />
535 |
536 | <accessibility:AccessibilityProperties id="accMsg" name="Info Status Message" />
537 |
538 | <!-- bind to this so we know when the entry changes -->
539 | <mx:Binding source="model.logEdit.entry" destination="currentEntry" />
540 | <mx:Binding source="model.logEdit.patientSelected" destination="patientSelectionComplete" />
541 | </mx:VBox>