1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 |
3 | <!--PatientHeaderBar.mxml -->
4 | <!--
5 | ApplicationControlBar has some weird borders that can make it screw up your layouts.
6 | Meaning, if you have a Canvas with 100% width and height, and have theApplicationControl
7 | bar in it, your Canvas will get scrollbars . Easiest way to fix is to (like a lot of
8 | things) wrap it in a Canvas with width and height of a 100%, as well as your vertical
9 | and horizontalScrollPolicies set to “off”. That’ll make it flush and not cause scrollbars.
10 | This works for other components as well that give you layout grief.
11 | -->
12 | <mx:VBox
13 | xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
14 | xmlns:pt="gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.view.*"
15 | verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
16 |
17 | <mx:ApplicationControlBar
18 | paddingBottom="0"
19 | paddingTop="0"
20 | dock="true"
21 | width="100%"
22 | fillColors="[#6688E5,#3F6BEA]"
23 | fillAlphas="[0.6,0.6]" >
24 |
25 | <mx:Script>
26 | <![CDATA[
27 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.view.SelectPatientEvent;
28 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.model.PatientChecksModel;
29 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.IPatientChecksController;
30 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.view.PatientRecordFlagsDialog;
31 | import gov.va.med.edp.pt.demog.model.PatientSelectVO;
32 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
33 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ChangeWatcher;
34 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.AccessibilityTools;
35 |
36 | [Bindable]
37 | public var model:TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
38 |
39 | [Bindable]
40 | public var ptChecksController:IPatientChecksController;
41 |
42 | [Bindable]
43 | public var patientChecksModel:PatientChecksModel;
44 |
45 | private function getPatient(name: String): PatientSelectVO
46 | {
47 | // name is passed in just to force the binding to call this
48 | var patient: PatientSelectVO = new PatientSelectVO();
49 | patient.dfn = model.logEdit.entry.dfn;
50 | patient.name = model.logEdit.entry.name;
51 | patient.ssn = model.logEdit.entry.ssn;
52 | patient.dob = model.logEdit.entry.dob;
53 | return patient;
54 | }
55 |
56 | private function changePatient(event: SelectPatientEvent): void
57 | {
58 | ChangeWatcher.changeField(event);
59 | }
60 |
61 | private function patientButtonLeft(pw: int, dw: int, sw: int): int
62 | {
63 | return (pw > (dw + sw + 12)) ? pw + 32 : dw + sw + 18;
64 | }
65 |
66 | private function set handleFlagsButton(value: Boolean): void
67 | {
68 | flag.visible = value;
69 | }
70 |
71 | private function displayFlagsDialog(): void
72 | {
73 | if (model.logEdit.entry.patientFlags != null &&
74 | model.logEdit.entry.patientFlags.length > 0) {
75 | PatientRecordFlagsDialog.show(model.logEdit.entry.patientFlags);
76 | }
77 | }
78 |
79 |
80 | ]]>
81 | </mx:Script>
82 |
83 | <mx:Canvas width="100%" >
84 | <mx:Label
85 | id="ptName"
86 | top="0" left="6"
87 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.name}"
88 | toolTip="{model.logEdit.entry.name}"
89 | fontWeight="bold" />
90 | <mx:Label
91 | id="ssn"
92 | top="{ptName.height + 2}" left="6"
93 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.ssn}"
94 | toolTip="{model.logEdit.entry.ssn}"/>
95 | <mx:Label
96 | id="dob"
97 | top="{ptName.height + 2}" left="{ssn.width + 12}"
98 | text="{model.logEdit.entry.dob}"
99 | toolTip="{model.logEdit.entry.dob}"/>
100 | <pt:SelectPatientButton
101 | id="editPatient"
102 | verticalCenter="0"
103 | left="{patientButtonLeft(ptName.width, dob.width, ssn.width)}"
104 | visible="{(model.logEdit.entry.dfn == '')}"
105 | label="Identify Patient..."
106 | patient="{getPatient(model.logEdit.entry.name)}"
107 | selectPatient="changePatient(event)" tabIndex="1000"
108 | ptSelectController="{ptChecksController}"
109 | patientChecksModel="{patientChecksModel}"/>
110 | <mx:Canvas
111 | paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" right="6" >
112 | <!-- Modified by jtorreno 2008.02.13 for accessibility functionality - Start -->
113 | <mx:Button
114 | id="flag"
115 | visible="{model.logEdit.entry.patientFlags.length > 0}"
116 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(flag,'Flag')}"
117 | icon="@Embed(source='flag.png')"
118 | click="{displayFlagsDialog()}"
119 | left="0" width="24" verticalCenter="0" tabIndex="1001"/>
120 | <!-- Modified by jtorreno 2008.02.13 for accessibility functionality - End -->
121 | <mx:Form id="times" left="{flag.width + 6}" indicatorGap="0"
122 | paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0">
123 | <mx:FormItem label="in" toolTip="in" tabIndex="1002" >
124 | <mx:Label
125 | text="{fmtDt.format(model.logEdit.entry.inTS)}"
126 | toolTip="{fmtDt.format(model.logEdit.entry.inTS)}"
127 | styleName="formField" />
128 | </mx:FormItem>
129 | <mx:FormItem label="out" toolTip="out" visible="{model.logEdit.entry.outTS != null}" tabIndex="1003">
130 | <mx:Label
131 | text="{fmtDt.format(model.logEdit.entry.outTS)}"
132 | toolTip="{fmtDt.format(model.logEdit.entry.outTS)}"
133 | styleName="formField" />
134 | </mx:FormItem>
135 | </mx:Form>
136 | </mx:Canvas>
137 | </mx:Canvas>
138 |
139 | </mx:ApplicationControlBar>
140 |
141 | <mx:DateFormatter id="fmtDt" formatString="D MMM YY J:NN" />
142 | </mx:VBox>