1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:reports="gov.va.med.edp.view.reports.*" xmlns:widget="gov.va.med.edp.widget.*"
3 | width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="{ReportUtil.setExportButtonState(exportButton)}">
4 |
5 | <mx:Script>
6 | <![CDATA[
7 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.Vista;
8 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.reports.ReportLogEntryVO;
9 | import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
10 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.reports.ReportDownloadEvent;
11 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.reports.ReportParamsVO;
12 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.reports.ReportEvent;
13 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ReportUtil;
14 | import mx.core.Application;
15 | import gov.va.med.edp.view.reports.print.ReportDataGridPrintView;
16 | import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;
17 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
18 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ChangeWatcher;
19 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.AccessibilityTools;
20 |
21 | [Bindable]
22 | private var model: TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
23 |
24 |
25 | private function doPrint():void {
26 |
27 | var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
28 | if (printJob.start() != true) return;
29 |
30 | ReportUtil.printDataGrid(printJob,dgBVACReportLogEntries.columns, dgBVACReportLogEntries.dataProvider, lblReportTitle.text, 5, 7);
31 | ReportUtil.printDataGrid(printJob,dgBVACReportAvegares.columns, dgBVACReportAvegares.dataProvider, lblBVACAverages.text, 7, 5);
32 |
33 | printJob.send();
34 | }
35 |
36 |
37 | private function sortElapsedTime(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int
38 | {
39 | var elapsed1: String = obj1.elapsed;
40 | var elapsed2: String = obj2.elapsed;
41 | if (elapsed1.indexOf("*") != -1){
42 | var len1:int= elapsed1.length
43 | elapsed1 = elapsed1.substring(0, len1-2);
44 | }
45 | if (elapsed2.indexOf("*") != -1){
46 | var len2:int= elapsed2.length;
47 | elapsed2 = elapsed2.substring(0, len2-2);
48 | }
49 | var elapsed1Num:Number = parseFloat(elapsed1);
50 | var elapsed2Num:Number = parseFloat(elapsed2);
51 |
52 | if (elapsed1Num > elapsed2Num){
53 | return -1;
54 | } else if (elapsed1Num < elapsed2Num) {
55 | return 1;
56 | } else return 0;
57 | }
58 |
59 |
60 | ]]>
61 | </mx:Script>
62 |
63 | <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalGap="0">
64 | <mx:Label
65 | id="lblReportTitle"
66 | text="{ReportUtil.buildReportLabelText('ED BVAC Patients')}"
67 | paddingTop="0"
68 | paddingBottom="0"
69 | width="100%"
70 | styleName="viewTitle"
71 | textAlign="center" />
72 | <mx:HBox id="exportButton">
73 | <widget:LinkButton label="Export" click="{ReportUtil.exportReport(ReportDownloadEvent.EVENT_BVAC_REPORT);}" tabIndex="1900"/>
74 | <mx:Label text="|" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" textAlign="center"/>
75 | </mx:HBox>
76 | <widget:LinkButton label="Print" click="{doPrint()}" tabIndex="1901"/>
77 | </mx:HBox>
78 |
79 | <mx:DataGrid id="dgBVACReportLogEntries"
80 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(dgBVACReportLogEntries,ReportUtil.accessibleReportLabelText('ED BVAC Patients'))}"
81 | dataProvider="{model.reports.bvacReport.bvacReportLogs}"
82 | width="100%"
83 | height="50%"
84 | tabIndex="1100">
85 | <mx:columns>
86 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeIn" labelFunction="ReportUtil.formatReportDate" headerText="Time In" sortCompareFunction="ReportUtil.sortTimeInDates"/>
87 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="timeOut" labelFunction="ReportUtil.formatReportDate" headerText="Time Out" sortCompareFunction="ReportUtil.sortTimeOutDates"/>
88 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="complaint" headerText="Complaint"/>
89 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="provider" headerText="MD"/>
90 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="acuity" headerText="Acuity"/>
91 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="elapsed" headerText="Elapsed" sortCompareFunction="sortElapsedTime"/>
92 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="triage" headerText="Triage" />
93 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="disposition" headerText="Dispo" />
94 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="admDec" headerText="Adm Dec" />
95 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="admDel" headerText="Adm Delay" />
96 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="diagnoses" headerText="Diagnosis" />
97 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="icd9" headerText="ICD9" />
98 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vietnamVet" headerText="Viet Vet" />
99 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="agentOrange" headerText="Agent Orange" />
100 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="iraq" headerText="OEF/OIF" />
101 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="persGulf" headerText="Pers Gulf" />
102 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="vaPension" headerText="VA Pension" />
103 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="pow" headerText="POW" />
104 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="serviceConnPct" headerText="Serv Conn %" />
105 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="purpleHeart" headerText="Purp Hrt" />
106 | <!-- this column removed until issues with it are resolved on the VistA side
107 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="unemployable" headerText="Unemploy" />
108 | -->
109 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="combatEndDate" headerText="Combat End" labelFunction="ReportUtil.formatReportDate" />
110 | </mx:columns>
111 | </mx:DataGrid>
112 |
113 | <mx:Spacer height="3%"/>
114 | <mx:Label
115 | id="lblBVACAverages"
116 | text="{ReportUtil.buildReportLabelText('Averages for Different Categories')}"
117 | paddingTop="0"
118 | paddingBottom="0"
119 | styleName="viewTitle"
120 | textAlign="center"
121 | width="100%"/>
122 | <mx:DataGrid id="dgBVACReportAvegares"
123 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(dgBVACReportAvegares,ReportUtil.accessibleReportLabelText('Averages for Different Categories'))}"
124 | dataProvider="{model.reports.bvacReport.bvacReportAverages}"
125 | width="100%"
126 | height="30%"
127 | tabIndex="1101">
128 | <mx:columns>
129 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="total" headerText="Total"/>
130 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="triage" headerText="Triage"/>
131 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="admDel" headerText="Admission Delay"/>
132 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="admDec" headerText="Admission Decision"/>
133 | <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="elapsed" headerText="Elapsed"/>
134 | </mx:columns>
135 | </mx:DataGrid>
136 | </mx:VBox>