1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 | <mx:VBox
3 | xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns:widget="gov.va.med.edp.widget.*" creationComplete="setDataProviderForReports()" verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto">
4 |
5 | <mx:Script>
6 | <![CDATA[
7 | import gov.va.med.edp.widget.InfoDialog;
8 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ReportUtil;
9 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.DateTimeEvent;
10 | import gov.va.med.edp.vo.reports.ReportParamsVO;
11 | import gov.va.med.edp.control.reports.ReportEvent;
12 | import gov.va.med.edp.model.TrackingModelLocator;
13 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.ChangeWatcher;
14 | import gov.va.med.edp.util.AccessibilityTools;
15 |
16 | [Bindable]
17 | public var reportsDataProvider: Array = [ {label:"Activity Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_ACTIVITY_REPORT},
18 | {label:"Acuity Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_ACUITY_REPORT},
19 | {label:"Delay Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_DELAY_REPORT},
20 | {label:"Delay Summary Rpt", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_SUMMARY_REPORT},
21 | {label:"ED BVAC Patients", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_BVAC_REPORT},
22 | {label:"Exposure Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_EXPOSURE_REPORT},
23 | {label:"Missed Opportunities", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_MISSED_OP_REPORT},
24 | {label:"Orders By Acuity", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_ORDERS_BY_ACUITY_REPORT},
25 | {label:"Patient Intake Rpt", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_PATIENT_INTAKE_REPORT},
26 | {label:"Shift Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_SHIFT_REPORT},
27 | {label:"VA Admissions Rpt", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_VA_ADMISSIONS_REPORT}];
28 |
29 | private function setDataProviderForReports(): void
30 | {
31 | if (model.session.showProviderReport){
32 | reportsDataProvider.push({label:"Provider Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_PROVIDER_REPORT});
33 | }
34 | if (model.session.showPatientCrossReferenceReport){
35 | reportsDataProvider.push({label:"Patient xRef Report", data:ReportEvent.EVENT_PATIENT_XREF_REPORT});
36 | }
37 |
38 | reportsDataProvider.sortOn("label", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
39 | report.rowCount = reportsDataProvider.length;
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 | [Bindable]
44 | private var model: TrackingModelLocator = TrackingModelLocator.getInstance();
45 |
46 | private function areDatesCorrect(): Boolean
47 | {
48 | //Make sure start and end dates are valid..
49 | if (startTS._selectedDate == null || endTS._selectedDate == null)
50 | {
51 | InfoDialog.show("Please enter valid date ranges.", "Invalid Dates", false, startTS.dateInput);
52 | clearDisplayArea();
53 | return false;
54 | }
55 | //Make sure start date is less than end date
56 | if (startTS._selectedDate > endTS._selectedDate)
57 | {
58 | InfoDialog.show("Start date cannot be later than stop date.","Invalid Dates", false, startTS.dateInput);
59 | clearDisplayArea();
60 | return false;
61 | }
62 | return true;
63 | }
64 |
65 |
66 | private function setCorrectState(): void
67 | {
68 | if (report.selectedItem.data == ReportEvent.EVENT_EXPOSURE_REPORT)
69 | {
70 | currentState = "exposureRptState";
71 | }
72 | else if (report.selectedItem.data == ReportEvent.EVENT_SHIFT_REPORT)
73 | {
74 | currentState = "shiftRptState";
75 | }
76 | else
77 | {
78 | currentState = "";
79 | }
80 | }
81 |
82 |
83 | private function clearDisplayArea(): void
84 | {
85 | model.reports.clearDisplayArea = false;
86 | model.reports.clearDisplayArea = true;
87 | }
88 |
89 |
90 | private function displayReport(buttonClicked: Boolean): void
91 | {
92 | var reportEvent: ReportEvent;
93 | var reportParams: ReportParamsVO = new ReportParamsVO();
94 |
95 | switch (report.selectedItem.data){
96 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_ACTIVITY_REPORT:
97 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_ACTIVITY_REPORT);
98 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
99 | break;
100 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_ACUITY_REPORT:
101 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_ACUITY_REPORT);
102 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
103 | break;
104 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_DELAY_REPORT:
105 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_DELAY_REPORT);
106 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
107 | break;
108 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_EXPOSURE_REPORT:
109 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_EXPOSURE_REPORT);
110 | displayExposureReport(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
111 | break;
112 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_MISSED_OP_REPORT:
113 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_MISSED_OP_REPORT);
114 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
115 | break;
117 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_PATIENT_INTAKE_REPORT);
118 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
119 | break;
120 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_PROVIDER_REPORT:
121 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_PROVIDER_REPORT);
122 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
123 | break;
124 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_SHIFT_REPORT:
125 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_SHIFT_REPORT);
126 | displayShiftReport(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
127 | break;
128 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_SUMMARY_REPORT:
129 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_SUMMARY_REPORT);
130 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
131 | break;
132 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_PATIENT_XREF_REPORT:
133 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_PATIENT_XREF_REPORT);
134 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
135 | break;
136 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_VA_ADMISSIONS_REPORT:
137 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_VA_ADMISSIONS_REPORT);
138 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
139 | break;
140 | case ReportEvent.EVENT_BVAC_REPORT:
141 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_BVAC_REPORT);
142 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
143 | break;
145 | reportEvent = new ReportEvent(ReportEvent.EVENT_ORDERS_BY_ACUITY_REPORT);
146 | displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent, reportParams, buttonClicked);
147 | break;
148 | default:
149 | break;
150 | }
151 |
152 | }
153 |
154 | private function displayExposureReport(reportEvent:ReportEvent, reportParams:ReportParamsVO, buttonClicked: Boolean): void
155 | {
156 | setCorrectState();
157 | clearDisplayArea();
158 |
159 | if (buttonClicked)
160 | {
161 | if (visitIEN.text == "")
162 | {
163 | InfoDialog.show("Please enter a visit IEN.", "Invalid IEN", false, visitIEN);
164 | return;
165 | }
166 |
167 | } else
168 | {
169 | if (visitIEN.text == "")
170 | {
171 | return;
172 | }
173 | }
174 |
175 | reportParams.id = visitIEN.text;
176 | reportEvent.reportParams = reportParams;
177 | reportEvent.dispatch();
178 |
179 | }
180 |
181 |
182 | private function displayShiftReport(reportEvent:ReportEvent, reportParams:ReportParamsVO, buttonClicked: Boolean): void
183 | {
184 | setCorrectState();
185 | clearDisplayArea();
186 | var correctDates: Boolean = true;
187 | if (buttonClicked)
188 | {
189 | if (startTS._selectedDate == null)
190 | {
191 | InfoDialog.show("Please enter a valid start date.", "Invalid Dates", false, startTS.dateInput);
192 | correctDates = false;
193 | }
194 |
195 | } else
196 | {
197 | if (startTS._selectedDate == null)
198 | {
199 | return;
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | if (correctDates)
204 | {
205 | reportParams.startDate = startTS._selectedDate;
206 | reportParams.stopDate = ReportUtil.calculateEndTimeForShiftReport(startTS._selectedDate);
207 | reportEvent.reportParams = reportParams;
208 | reportEvent.dispatch();
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 |
213 | private function displayAllOtherReports(reportEvent:ReportEvent, reportParams:ReportParamsVO, buttonClicked: Boolean): void
214 | {
215 | setCorrectState();
216 | clearDisplayArea();
217 | var correctDates: Boolean = true;
218 | if (buttonClicked)
219 | {
220 | correctDates = areDatesCorrect();
221 |
222 | } else
223 | {
224 | if (startTS._selectedDate == null || endTS._selectedDate == null)
225 | {
226 | return;
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | if (correctDates)
231 | {
232 | reportParams.startDate = startTS._selectedDate;
233 | reportParams.stopDate = endTS._selectedDate;
234 | reportEvent.reportParams = reportParams;
235 | reportEvent.dispatch();
236 | }
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | ]]>
241 | </mx:Script>
242 |
243 | <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" id="reportControlsBox">
244 | <mx:FormItem label="Report" styleName="reportLabel" >
245 | <mx:ComboBox
246 | id="report"
247 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(report,'Select type to be displayed.')}"
248 | dataProvider="{reportsDataProvider}"
249 | selectedIndex="0"
250 | change="displayReport(false)"
251 | width="152"
252 | styleName="formField"
253 | tabIndex="1001"/>
254 | </mx:FormItem>
255 | <mx:VRule height="{report.height}" strokeWidth="3" id="reportComboSpacer" />
256 |
257 | <mx:HBox id="dateControlsBox">
258 | <mx:FormItem label="Start Date" styleName="reportLabel">
259 | <!-- DateTimeChooser eats 4 tabIndices (one for each of its sub controls) -->
260 | <widget:DateTimeChooser
261 | id="startTS"
262 | tabIndexBase="1002"
263 | dateType="start"
264 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(startTS,'Start time')}" />
265 | </mx:FormItem>
266 | <mx:VRule height="{report.height}" strokeWidth="3"/>
267 |
268 | <mx:HBox id="stopDateBox">
269 | <mx:FormItem label="Stop Date" styleName="reportLabel">
270 | <!-- DateTimeChooser eats 4 tabIndices (one for each of its sub controls) -->
271 | <widget:DateTimeChooser
272 | id="endTS"
273 | dateType="stop"
274 | tabIndexBase="1006"
275 | initialize="{AccessibilityTools.accessComponentName(endTS,'Stop time')}"/>
276 | </mx:FormItem>
277 | <mx:VRule height="{report.height}" strokeWidth="3"/>
278 | </mx:HBox>
279 | </mx:HBox>
280 | <mx:Button label="Run Report" id="btnRunReport" click="displayReport(true)" tabIndex="1010"/>
281 | </mx:HBox>
282 |
283 |
284 | <mx:NumberValidator source="{visitIEN}" property="text"/>
285 |
286 | <mx:states>
287 | <mx:State name="exposureRptState">
288 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{dateControlsBox}"/>
289 | <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{reportComboSpacer}" position="after">
290 | <mx:target>
291 | <mx:HBox id="visitIENBox">
292 | <mx:Label text="visit IEN" styleName="reportLabel"/>
293 | <mx:TextInput id="visitIEN" tabIndex="1009"/>
294 | <mx:VRule height="{report.height}" strokeWidth="3"/>
295 | </mx:HBox>
296 | </mx:target>
297 | </mx:AddChild>
298 | </mx:State>
299 | <mx:State name="shiftRptState">
300 | <mx:RemoveChild target="{stopDateBox}"/>
301 | </mx:State>
302 | </mx:states>
303 |
304 |
305 | </mx:VBox>
306 |