1 | /* LogEditParamsVO.as */
2 |
3 | package gov.va.med.edp.vo
4 | {
5 | import com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject;
6 |
7 | [Bindable]
8 | public class LogEditParamsVO implements IValueObject
9 | {
10 | public var requireDiagnosis: Boolean;
11 | public var codedDiagnosis: Boolean;
12 | public var requireDisposition: Boolean;
13 | public var requireDelay: Boolean;
14 | public var delayMinutes: int;
15 | public var shiftStart: int;
16 | public var shiftDuration: int;
17 | public var promptResidents: Boolean;
18 | public var promptClinics: Boolean;
19 | public var ambulanceArea: int;
20 | public var defaultRoom: int;
21 | public var emptyValue: int; // used to hold code for empty value, not editable
22 | public var errorIEN: int; // entered in error
23 | public var nurseEvalIEN: int; // send to nurse eval clinic
24 | public var leftIEN: int; // left without being seen
25 |
26 | public function toString():String
27 | {
28 | return "reqDiag=" + (requireDiagnosis ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
29 | "codedDiag=" + (codedDiagnosis ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
30 | "reqDisp=" + (requireDisposition ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
31 | "reqDelay=" + (requireDelay ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
32 | "minDelay=" + delayMinutes + "\t" +
33 | "shiftOne=" + shiftStart + "\t" +
34 | "shiftLen=" + shiftDuration + "\t" +
35 | "residents=" + (promptResidents ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
36 | "clinics=" + (promptClinics ? "1" : "0") + "\t" +
37 | "ambulance=" + ambulanceArea + "\t" +
38 | "dfltroom=" + defaultRoom + "\t";
39 | }
40 | }
41 | }