package { import flash.display.Graphics; import mx.containers.BoxDirection; import mx.controls.TabBar; import mx.core.ClassFactory; import mx.core.EdgeMetrics; import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; import mx.styles.StyleManager; use namespace mx_internal; /** * Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the text * of the selected tab navigation item. * * @default "selectedLinkStyle" */ [Style(name="selectedTabTextStyleName", type="String", inherit="no")] /** * Name of CSS style declaration that specifies the styles to use for the tab * navigation items. * * @default "LinkButtonTab" */ [Style(name="tabStyleName", type="String", inherit="no")] /** * Background color of the LinkButton control as you press it. * * @default 0xCDFFC1 */ [Style(name="selectionColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] /** * Separator color used by the default separator skin. * * @default 0xC4CCCC */ [Style(name="separatorColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="yes")] /** * Separator pixel width, in pixels. * * @default 1 */ [Style(name="separatorWidth", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="yes")] /** * Number of pixels between tab navigation items in the horizontal direction. * * @default 8 */ [Style(name="horizontalGap", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] /** * Number of pixels between tab navigation items in the vertical direction. * * @default 8 */ [Style(name="verticalGap", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")] [AccessibilityClass(implementation="")] [DefaultProperty("dataProvider")] [MaxChildren(0)] public class LinkButtonTabBar extends TabBar { mx_internal static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; private static var classConstructed:Boolean = classConstruct(); private static function classConstruct():Boolean { // If there is no CSS definition for our style, // then create one and set the default value. if (!StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration(".selectedLinkStyle")) { var linkStyle:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration(); linkStyle.defaultFactory = function():void { this.color = 0xAAB3B3; this.textRollOverColor = 0xAAB3B3; } StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(".selectedLinkStyle", linkStyle, true); } if (!StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration("LinkButtonTabBar")) { var style:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration(); style.defaultFactory = function():void { this.tabStyleName = "LinkButtonTab"; this.selectedTabTextStyleName = "selectedLinkStyle"; this.separatorColor = 0xC4CCCC; this.separatorWidth = 1; this.selectionColor = 0x0000FF; this.horizontalGap = 8; this.verticalGap = 8; } StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration("LinkButtonTabBar", style, true); } return true; } public function LinkButtonTabBar() { super(); navItemFactory = new ClassFactory(LinkButtonTab); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void { if (LinkButtonTabBar.createAccessibilityImplementation != null) LinkButtonTabBar.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); } override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { // The super method will lay out the LinkButtons. super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight); var separatorThickness:Number = getStyle("separatorWidth"); if (separatorThickness == 0 || separatorThickness == 0) return; var separatorColor:uint = getStyle("separatorColor"); var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetricsAndPadding; var horizontalGap:Number = getStyle("horizontalGap"); var verticalGap:Number = getStyle("verticalGap"); var barHeight:Number = unscaledHeight - ( + vm.bottom); var barWidth:Number = unscaledWidth - (vm.left + vm.right); var g:Graphics = graphics; g.clear(); g.lineStyle(separatorThickness, separatorColor); var isVertical:Boolean = direction == BoxDirection.VERTICAL; var x:Number; var y:Number; var h:Number = isVertical ? verticalGap : barHeight; var w:Number = isVertical ? barWidth : horizontalGap; // paint the separators. var n:int = numChildren - 1; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { var child:IFlexDisplayObject = IFlexDisplayObject(getChildAt(i)); if (isVertical) { x = child.x; y = child.y + child.height; g.moveTo(x + 4, y + h / 2); g.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + h / 2); } else { x = child.x + child.width; y = child.y; g.moveTo(x + w / 2, y + 6); g.lineTo(x + w / 2, y + h - 5); } } } override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void { super.styleChanged(styleProp); // Check to see if style changed. if (styleProp == "separatorColor" || styleProp == "separatorWidth" || styleProp == "selectionColor") { invalidateDisplayList(); return; } } } }