0) { x = "The following views have unsaved changes: \n\n" + x + "\nDo you want to continue and lose these changes?"; return x; } return ""; } ); } } private function connectionStatusChanged(e:Event):void { if (model.disconnected) DisconnectedDialog.show(); else DisconnectedDialog.hide(); } private function reconnect():void { new TrackingEvent(TrackingEvent.EVENT_INIT_TRACKING).dispatch(); } private function proceed(): void { var e:SwitchAppViewEvent = new SwitchAppViewEvent(SwitchAppViewEvent.EVENT_SWITCH_APP_VIEW); if (model.appViewList.length > 0) { e.view = (model.appViewList[0] as LookupVO).data; } e.dispatch(); } private function getView(view:Number): Container { if (view == TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_INTRO) { return introView; } else if (view == TrackingModelLocator.VIEW_APP_VERSION_INCOMPATIBILITY) { return versionIncompatibilityView; } else { return trackingViews; } } private function set initSessionTimeout(value: uint):void { inactivityTimeout.start(); } public function set workingStatus(bText:String):void { if (bText.length > 0) { /* if (lblWorkingStatus.text == "") { // true when starting timeout ExternalInterface.call("indicateTimeout"); trace("done calling indicate timeout"); } */ currentState = 'sessionTimeOutState'; lblWorkingStatus.text = bText; } else { currentState = ""; lblWorkingStatus.text = ""; } } private function setModalBackground(e: ModalDialogEvent): void { if (modalCount == 0) { if (e.dialogPanel != null) { // if (e.dialogPanel is IFocusManagerContainer) { // if (IFocusManagerContainer(e.dialogPanel).focusManager) // e.dialogPanel.systemManager.addFocusManager(IFocusManagerContainer(e.dialogPanel)); // else // Popups get their own focus loop // IFocusManagerContainer(e.dialogPanel).focusManager = new FocusManager(IFocusManagerContainer(e.dialogPanel)); // } e.dialogPanel.setStyle("horizontalCenter", 0); e.dialogPanel.setStyle("verticalCenter", 0); emptyBackground.addChild(e.dialogPanel); } appView.selectedChild = emptyBackground; } modalCount++; } private function clearModalBackground(e: ModalDialogEvent): void { modalCount--; if (modalCount == 0) { emptyBackground.removeAllChildren(); appView.selectedChild = getView(model.appViewState); callLater(resetSelectionForJaws); } } private function resetSelectionForJaws(): void { if (trackingViews != null && trackingViews.appList != null) { // var selectedIndex:int = trackingViews.appList.selectedIndex; // var dispObj:DisplayObject = trackingViews.appList.getChildAt(selectedIndex); // var lbt:LinkButtonTab = LinkButtonTab(dispObj); // lbt.setFocus(); trackingViews.appList.setFocus(); } } ]]> This is EDIS client version '{model.appClientVersion}'. The EDIS server package version running in your VistA account is '{model.session.serverPackageVersion}'. It appears that the web server has served you the wrong version of the user interface for your configuration.