ewdu ; JJIH/SMH - Utilities for EWD to VISTA interaction ; 11/10/11 3:27pm ; r(sessid) ; Restore Symbol Table d mergeArrayFromSession^%zewdAPI(.DUZ,"DUZ",sessid) d mergeArrayFromSession^%zewdAPI(.IO,"IO",sessid) s U=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("U",sessid) quit ; s(sessid) ; Save to Symbol Table d mergeArrayToSession^%zewdAPI(.DUZ,"DUZ",sessid) d mergeArrayToSession^%zewdAPI(.IO,"IO",sessid) d setSessionValue^%zewdAPI("U","^",sessid) quit ; NULL ; Open Null Device s %ZIS="0H",IOP="NULL" d ^%ZIS i POP s $ec=",U1," ; this crashes everything... intended... q ; SETUP(sessid) ; Set-up and SSO ; TODO: Set IO("CLNM") i '$data(IO) d NULL ; Open Null Device s IO("IP")=$$getServerValue^%zewdAPI("REMOTE_ADDR",sessid) n return d SETUP^XUSRB(.return) ; Set-up and Try SSO i $g(return(5)),DUZ>0 q $$s(sessid) ; Single Sign-On Successful! e d q "" ; Otherwise, get INTRO text . N RET . D INTRO^XUSRB(.RET) . d mergeArrayToSession^%zewdAPI(.RET,"introtxt",sessid) ; --- so(sessid) ; SO from EWD; routes to $$SO ; TODO: Set IO("CLNM") d NULL ; IO set-up s IO("IP")=$$getServerValue^%zewdAPI("REMOTE_ADDR",sessid) d SETUP^XUSRB(); ; This time, just need partition set-up n ac s ac=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("ac",sessid) n vc s vc=$$getSessionValue^%zewdAPI("vc",sessid) n result s result=$$SO(ac,vc) ; ; Change Verify Code Logic Ahead... Damn Complex! i $l(result),result="CVC" d q "" ; User must change Verify Code . S DUZ=$$STATE^XWBSEC("XUS DUZ") ; VISTA kills off DUZ if vc needs changing. . ; That's fine when it can get it back. But we are not a stateful process. . ; By the time the second request is made, XUS DUZ is gone gone gone. . d s(sessid) ; Save symbol table for next page (including DUZ) . d setRedirect^%zewdAPI("cvc",sessid) ; Next page is cvc. . d setSessionValue^%zewdAPI("cvcForced",1,sessid) ; Need to know that the user is toast! ; i $l(result) q result ; General Error Message - User can't log-in ; e d q "" ; Everything Okay . d s(sessid) . i $$isCheckboxOn^%zewdAPI("cvc","cvc",sessid) d setRedirect^%zewdAPI("cvc",sessid) ; SO(ac,vc) ; Sign-on to VISTA, AV way ; TODO: Handle the rest of the return values N return D VALIDAV^XUSRB(.return,$$ENCRYP^XUSRB1(ac_";"_vc)) i return(0)>0,'return(2) q "" ; Sign on successful! i return(0)=0,return(2) q "CVC" ; Verify Code must be changed NOW! i $l(return(3)) q return(3) ; Error Message returned whole ; Note: division selection not implemented here quit "" ; --- sss(id) ; Test d setRedirect^%zewdAPI("index",id,"bb") q "" whoami(sessid) ; Who Am I? PrePage Script d r(sessid) n Name s Name=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,.01) ; User Name d setSessionValue^%zewdAPI("Name",Name,sessid) q "" cvc(sessid) ; Change Verify Code ; get stored session values for DUZ, IO, and U d r(sessid) ; Restore the Symbol Table n VC1,VC2,VC3 s VC1=$$getPasswordValue^%zewdAPI("vc1",sessid) s VC2=$$getPasswordValue^%zewdAPI("vc2",sessid) s VC3=$$getPasswordValue^%zewdAPI("vc3",sessid) ; Uppercase them -- otherwise CVC will fail. s VC1=$$UP^XLFSTR(VC1) s VC2=$$UP^XLFSTR(VC2) s VC3=$$UP^XLFSTR(VC3) ; Roman Cipher them vista-wise n eVC1,eVC2,eVC3 s eVC1=$$ENCRYP^XUSRB1(VC1) s eVC2=$$ENCRYP^XUSRB1(VC2) s eVC3=$$ENCRYP^XUSRB1(VC3) ; Set-up Call n vcString s vcString=eVC1_U_eVC2_U_eVC3 n ret d CVC^XUSRB(.ret,vcString) i ret(0)=0 q "" ; Success i ret(0)>0 q ret(1) ; Failure ;; ;;return(0)=0 ;;return(1)=0 ;;return(2)=1 ;;return(3)="VERIFY CODE must be changed before continued use." ;;return(4)=0 ;;return(5)=0 ;;return(6)="" ;;return(7)="Good evening DOCTOR,TEN" ;;return(8)=" You last signed on today at 22:19" listEWDApps(sessid) ; Lists all available EWD Applicaitons, not including ewdMgr. Intended to be an imitation of a menu. n apps ; Will hold our applications do . n ewdpath s ewdpath=^zewd("config","applicationRootPath") . o "lsApps":(shell="/bin/bash":command="ls -1 "_ewdpath:READONLY)::"PIPE" . u "lsApps" . n line . n counter s counter=1 . for read line quit:$zeof do . . i line="ewdMgr" quit ; Don't include ewdMgr . . s apps(counter)=line . . s counter=counter+1 . c "lsApps" . zwrite:$g(debug) apps ; n appsjson s appsjson=$$arrayToJSON^%zewdJSON("apps") zwrite:$g(debug) appsjson d setSessionValue^%zewdAPI("appsjson",appsjson,sessid) q ""