PRCAACC ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/CMS-AR ACCRUAL TOTALS ;2/6/95 11:17 AM ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**60,74,90,101,157,203,220**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. NEW PRCAQUE,PRCADEV,PRCA,ZTSK S PRCA("MESS")="Do you wish to queue this report" D QUE^PRCAQUE G:'$D(PRCAQUE) Q I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="DQ^PRCAACC",ZTDESC="AR Accrual Totals" D ^%ZTLOAD G Q DQ ; U IO NEW BILLN,COM,TOT,STAT,X,Y S BILLN=0 D COM G:$O(COM(""))="" RPT F STAT=42,16 F S BILLN=$O(^PRCA(430,"AC",STAT,BILLN)) Q:'BILLN I $$ACCK(BILLN) D .S X=(","_$P(^PRCA(430,BILLN,0),"^",2)_",") .S TOT(X)=$G(TOT(X))+$G(^PRCA(430,BILLN,7)) .QUIT RPT D NOW^%DTC W @IOF,!!,?23,"Accrual Totals Report",!?20,"As of: " S Y=% X ^DD("DD") W Y,! S X="",$P(X,"=",80)="" W X W:$O(COM(""))="" !!,"WARNING: Accruals are *NOT* set-up correctly.",!,"No RX accrual common numbering series are set-up in AR Bill Number File!",!! S TOT=$G(TOT(",22,"))+$G(TOT(",23,")) I TOT W !!!,"RX CO-PAYMENT Accrual Amount: $",$FN(TOT,",",2) I $G(TOT(",18,"))>0 W !!!,"C (MEANS TEST) Accrual Amount: $",$FN(TOT(",18,"),",",2) W !!!!,"Includes Common Numbering Series:",! S COM="" F S COM=$O(COM(COM)) Q:COM="" W !,COM,?20,COM(COM) Q D ^%ZISC S IOP=IO(0) D ^%ZIS K IOP,IO("Q") Q ACCK(BN) ;Check BILLN to see if Accrual N ACC,ACTDATE,CAT,FUND,DB S CAT=+$P(^PRCA(430,BN,0),"^",2) ; field 12, ACCRUED ? where 0=no 1=yes, 2=could be either S ACC=+$P($G(^PRCA(430.2,CAT,0)),"^",9) ; it could be either accrued or non-accrued I ACC=2 D . S FUND=$P($G(^PRCA(430,BN,11)),"^",17) . S ACC=$S(FUND=5014:1,FUND=2431:1,1:0) . I $E(FUND,1,4)=5287 S ACC=$$PTACCT(FUND) . ; special case with Workman's Comp . I ACC=0,CAT=6,FUND="" D . . S DB=$P($G(^RCD(340,+$P($G(^PRCA(430,BN,0)),U,9),0)),U) . . I DB[";DPT"!($P($G(^PRCA(430,BN,0)),U,7)'="") S ACC=1 ; ; public law states that bills in the category ineligible (1), ; emerg/human (2), torts (10), or medicare (21) which are older ; than oct 1, 1992 should be treated as non-accrued. I CAT=1!(CAT=2)!(CAT=10)!(CAT=21) D . S ACTDATE=$P($G(^PRCA(430,BN,6)),"^",21) I 'ACTDATE S ACTDATE=DT . I ACTDATE<2921001 S ACC=0 . ; . ; patch157 changes ineligibles. an ineligible created before . ; oct 1, 1992 or after sep 30, 2000 will be non-accrued. . ; otherwise it will be accrued. . I CAT=1,ACTDATE>3000930 S ACC=0 ; Q ACC COM ;Find Accrual common numbering series S COM=0 F S COM=$O(^PRCA(430.4,COM)) Q:'COM I $P(^PRCA(430.4,COM,0),"^",6) S COM($P(^PRCA(430.4,COM,0),"^"))=$P($G(^DIC(49,$P(^(0),"^",5),0)),"^",1) Q PTACCT(FUND) ;Determines whether Point Accounts are accrued ;returns 1 for accrued funds 528701,528702,528703,528709 ;returns 0 for any other fund I FUND'[5287 Q 0 S X=$E(FUND,5,6),X=$S(X="09":1,X<"05":1,1:0) Q X ADDPTEDT() ;Effective date of additional point accounts ; (528705 - 528708 and 528710) ;Effective date of switch from 4032 to 528709 Q 3040928