PRCAFBDU ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/CLH-FMS Billing Document Utilities ;6/27/96 11:48 AM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**2,16,29,42,168,169,204,198**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. BDGEN ;regenerate billing document N Y,ID,REFMS EN N DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK S (DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK)=1 S DIC="^PRCA(430,",DIC(0)="AEMNQZ",DIC("A")="Select BILL NUMBER: " D ^DIC K DIC Q:+Y<0 I $$GSTAT^RCFMFN02("B"_+Y)'=3 W !!,*7,"You CANNOT resend a document that has NOT REJECTED in FMS.",!! G EN S PRCABN=+Y S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure",DIR("A",1)="This will RESEND the selected Billing Document to FMS.",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR W ! G:+Y'=1 EN ;Setting variable REFMS flags for retransmission of document and will ;have a date of DT for transmission to FMS. S REFMS=1 D RSEND G EN RSEND S FMSNUM="B"_PRCABN D DEL^RCFMFN02(FMSNUM) K FMSNUM D EN^PRCAFBD(PRCABN) K PRCABN Q ; BDMGEN ;regenerate modified billing document N Y,DIC,BN,AMT,ADJTYO,TDT,TN,ERR,REFMS EN2 N DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK S (DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK)=1 S DIC="^PRCA(433,",DIC(0)="AEMNQZ",DIC("A")="Select A/R TRANSACTION NUMBER: " D ^DIC Q:+Y<0 I $$GSTAT^RCFMFN02("T"_+Y)'=3 W !!,*7,"You CANNOT resend a document that has NOT REJECTED in FMS.",!! G EN2 S TN=+Y,BN=$P(^PRCA(433,TN,0),U,2),TDT=$P(^(1),U),ADJTYP=$P(^(1),U,2),AMT=$P(^(1),U,5) S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Are you sure",DIR("A",1)="This will RESEND the selected Billing Document to FMS.",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR W ! G:+Y'=1 EN2 S FMSNUM="T"_TN,REFMS=1 D DEL^RCFMFN02(FMSNUM) K FMSNUM D EN^PRCAFBDM(BN,AMT,ADJTYP,TDT,TN,.ERR) G EN2 ; ; CC ;cost center N DIC,Y S CCC=$$COST^PRCSREC2($S($D(PRCA("SITE")):PRCA("SITE"),1:$$SITE^RCMSITE),CP) S DIC="^PRCD(420.1,",DIC(0)="EMNQ",DIC("A")="COST CENTER: " D ^DIC Q:+Y<0 I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S PRCA("EXIT")=1 Q I CCC'[$P(Y,U) W !!,*7,"Invalid Cost Center for the Control Point" D CCDISP Q S CCC=+Y,CC=$E(+Y,1,4)_"00",SCC=$E(+Y,5,6) Q ; BOC ;budget object code N DIC,Y I '$D(CCC) S CCC=$P($G(^PRCA(430,$S($D(PRCABN):PRCABN,$D(DA):DA,1:-1),11)),U,2) S DIC="^PRCD(420.2,",DIC(0)="EMNQ" D ^DIC Q:+Y<0 I $D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) S PRCA("EXIT")=1 Q I +CCC>0,'$D(^PRCD(420.1,CCC,1,+Y,0)) S Y=-1 Q S BOC=+Y Q ; CCDISP ;display valid cost centers N DIC,X,Y S:'$D(CCC) CCC=$$COST^PRCSREC2($S($D(PRCA("SITE")):PRCA("SITE"),1:$$SITE^RCMSITE),CP) S X="?" S DIC="^PRC(420,"_$S($D(PRCA("SITE")):PRCA("SITE"),1:$$SITE^RCMSITE)_",1,"_+CP_",2," S DIC(0)="EMNQ" D ^DIC Q W !!,"Valid Cost Centers for this Control Point are:",! F I=1:1:$L(CCC,U) W ?10,$E($P($G(^PRCD(420.1,$P(CCC,U,I),0)),U),1,40),! Q ; BOCDISP ;display valid BOCs N ZZDA,DIC,X,Y S:'$D(CCC) CCC=$P($G(^PRCA(430,$S($D(PRCABN):PRCABN,1:$G(DA)),11)),U,2) S DIC="^PRCD(420.1,"_+CCC_",1,",DIC(0)="EMNQ",X="?" W ?10,!!,"Valid BOCs for this Cost Center are:",! D ^DIC Q ; RHLP ;help for refund/reimbursement prompt W !!,"If this BILL will create a receivable for a budget element, i.e. Control Point,",!,"Answer REFUND. Otherwise answer REIMBURSEMENT.",!!,"A REFUND will ALWAYS reference a Control Point, i.e. SALARY OVERPAYMENT." W !,"A REIMBURSEMENT is usually for services, i.e. Emergency/Humanitarian Care.",!! Q ; ACCT ;edit accounting line information on rejected documents NEW BILL,DIE,DA,PRCABN,DIC,X,Y,L,FR,TO,FLDS,DIR,REFMS ACCT1 N DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK S (DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK)=1 SET (DIC,DIE)="^PRCA(430,",DIC(0)="AEMNQ",DIC("A")="Select BILL NUMBER: " DO ^DIC QUIT:+Y<0 I '$P($G(^PRCA(430,+Y,6)),"^",21) W !,"YOU CAN ONLY SELECT BILLS THAT ARE ACTIVE.",! G ACCT1 I $D(RCONVERT) S PRCABN=+Y G EDT SET BILL="B"_+Y SET PRCABN=+Y EDT SET IOP=IO(0),DIC="^PRCA(430,",FLDS="[PRCA DISP AUDIT2]",(FR,TO)=PRCABN,L=0,BY="@NUMBER" DO EN1^DIP SET (DIC,DIE)="^PRCA(430," DO CPLK^PRCAFUT(PRCABN) QUIT:$D(PRCA("EXIT")) ;DO:'$DATA(RCONVERT) RSEND I '$D(RCONVERT) S REFMS=1 D RSEND G ACCT ; FUND ;valid fund seletion NEW DIC,X,Y S DIC(0)="EMNQ",DIC="^PRCD(420.14,",X="?" D ^DIC Q SBOC ;remove SUB BOC from rejected bills N DIE,DA,DIC,DR N DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK S (DPTNOFZY,DPTNOFZK)=1 S (DIC,DIE)="^PRCA(430,",DIC(0)="AEMNQ" D ^DIC Q:+Y<0 S DA=+Y S DR="254///^S X=""@""" D ^DIE W !,"SUB BOC removed.",! Q ; BDTRANS ;Select trans type for billing documents N DIC,DA,X,Y S DIC="^PRCA(347.4,",DIC(0)="AEMNQ",DIC("A")="Select TRANS. TYPE: ",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)=1" D ^DIC I +Y<0 S PRCA("EXIT")=1 Q S TYPE=$P(Y,U,2) Q ;