PRCAGST ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/CMS-Print Patient Statement ;12/12/96 9:39 AM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**34,181,190,249**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 2 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;ENTRY WITH DEBTOR PRINT STATEMENT EN(DEB,TBAL,PDAT,PBAL,LDT) ; NEW ADD,DA,LN,NAM,PAGE,SSN,X,X1,X2,Y I '$D(SITE) D SITE^PRCAGU S SSN=$$SSN^RCFN01(DEB),SSN=$S(SSN=-1:"XXXXXXXXX",1:SSN) S ADD=$$SADD^RCFN01(8) I ADD="" S ADD=$$SADD^RCFN01(1) S X=0 F Y=1:1:3 I $P(ADD,U,Y)]"" S X=X+1 S ADD(X)=$P(ADD,U,Y) S X=X+1,ADD(X)=$P(ADD,U,4)_", "_$P(ADD,U,5)_" "_$P(ADD,U,6) S X=X+1,ADD(X)=$P(ADD,U,7) W @IOF W !!,"Department of Veterans Affairs",?50,"Acct No.: ",$P($$SITE^VASITE(),U,3)_"/"_$E(SSN,6,9) W !,$G(ADD(1)) S Y=$$FPS^RCAMFN01($S($G(LDT)>0:$E(LDT,1,5),1:$E(DT,1,5))_$TR($J($$PST^RCAMFN01(DEB),2)," ",0),$S(+$E($G(LDT),6,7)>$$STD^RCCPCFN:2,1:1)) D DD^%DT W !,$G(ADD(2)),?50 I TBAL>0 W "Due: UPON RECEIPT" W !,$G(ADD(3)),?50,$S(TBAL>0:"Amount Due: $"_$J(TBAL,0,2),1:"NO AMOUNT DUE") W !,$G(ADD(4)),?50,$S(TBAL'>0:"*THIS IS NOT A BILL*",1:"Amount Paid: _____________") W !,$G(ADD(5)),?50,"Today's Date: " S Y=DT D DD^%DT W Y I TBAL'>0 D MES G LB W !!,?2,"Please Make your Check or Money Order payable to the ""Department of Veterans" W !,?2,"Affairs"" and send payment to the above address. If you have any questions" W !,?2,"regarding this statement, please call the number listed above.",!!! LB K ADD S NAM=$$NAM^RCFN01(DEB) W !,?7,NAM S ADD=$$DADD^RCAMADD(DEB,1) ; Get debtor address, confidential if applicable S X=0 F Y=1:1:3 I $P(ADD,U,Y)]"" S X=X+1 S ADD(X)=$P(ADD,U,Y) S X=X+1,ADD(X)=$P(ADD,U,4)_", "_$P(ADD,U,5)_" "_$P(ADD,U,6) F X=0:0 S X=$O(ADD(X)) Q:'X W !,?7,$E(ADD(X),1,40) I X=1 W ?50 X $G(SITE("SCAN")) W ! I $G(SITE("COM1"))'="" W !,?2,SITE("COM1") I $$GMT(DEB) W !,?2,"REDUCTION OF INPATIENT COPAYMENT DUE TO GEOGRAPHIC MEANS TEST STATUS" W !! I TBAL>0 W !,?10,"Please Detach and Return Top Portion with Payment" S Y="",$P(Y,"=",80)="" W !,Y W !,"IMPORTANT: Please read the Notice of Rights accompanying this statement!",! D ^PRCAGST1 Q MES ;text for no amount due W !!,?2,"This statement is being sent to you to provide you with information" W !,?2,"concerning transactions affecting your account. If a prepayment offset" W !,?2,"a bill or you have made one or more payments or charges were removed," W !,?2,"from your account, you are being sent this statement to confirm these actions.",!! Q ; ; Detect GMT-related status for the statement (fetch all patient's bills) ; Input: Temporary global ^TMP("PRCAGT",$J,PRDEB) ; Output: 1 - 'Yes', 0 - 'No' GMT(PRDEB) N PRDAT,PRBN,PRGMT S PRGMT=0 ; Default I $G(PRDEB)'="" S PRDAT=0 F S PRDAT=$O(^TMP("PRCAGT",$J,PRDEB,PRDAT)) Q:'PRDAT D Q:PRGMT . S PRBN=0 F S PRBN=$O(^TMP("PRCAGT",$J,PRDEB,PRDAT,PRBN)) Q:'PRBN D Q:PRGMT .. I $$ISGMTBIL^IBAGMT($P($G(^PRCA(430,PRBN,0)),U,1)) S PRGMT=1 Q PRGMT