PRCAI103 ;WISC/RFJ-post init patch 103 ;1 Mar 97 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**103**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; START ; start post init N DATA3,DATE,TRANDA ; for exempt int/adm charge transactions (entry = 14) S DATE=0 F S DATE=$O(^PRCA(433,"AT",14,DATE)) Q:'DATE D . S TRANDA=0 F S TRANDA=$O(^PRCA(433,"AT",14,DATE,TRANDA)) Q:'TRANDA D . . L +^PRCA(433,TRANDA) . . ; . . S DATA3=$G(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,3)) . . ; if there is interest collected (field 32), . . ; move to interest charge (field 27) . . I $P(DATA3,"^",2) D . . . S $P(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,2),"^",7)=$P(DATA3,"^",2) . . . S $P(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,3),"^",2)="" . . ; if there is admin collected (field 33), . . ; move to admin charge (field 28) . . I $P(DATA3,"^",3) D . . . S $P(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,2),"^",8)=$P(DATA3,"^",3) . . . S $P(^PRCA(433,TRANDA,3),"^",3)="" . . ; . . L -^PRCA(433,TRANDA) ; ; if the patch is installed after the 20th of the month ; send the responses to the messages which will be deleted ; on the first of the month (by routine RCRJR) I $E(DT,6,7)>20 D CLEANXMB^RCRJR Q