PRCAI16M ;ALB/LDB-post init patch 164, generate mail message ;19 Nov 00 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**164**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; MAIL ; generate mail message to users ; rcmessag variable passed as to the status of the patch install. ; this variable appears on the first line of the message. D MES^XPDUTL(" ...generating mailman message to G.RCDP PAYMENTS.") ; N %,COUNT,DATA,DATE,LINE,PPBILL,PPTRAN1,PPTRANS,RCBILLDA,RCTRAN1,RCTRANDA,TOTAL,TYPE,XMDUN,XMY,XMZ ; ; generate mailman message to user K ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM") S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",1)=RCMESSAG S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",2)=" " S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",3)="The following bills need to be reviewed. Payments for deposit" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",4)="269296 were mailed from Austin to Accounts Receivable twice on" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",5)="November 10, 2000 and November 13, 2000. Accounts Receivable" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",6)="patch PRCA*4.5*164 has been installed and has backed out the" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",7)="payments processed on November 13, 2000. This mailman message" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",8)="shows those bills where payments were removed for the duplicate" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",9)="deposit. You may want to review the bills and verify the" S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",10)="balances." S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",11)=" " ; S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",12)="BILL PAYMENT TRANS "_$J("PAYMENT",10)_$J("NEW BILL",10) S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",13)="NUMBER BILL TYPE TRANS# DATE "_$J("AMOUNT",10)_$J("AMOUNT",10) S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",14)="-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" S LINE=14 ; S TOTAL=0 S RCBILLDA=0 F S RCBILLDA=$O(^TMP("PRCAI164",$J,RCBILLDA)) Q:'RCBILLDA D . S COUNT=0 . S RCTRANDA=0 F S RCTRANDA=$O(^TMP("PRCAI164",$J,RCBILLDA,RCTRANDA)) Q:'RCTRANDA D . . S RCTRAN1=$G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,1)) . . S TYPE=$P($G(^PRCA(430.2,+$P($G(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,0)),"^",2),0)),"^") . . ; . . ; show bill (use count to for showing it different the second time) . . S DATA=$E($P(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,0),"^")_" ",1,13)_$E(TYPE_" ",1,15) . . I COUNT=1 S DATA=" "_" " . . S COUNT=1 . . ; . . ; show as increase or decrease . . S %=" " . . I TYPE["PREPAY" S %=$S($P(RCTRAN1,"^",2)=1:"INC",1:"DEC")_" " . . S DATA=DATA_% . . ; . . ; show transaction number . . S DATA=DATA_" "_$E(RCTRANDA_" ",1,12) . . ; . . ; show transaction date . . S DATE=$P(RCTRAN1,"^",9) I DATE="" S DATE=" " . . S DATA=DATA_$E(DATE,4,5)_"/"_$E(DATE,6,7)_"/"_$E(DATE,2,3)_" " . . ; . . ; show amount paid (show decrease as negative) . . I $P(RCTRAN1,"^",2)=35 S $P(RCTRAN1,"^",5)=-$P(RCTRAN1,"^",5) . . S DATA=DATA_$J($P(RCTRAN1,"^",5),10,2) . . S TOTAL=TOTAL+$P(RCTRAN1,"^",5) . . ; . . ; show new bill balance . . S %=$G(^PRCA(430,RCBILLDA,7)) S %=$P(%,"^")+$P(%,"^",2)+$P(%,"^",3)+$P(%,"^",4)+$P(%,"^",5) . . S DATA=DATA_$J(%,10,2) . . ; . . ; store the line . . S LINE=LINE+1,^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",LINE)=DATA . . ; . . ; if there is a prepayment transaction on the bill, show that one also . . S PPTRANS=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,5)),"^") . . I PPTRANS D . . . S PPTRAN1=$G(^PRCA(433,PPTRANS,1)) . . . ; show bill paid by the prepayment . . . S PPBILL=+$P($G(^PRCA(433,PPTRANS,0)),"^",2) . . . S DATA=" "_$E("PREPAID "_$P($G(^PRCA(430,PPBILL,0)),"^")_" ",1,20) . . . S DATA=DATA_" "_$E(PPTRANS_" ",1,12) . . . ; . . . ; show transaction date . . . S DATE=$P(PPTRAN1,"^",9) I DATE="" S DATE=" " . . . S DATA=DATA_$E(DATE,4,5)_"/"_$E(DATE,6,7)_"/"_$E(DATE,2,3)_" " . . . ; . . . ; show amount paid . . . S DATA=DATA_$J($P(PPTRAN1,"^",5),10,2) . . . S TOTAL=TOTAL+$P(PPTRAN1,"^",5) . . . ; . . . ; show new bill balance . . . S %=$G(^PRCA(430,PPBILL,7)) S %=$P(%,"^")+$P(%,"^",2)+$P(%,"^",3)+$P(%,"^",4)+$P(%,"^",5) . . . S DATA=DATA_$J(%,10,2) . . . ; . . . ; store the line . . . S LINE=LINE+1,^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",LINE)=DATA ; I LINE=14 S ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",15)="<>" E S LINE=LINE+1,^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM",LINE)=" TOTAL PAID"_$J(TOTAL,10,2) ; ; send mail message N DIFROM ; need to be newed or mailman will not deliver the message S XMY("G.RCDP PAYMENTS")="" S XMY(.5)="" S XMY(DUZ)="" S XMZ=$$SENDMSG^RCRJRCOR("AR Patch 164 Duplicate Deposit 269296",.XMY) K ^TMP($J,"RCRJRCORMM") Q