PRCASET ;SF-ISC/YJK-SETUP A NEW ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ;4/1/96 2:24 PM ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**16,25,40,51,67,158,153**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;This sets up a new account for A/R. The account is classified ;with category. ; ;======================= SET UP NEW AR ============================== SETBIL K PRCABT D CKSITE^PRCAUDT Q:('$D(PRCA("CKSITE"))) D LOOK G:X="" END D ENT G SETBIL ; LOOK S:'$D(^PRCA(430,0)) ^(0)="ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE^430I^^" R !!,"ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BILL NO. : ",X:DTIME Q:('$T)!(X="") I X["^" S X="" Q I "Nn"[$E(X) D I $P(X,"^")=-1 W *7,!!,$P(X,"^",2),! G LOOK . S X=$$BNUM^RCMSNUM . I $P(X,"^")'=-1 S X=$P(X,"-",2) I (X'?1UN1UN4.5UN) W *7,!!,"Please enter 7 character bill number.",!,"It must be in the following format: K400001, K481234 or '(N)ew' to get",!,"the next available number. (Enter ""^"" to exit)",! G LOOK I ($D(^PRCA(430,"D",X)))!($D(^PRCA(430,"B",PRCA("SITE")_"-"_X))) W *7,!!,"SORRY ! THIS NUMBER HAS BEEN ALREADY ASSIGNED TO A BILL. IT MUST BE NEW ENTRY",! G LOOK Q ENT S X=PRCA("SITE")_"-"_X W " ",X S DIC="^PRCA(430,",DIC(0)="XL",DLAYGO=430,DIC("DR")="97////^S X=DUZ" D ^DIC K DLAYGO,DIC Q:Y<0 S (X,D0,PRCABN)=+Y,PRCA("MESS1")="THE ACCOUNT WILL BE INCOMPLETE.",PRCA("MESS2")="*** APPROVED AND RELEASED TO ACCOUNTING ***" W " ...Bill Number '",$P(^PRCA(430,PRCABN,0),"^"),"' assigned!" K PRCADEL,PRCADINO D EDT^PRCAEIN DELETE I $D(PRCADEL) S PRCACOMM="USER CANCELED" D DELETE^PRCABIL4 K PRCACOMM W !,*7,"DELETED",! END I $G(PRCABN),$P($G(^PRCA(430,PRCABN,0)),U,8)=$O(^PRCA(430.3,"AC",102,"")) D PREPAY^RCBEPAYP(PRCABN) L -^PRCA(430,+$G(PRCABN)) K PRCADINO,PRCA("MESS1"),PRCA("MESS2"),PRCABN,PRCADEL,PRCA("CKSITE"),DIC Q