RCBECHGE ;WISC/RFJ-exempt interest/admin/penalty from bill ;1 Jun 00 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**153,162,165**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; EXEMPT(RCBILLDA,RCPAYDAT) ; exempt interest/admin/penalty charges ; added after the payment date N ADMIN,BILLBAL,COMMENT,INTEREST,PENALTY,RCDATE,RCEXTRAN,RCFLAG,RCLIST,RCTRANDA,TRANDA S BILLBAL=$$GETTRANS^RCDPBTLM(RCBILLDA) ; no interest or admin to exempt I ($P(BILLBAL,"^",2)+$P(BILLBAL,"^",3))=0 Q ; loop thru transactions after payment date and look for ; interest/admin charge transactions to exempt S RCDATE=RCPAYDAT-.1 F S RCDATE=$O(RCLIST(RCDATE)) Q:'RCDATE D . S RCTRANDA=0 . F S RCTRANDA=$O(RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA)) Q:'RCTRANDA D . . I RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA)'["INTEREST/ADM. CHARGE" Q . . ; interest/admin/penalty charge added after payment date . . ; exempt the charge . . ; . . ; check to see if charge is already exempted . . ; the charge would be on the same date . . ; for example: . . ; rclist(3000424,2742117)=INTEREST/ADM. CHARGE^^ .68^ .45^0^0 . . ; rclist(3000424,2750151)=EXEMPT INT/ADM. COST^^-.68^-.45^0^0 . . S RCFLAG=0 . . S TRANDA=RCTRANDA . . F S TRANDA=$O(RCLIST(RCDATE,TRANDA)) Q:'TRANDA D I RCFLAG Q . . . I RCLIST(RCDATE,TRANDA)'["EXEMPT INT/ADM. COST" Q . . . ; compare interest values (p3) and admin (p4) . . . I +$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA),"^",3)'=-$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,TRANDA),"^",3) Q . . . I +$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA),"^",4)'=-$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,TRANDA),"^",4) Q . . . ; transaction already exempted . . . S RCFLAG=1 . . I $G(RCFLAG) Q . . ; . . S INTEREST=$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA),"^",3) . . S ADMIN=$P(RCLIST(RCDATE,RCTRANDA),"^",4) . . I 'INTEREST,'ADMIN Q . . ; . . ; check to make sure the amount being exempted does not . . ; exceed the balance of the bill . . I INTEREST>$P(BILLBAL,"^",2) Q . . I ADMIN>$P(BILLBAL,"^",3) Q . . ; . . ; get the penalty charge from the transaction. this charge is computed in the . . ; admin value, so subtract it from admin . . S PENALTY=$P($G(^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA,2)),"^",9) . . I PENALTY S ADMIN=ADMIN-PENALTY S:ADMIN<0 ADMIN=0 . . ; . . ; add the exempt transaction to file 433 with the date . . ; equal to the date the int/admin charge created . . S COMMENT(1)="Auto exemption of "_RCTRANDA_", charges applied "_$S(RCDATE=RCPAYDAT:"on",1:"after")_" payment date "_$$FORMATDT^RCBECHGA(RCPAYDAT)_"." . . ; make sure the time is entered for date processed in file 433 1;9 . . ; if not, it will show as being out of balance on patient statement . . ; this was added for patch 162. . . ; . . ; patch 165 removed the process date passed so the current date . . ; and time would be used. this will prevent statements from . . ; being out of balance. . . ;N %,%H,%I,PROCDATE . . ;D NOW^%DTC S PROCDATE=$P(RCDATE,".")_"."_$P(%,".",2) . . S RCEXTRAN=$$EXEMPT^RCBEUTR2(RCBILLDA,INTEREST_"^"_ADMIN_"^"_PENALTY,.COMMENT,0) Q