RCBEUTR2 ;WISC/RFJ-create an exempt transaction ;1 Jun 00 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**153,169**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; EXEMPT(RCBILLDA,RCVALUE,RCCOMMNT,RCDATE) ; exempt an intererst/admin charge ; for a bill. rcvalue = interest ^ admin ^ penalty ^ mf ^ cc ; for the transaction. rcdate = process date (optional) ; returns transaction number if successful ; N RCDRSTRG,RCTRANDA,Y ; add the transaction (if added to 433, transaction is locked) S RCTRANDA=$$ADD433^RCBEUTRA(RCBILLDA,14) I 'RCTRANDA Q 0 ; ; build dr string ; transaction date (strip off time) S RCDRSTRG="11////"_$S($G(RCDATE):$P(RCDATE,"."),1:DT)_";" ; transaction values S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"15////"_($P(RCVALUE,"^")+$P(RCVALUE,"^",2)+$P(RCVALUE,"^",3))_";" I $P(RCVALUE,"^",1) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"27////"_$P(RCVALUE,"^",1)_";" ;interest I $P(RCVALUE,"^",2) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"28////"_$P(RCVALUE,"^",2)_";" ;admin I $P(RCVALUE,"^",3) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"29////"_$P(RCVALUE,"^",3)_";" ;penalty I $P(RCVALUE,"^",4) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"25////"_$P(RCVALUE,"^",4)_";" ;mf I $P(RCVALUE,"^",5) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"26////"_$P(RCVALUE,"^",5)_";" ;cc I $G(RCDATE) S RCDRSTRG=RCDRSTRG_"19////"_RCDATE_";" ;date entered ; ; input the fields for the transaction S Y=$$EDIT433^RCBEUTRA(RCTRANDA,RCDRSTRG) I 'Y L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) Q 0 ; ; set the comment I $D(RCCOMMNT(1)) D ADDCOMM^RCBEUTRA(RCTRANDA,.RCCOMMNT) ; ; move over 433 from 430 (no principal, just move it) D FY433^RCBEUTRA(RCTRANDA) ; ; mark the transaction as processed D PROCESS^RCBEUTRA(RCTRANDA) ; ; update the bill file with the balance of the transaction D SETBAL^RCBEUBIL(RCTRANDA) ; ; if the bill has no balance, close or cancel it D CLOSEIT^RCBEUTR1(RCBILLDA) ; ; clear the lock and return the transaction added L -^PRCA(433,RCTRANDA) Q RCTRANDA