RCCPCML1 ;ALB@ALTOONA,PA/LDB - Send CCPC transmission (cont.);8/25/00 4:16 PM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**160**;Mar 20, 1995; ; ERRML ;ERROR MESSAGES N CT,ERROR,LN,PT,SP,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMY K ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG") S (ERROR,LN)=0 F S ERROR=$O(^TMP($J,"ERROR",ERROR)) Q:'ERROR D .S LN=LN+1 S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=" " .S LN=LN+1 S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=$P($T(ERRMSG+ERROR),";;",2) .S LN=LN+1 S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=" " .S CT=0,PT="" F S PT=$O(^TMP($J,"ERROR",ERROR,PT)) Q:PT="" D ..S CT=CT+1,LN=LN+1 ..I PT=0 S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=" " Q ..N Y I PT'=0 D ...S PT(1)="" F S PT(1)=$O(^TMP($J,"ERROR",ERROR,PT,PT(1))) Q:PT(1)="" D ....S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=$S($L(CT)<2:" "_CT,1:CT)_". " ....S SP=" ",Y=PT,Y=PT_$E(SP,$L(PT),30) ....S ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)=^TMP($J,"ERRMSG",LN)_Y_PT(1) S XMDUZ="AR PACKAGE" I $O(^XMB(3.8,"B","RCCPC STATEMENTS",0)) S XMY("G.RCCPC STATEMENTS")="" E S XMY($G(DUZ))="" S XMSUB="CCPC ERRORS FOUND DURING TRANSMISSION" S XMTEXT="^TMP($J,""ERRMSG""," D ^XMD K ^TMP($J,"ERRMSG") Q ; ERRMSG ;Error messages 1 ;;CCPC transmission process found no records or an incomplete file. Contact IRM. 2 ;;No CCPC transmission records transmitted. Check file 349. Contact IRM. 3 ;;Corrupted PH segment has been encountered for the following patient(s): 4 ;;No key field in CCPC file for the following patient(s): 5 ;;Mailman message creation aborted. Please contact IRM. 6 ;;No transmission sent. Define REMOTE DOMAIN in AR TRANSMISSION TYPE file (349.1). 7 ;;Print Acknowledgements exist. Transmission cannot be resent. 8 ;;Address information is missing for the following patient(s): 9 ;;Address is marked as ADDRESS UNKNOWN for the following patient(s): 10 ;;Corrupted Address. Re-enter address information for the following patient(s):