RCDMC90S ;WASH IRMFO@ALTOONA,PA/TJK-DMC 90 DAY (SERVER) ;7/17/97 8:11 AM ; 10/24/96 3:21 PM [ 02/24/97 12:17 PM ] V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**45,121**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;Program to process server messages from DMC ;1) Will automatically delete DMC flags from local system for ; those patients submitted to DMC that are not being followed by ; DMC ;2) Will display message to DMX mailgroup when DMC receives a death ; notice in order that the local site can follow-up and have the ; death entry entered into the local patient file. READ ;READS MESSAGE INTO TEMPORARY GLOBAL K ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J) S XMA=0 READ1 X XMREC I $D(XMER) G PROC:XMER<0 S XMA=XMA+1 S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"READ",XMA)=XMRG G READ1 PROC N DEBTOR,SSN,DDATE,LN,CNT,I,J,SITE,REC,ND,NAME,TYPE,SEQ,CNTR,LKUP,MSG N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMY,XMTEXT K XMPOS,XMA,XMER,XMREC,XMRG S CNT=2,CNTR=3,(SEQ,I)=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"READ",I)) Q:I="" S ND=$G(^(I)) D Q:$P(ND,"|",2)="~" .I $P(ND,U)="DI" S SEQ=$P(ND,U,3) .Q:$P(ND,"^")'?1N.N .S REC=$P(ND,"|") .S SSN=$P(REC,U,1),DEBTOR=+$P(REC,U,3),DDATE=$P(REC,U,4),TYPE=$P(REC,U,5) .S LKUP=$$DEBT(DEBTOR,SSN) .I 'LKUP D Q ;Invalid debtor check-patch *121 ..S CNTR=CNTR+1 ..S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"BUILD",CNTR)=" "_"DEBTOR: "_+$P(REC,U,3)_" SSN: "_$P(REC,U,1) .S DEBTOR=$P(LKUP,U,2) .; .;Process good debtor numbers .D CANC3^RCDMC90U(DEBTOR,1) .S DFN=+$G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,0)),NAME=$P(^DPT(DFN,0),U),LN=" "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(NAME,30)_" "_SSN .S CNT=CNT+1,^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"REC",CNT)=LN_$S(TYPE="01":" INACTIVE BENEFIT",1:" DECEASED") .I DDATE D ..S XMSUB="Death Notice Received From DMC" ..S XMY("G.DMR")="",XMDUZ="AR PACKAGE",XMTEXT="MSG(" ..S MSG(1)="DMC has received a death notice for the following patient:" ..S MSG(2)=LN_" Date Of Death: "_$E(DDATE,1,2)_"/"_$E(DDATE,3,4)_"/"_$E(DDATE,7,8) ..S MSG(3)="Please follow up locally to have this information entered" ..S MSG(4)="into the local VAMC patient file." ..D ^XMD ..Q .Q ; MSG ;SEND LIST OF PATIENTS AUTOMATICALLY DELETED S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"REC",1)="The following debtors will not be followed by DMC" S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"REC",2)="and are being deleted from the DMC." S XMSUB="Patients Deleted From DMC: (SEQ. #: "_SEQ_")" S XMY("G.DMR")="",XMDUZ="AR PACKAGE",XMTEXT="^TMP(""RCDMC90S"","_$J_",""REC""," D ^XMD ; ;Send list of invalid debtors I $D(^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"BUILD")) D .S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"BUILD",1)="The following debtors have invalid debtor numbers" .S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"BUILD",2)="Please verify the debtors" .S ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J,"BUILD",3)=" " .S XMSUB="Notice of Invalid Debtor Number" .S XMY("G.DMR")="" .S XMDUZ="AR PACKAGE" .S XMTEXT="^TMP(""RCDMC90S"","_$J_",""BUILD""," .D ^XMD .Q ; CLEANUP ; This cleans up the ^TMP global. K ^TMP("RCDMC90S",$J) Q ; ; DEBT(DEBTOR,SSN) ;CHECK FOR VALID DEBTOR N DFN,CHK S CHK=0 S DFN=+$G(^RCD(340,DEBTOR,0)) I DFN,SSN=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,9) S CHK=1_U_DEBTOR ; ;Find debtor by SSN & match last 6 digits of debtor # I 'CHK D .N DEBTOR1 .S DFN=$O(^DPT("SSN",SSN,0)) .I DFN S DEBTOR1=$O(^RCD(340,"B",DFN_";DPT(",0)) D ..I DEBTOR1,$E(DEBTOR1,$L(DEBTOR1)-5,$L(DEBTOR1))=DEBTOR S CHK=1_U_DEBTOR1 DEBTQ Q CHK