RCDPDPL1 ;WISC/RFJ-deposit profile listmanager options ;1 Jun 99 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**114,148,172,173**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; EDITDEP ; option: edit the deposit D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; I '$$LOCKDEP^RCDPDPLU(RCDEPTDA) Q ; W ! D EDITDEP^RCDPUDEP(RCDEPTDA) L -^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA) ; ; rebuild the header D INIT^RCDPDPLM D HDR^RCDPDPLM Q ; ; CONFIRM ; option: confirm deposit D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; W !!,"This option will confirm a deposit. Once a deposit is confirmed, receipts" W !,"can no longer be added or changed on the deposit. Before a deposit can be" W !,"confirmed all receipts must be processed and the cash receipt code sheets" W !,"accepted by FMS." ; N DATA,ERROR,FMSDOC,RECTDA,STATUS,X ; I '$$LOCKDEP^RCDPDPLU(RCDEPTDA) Q ; ; check bank data S ERROR=$$CHEKBANK(RCDEPTDA) I ERROR D Q:ERROR . W ! D EDITDEP^RCDPUDEP(RCDEPTDA) . S ERROR=$$CHEKBANK(RCDEPTDA) . I 'ERROR Q . S VALMSG="Deposit NOT Confirmed." . W !,VALMSG,!,"Use the Edit Deposit option to enter missing bank data." . W !!,"Press RETURN to continue: " R X:DTIME . L -^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA) . ; rebuild the screen . D INIT^RCDPDPLM . D HDR^RCDPDPLM W " Done." ; ; check receipts W !!,"Checking receipts on deposit ..." S RECTDA=0 F S RECTDA=$O(^RCY(344,"AD",RCDEPTDA,RECTDA)) Q:'RECTDA D . S DATA=$G(^RCY(344,RECTDA,0)) I DATA="" Q . ; get status, error if receipt not closed . S STATUS=$S($P(DATA,"^",14)'=0:"OPEN",1:"CLOSED") . I STATUS'="CLOSED" S ERROR=1 . ; get fms cr doc number and status, error if doc not accepted . ; returns fmsdocument ^ status ^ prelockbox flag . S FMSDOC=$$FMSSTAT^RCDPUREC(RECTDA) . ; if status is closed and the fms document not sent (no dollars), allow confirm . I STATUS="CLOSED",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2)="NOT ENTERED" Q . ; . I $P(FMSDOC,"^",2)'["ON LINE ENTRY",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2)'["ACCEPTED" S ERROR=1 . W !?5,$P(DATA,"^"),?15,STATUS,?30,$P(FMSDOC,"^"),?45,$P(FMSDOC,"^",2) ; I $G(ERROR) D Q . W !!,"Cannot confirm deposit until all receipts are closed and the cash" . W !,"receipt documents have been accepted in FMS." . W !!,"Press RETURN to continue: " R X:DTIME . L -^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA) ; W !!,"All receipts are closed and accepted." I $$ASKCONFI=1 D CONFIRM^RCDPUDEP(RCDEPTDA),HDR^RCDPDPLM L -^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA) ; ; rebuild the header D INIT^RCDPDPLM D HDR^RCDPDPLM Q ; ; CHEKBANK(RCDEPTDA) ; check the bank data for a deposit ; return error of 1 if data is missing N DATA,ERROR W !!,"Checking the deposit bank data ..." S DATA=^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA,0) I $P(DATA,"^",13)="" S ERROR=1 W !?5,"BANK is missing." ;I $P(DATA,"^",5)="" S ERROR=1 W !?5,"BANK TRACE NUMBER is missing." I $P(DATA,"^",14)="" S ERROR=1 W !?5,"AGENCY LOCATION CODE is missing." I $P(DATA,"^",17)="" S ERROR=1 W !?5,"AGENCY TITLE is missing." Q +$G(ERROR) ; ; ADDREC ; add a new receipt D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; N RCRECTDA W ! S RCRECTDA=$$SELRECT^RCDPUREC(1,RCDEPTDA) I RCRECTDA<1 Q ; D EN^VALM("RCDP RECEIPT PROFILE") ; D INIT^RCDPDPLM S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ; DICW ; Write identifiers for ERA lookup ; Assumes Y = ien of entry file 344.4 N RC0 S RC0=$G(^RCY(344.4,Y,0)) W ?9,"From: ",$E($P(RC0,U,6),1,20)," Trace: ",$E($P(RC0,U,2),1,10)," Amt: ",$J(+$P(RC0,U,5),"",2)_" on ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(RC0,U,4),2) Q ; RECEIPTS ; option: receipt profile/processing N INDEX,RCRECTDA,VALMBG,VALMLST,VALMY S VALMBCK="R" ; ; if no receipts, quit I '$O(^TMP("RCDPDPLM",$J,"IDX",0)) S VALMSG="There are NO receipts to profile." Q ; ; if only one receipt, select that one automatically I '$O(^TMP("RCDPDPLM",$J,"IDX",1)) S INDEX=1 ; ; select the entry from the list I '$G(INDEX) D I 'INDEX Q . ; if not on first screen, make sure selection begins with 1 . S VALMBG=1 . ; if not on last screen, make sure selection ends with last . S VALMLST=$O(^TMP("RCDPDPLM",$J,"IDX",999999999),-1) . D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0)),"OS") . S INDEX=$O(VALMY(0)) ; S RCRECTDA=+$G(^TMP("RCDPDPLM",$J,"IDX",INDEX,INDEX)) D EN^VALM("RCDP RECEIPT PROFILE") ; D INIT^RCDPDPLM S VALMBCK="R" ; fast exit I $G(RCDPFXIT) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ; ; CUSTOMIZ ; option: customize display D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; W !!,"This option will allow the user to customize the screen and options" W !,"used for deposit processing." ; ; ask to show check/credit card data I $$ASKFMS=-1 Q ; D INIT^RCDPDPLM Q ; ; ASKFMS() ; ask if its okay to show fms cr documents ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Do you want to turn on the display of the FMS CR documents" W ! D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 I Y'=-1 S ^DISV(DUZ,"RCDPDPLM","SHOWFMS")=Y Q Y ; ASKCONFI() ; ask if its okay to confirm the deposit ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")=" Are you sure you want to CONFIRM this deposit" D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ;