RCDPESR3 ;ALB/TMK - Server auto-update utilities - EDI Lockbox ;06/06/02 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**173,214,208,255**;Mar 20, 1995;Build 1 Q ; EFTIN(RCTXN,RCD,XMZ,RCGBL,RCEFLG) ; Adds a new EFT record to AR file 344.3 ; from Lockbox EFT msg ; RCTXN = the data on the header record of the message text ; RCD = array containing formatted mail message header data ; XMZ = the mail message number ; RCGBL = the name of the array or global where the message is stored ; RCEFLG = error flag returned if passed by reference ; N CT,RC,RC1,RCLAST,RCEFT,RCTDA,RCERR,RCTYP1,DA,DIK,RCZ,Z,Z0,DLAYGO ; ; Take data out of mail message S (RCEFLG,RCLAST)=0,CT=0,RCTYP1="835EFT" F X XMREC Q:XMER<0 D Q:RCLAST . I +XMRG=99,$P(XMRG,U,2)="$" S RCLAST=1 Q . S:XMRG'="" CT=CT+1,@RCGBL@(2,"D",CT)=XMRG ; I 'RCLAST,'$G(RCERR) K @RCGBL S RCERR=2 ;No $ as last character of msg ; I $G(RCERR)>0 D G EFTQ . D ERRUPD^RCDPESR1(RCGBL,.RCD,RCTYP1,.RCERR) . S RCEFLG=1 ; ; Add top-level entry to file 344.3 S RCEFT=$$ADDEFT(RCTXN,XMZ,RCGBL,.RCERR) ; I $G(RCERR) D G EFTQ ; 'BAD' EFT's . D ERRUPD^RCDPESR1(RCGBL,.RCD,RCTYP1,.RCERR) . S RCEFLG=1 ; G:'RCEFT EFTQ ; ; Add the detail data to file 344.31 for this EFT record S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^RCY(344.31,"B",RCEFT,Z)) Q:'Z S DA=Z,DIK="^RCY(344.31," D ^DIK ; Delete any detail data already there ; S (RC,RC1,RCZ)=0 F S RCZ=$O(@RCGBL@(2,"D",RCZ)) Q:'RCZ S Z0=$G(^(RCZ)) I Z0'="" D Q:$G(RCERR) . I $P(Z0,U)="01" D ; Each payer's data .. N DA,DIE,DR,X,Y,DO,DD,DIC .. S X=RCEFT .. S DIC("DR")=".11////0;.04////"_$P(Z0,U,2)_";.08////0"_$S($P(Z0,U,5)'="":";.02////"_$P(Z0,U,5),1:"")_$S($P(Z0,U,6)'="":";.03////"_$P(Z0,U,6),1:"")_";.07////"_$J(+$P(Z0,U,4)/100,"",2)_";.06////"_$S($P(Z0,U,8)'="":1,1:0) .. S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";.12///"_$$FDT^RCDPESR9($P(Z0,U,3))_";.13////"_DT_$S($P(Z0,U,7)'="":";.05////"_$P(Z0,U,7),1:"")_$S($P(Z0,U,9)'="":";.15////"_$P(Z0,U,9),1:"") .. ; .. I $P(Z0,U,8)'="" D ; tax id error ... D TAXERR^RCDPESR1("EFT",$P(Z0,U,5)_" Payer ID: "_$P(RCTXN,U,6),$P(RCTXN,U,7),$P(RCTXN,U,8)) ; Send bad tax id bulletin .. ; .. S DIC(0)="L",DIC="^RCY(344.31,",DLAYGO=344.31 D FILE^DICN K DIC,DLAYGO,DO,DD .. I Y'>0 D ; Error filing data ... S DIK="^RCY(344.3,",DA=RCEFT D ^DIK ... S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^RCY(344.31,"B",RCEFT,Z)) Q:'Z S DIK="^RCY(344.31,",DA=Z D ^DIK ... S RCEFLG=1,RCERR=3 ... D ERRUPD^RCDPESR1(RCGBL,.RCD,RCTYP1,RCERR) ; I '$G(RCEFLG) D . S DIE="^RCY(344.3,",DA=RCEFT,DR=".09////"_$$CHKSUM(RCEFT) D ^DIE ; EFTQ ; D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ADDEFT(RCTXN,RCXMZ,RCGBL,RCERR) ; File EFT TOTAL record in file 344.3 ; RCTXN = the data on the header record of the message text ; RCXMZ = the mail message number ; RCGBL = the name of the array or global where the message is stored ; Function returns the ien of the total record found/added ; and also returns RCERR if passed by reference ; N RCTDA,RCRCPT,RCDUP,RCHAC,Z,Z0 S (RCERR,RCTDA)="" ; I $E($P(RCTXN,U,6),1,3)'="469",$E($P(RCTXN,U,6),1,3)'="569",$E($P(RCTXN,U,6),1,3)'="HAC" D G ADDQ ; Invalid EFT deposit number . N RCDXM,RCCT . S RCCT=0 . S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)="This EFT has an invalid deposit number for EDI Lockbox and has been rejected.",RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=" " . S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=" ",RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)="Here are the contents of this message:" . D DISP("EDI LBOX INVALID EFT DEPOSIT #",RCCT,.RCDXM,RCXMZ) ; ; Make sure it's not already there or if so, it has no ptr to a deposit ; or if a deposit exists, that the deposit does not yet have a receipt S RCDUP=0,RCHAC=$E($P(RCTXN,U,6),1,3)="HAC" ; This is a HAC deposit I $P(RCTXN,U,6)'="" D . S Z=0 ; Lookup deposit by deposit # . F S Z=$O(^RCY(344.3,"C",$P(RCTXN,U,6),Z)) Q:'Z S Z0=$G(^RCY(344.3,Z,0)) S:'$P(Z0,U,3) RCTDA=Z Q:RCTDA D Q .. ; Deposit found - find receipt .. I $O(^RCY(344,"AD",$P(Z0,U,3),0)) S RCDUP=Z Q .. S RCTDA=Z ; I RCDUP D ; Send bulletin that duplicate EFT received . N RCDXM,RCCT . S RCCT=0 . S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)="This EFT appears to be a duplicate transaction and has been rejected.",RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=" " . S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=" ",RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)="Here are the contents of this message:" . D DISP("EDI LBOX DUP EFT DEPOSIT RECEIVED",RCCT,.RCDXM,RCXMZ) ; I 'RCDUP D ; Add or update the record . N RCX,RCDTTM,DIE,DIC,DLAYGO,DD,DA,DO,DR,X,Y,%DT,DINUM . ; . S X=$$FDT^RCDPESR9($P(RCTXN,U,3))_"@"_$P(RCTXN,U,4) . S %DT="XTS" D ^%DT S:Y>0 RCDTTM=Y . ; . S DIC("DR")="" . S DIC("DR")=$S(RCDTTM'="":".02////"_RCDTTM,1:"") . S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_$S(DIC("DR")'="":";",1:"")_".06////"_$P(RCTXN,U,6)_";.07///"_$$FDT^RCDPESR9($P(RCTXN,U,7)) . S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";.08////"_$$ZERO^RCDPESR9($P(RCTXN,U,8),1)_";.13////"_$$NOW^XLFDT()_";.05////"_RCXMZ_";.14////0;.12////0" . ; . I RCTDA D ; Overwrite the data already there .. L +^RCY(344.3,RCTDA):1 I '$T S RCTDA=-1 Q .. S DIE="^RCY(344.3,",DA=RCTDA,DR=DIC("DR") K DIC D ^DIE .. L -^RCY(344.3,RCTDA) . ; . I 'RCTDA D .. S RCX=+$O(^RCY(344.3," "),-1) .. F RCX=RCX+1:1 I '$D(^RCY(344.3,RCX,0)) L +^RCY(344.3,RCX,0):1 I $T S X=RCX Q .. S DIC(0)="L",DIC="^RCY(344.3,",DLAYGO=344.3,DINUM=RCX .. D FILE^DICN K DO,DD,DLAYGO,DIC,DINUM .. L -^RCY(344.3,RCX,0) .. S RCTDA=$S(Y<0:"",1:+Y) . ; . I 'RCTDA S RCERR=3 ; Error in add of EFT record to file 344.3 ; ADDQ Q $S(RCTDA>0:RCTDA,1:"") ; CHKSUM(RCTDA) ; Calc the checksum for EFT record stored in RCTDA in 344.3 ; N RCDPCSUM,RCDPDATA,X,Y,Z,Z0 ; S (RCDPCSUM,X)=0,Z0=$G(^RCY(344.3,RCTDA,0)) ; Use pcs 1-8, leaving out piece 3 S RCDPDATA=$P(Z0,U,1,8),$P(RCDPDATA,U,3)="" S X=RCDPCSUM_RCDPDATA X $S($G(^%ZOSF("LPC"))'="":^("LPC"),1:"S Y=""""") S RCDPCSUM=Y ; Use detail iens and pieces 3,4,7 to complete the checksum S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^RCY(344.31,"B",RCTDA,Z)) Q:'Z S Z0=$G(^RCY(344.31,Z,0)),RCDPDATA=Z_U_$P(Z0,U,3,4)_U_$P(Z0,U,7),X=RCDPCSUM_RCDPDATA X $S($G(^%ZOSF("LPC"))'="":^("LPC"),1:"S Y=""""") S RCDPCSUM=Y Q RCDPCSUM ; DISP(RCTIT,RCCT,RCDXM,RCXMZ) ; Sends bulletin with formatted data from message ; RCTIT = title of bulletin ; RCCT = # of lines previously populated ; RCXDM = array containing the text of the bulletin N RC,Z K ^TMP("RC1",$J),^TMP("RC",$J),^TMP("RCTEMP",$J) S RC=1,^TMP("RCTEMP",$J,RC)=$G(^TMP("RCMSGH",$J,0)) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",Z)) Q:'Z S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCTEMP",$J,RC)=$G(^TMP("RCMSG",$J,2,"D",Z)) D DISP^RCDPESR8("^TMP(""RCTEMP"",$J)","^TMP(""RC1"",$J)",1,"^TMP(""RC"",$J)",75) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP("RC",$J,Z)) Q:'Z S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=$G(^TMP("RC",$J,Z)) D BULLEFT^RCDPESR0("",RCXMZ,RCTIT,.RCDXM) K ^TMP("RC1",$J),^TMP("RC",$J),^TMP("RCTEMP",$J) Q ; DUP(RCM,RCIFN,RCAMT,RCAMT1) ; EOB in mail message already stored in 361.1? ; RCM = msg # EOB was received in ; RCIFN = bill ien ; RCAMT = amt pd ; RCAMT1 = amt reported billed ; Returns 0 if none found, entry #^message checksum on file if found N Z,DUP,DUP1 S (DUP,DUP1,Z)=0 F S Z=$O(^IBM(361.1,"AC",RCM,Z)) Q:'Z I +$G(^IBM(361.1,Z,0))=RCIFN D Q:DUP . I '$P($G(^IBM(361.1,Z,100)),U,5) S DUP1=Z Q ; Partially filed before . I +$G(^IBM(361.1,Z,1))=+RCAMT,+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,1,Z,2)),U,4)=+RCAMT1 S DUP=Z_U_+$P($G(^IBM(361.1,Z,100)),U,5) Q I 'DUP,DUP1 S DUP=DUP1_"^0" Q DUP ; DUPERA(DUP,RCNOUPD) ; Msg for duplicate ERA ; RCNOUPD = # of message with duplicate data ; DUP = flag = -1 if duplicate message received in same mail msg # K ^TMP("RCERR1",$J) S ^TMP("RCERR1",$J,1)=$S(DUP>0:"This an exact duplicate of an ERA received previously in mail msg "_RCNOUPD,1:"This ERA message was already fully processed - message was ignored") Q ; BULLS(RCFILE,RCTDA,DUP,RCXMSG) ; Error bulletins for ERA I RCFILE=5 D BULL1^RCDPESR5(RCTDA,"^TMP(""RCERR1"",$J)",$S($G(DUP)>0:$G(DUP),1:"")) I RCFILE=4 D BULL2^RCDPESR5(RCTDA,"^TMP(""RCERR1"",$J)",RCXMSG) Q ; ADJERR(RCERR) ; Set up adj error text in RCERR(n) - pass by ref ; Function returns # of lines for error text S RCERR(1)="At least 1 adjustment transaction has been found on this ERA. Before the",RCERR(2)=" receipt for this ERA can be processed, the appropriate adjustments",RCERR(3)=" must be made using the EEOB Worklist",RCERR(4)=" " Q 4 ;