RCDPESR5 ;ALB/TMK - Server interface 835XFR processing ;10/01/02 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**173,208**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; XFR(RCTDA,RCFROM,RCMSG,RCD) ; Send bulletin, update 344.5 for transfer EOB into site ; RCTDA = ien in file 344.5 being updated ; RCFROM = the sender's mail address from the mail message ; RCMSG = message # the data was received in ; RCD = array containing formatted header data ; N RCCT,RCDXM,DA,DR,DIE,X,Y,Z,RCFROMNM S Z=$P($P(RCD("SUBJ"),"REF #",2),"#"),RCFROMNM=$TR($P(RCFROM,"@",2),">") I RCFROMNM="" S RCFROMNM=RCFROM S DA=RCTDA,DR=".05///@;.08////1;.1///3"_$S($P(RCFROM,"@",2)'="":";.12////"_RCFROMNM,1:"")_";.13////^S X=("_+Z_"_$C(59)_"_$P(Z,";",2)_")"_$S($G(RCD("PAYFROM"))'="":";3.01////"_RCD("PAYFROM"),1:"") S DIE="^RCY(344.5," D ^DIE ; D SENDACK(RCTDA,"") ; acknowledge receipt of transferred EOB ; S RCDXM(1)="An EEOB transmission has been received by the EDI Lockbox",RCDXM(2)=" system that was sent to you from another VistA site. Please review" S RCDXM(3)=" it in EEOB exception processing and file the EEOB if it belongs to your",RCDXM(4)=" site or delete the message to return the EEOB to the site it was sent from." S RCDXM(5)=" ",RCDXM(6)="The message was sent by "_RCFROM S RCDXM(7)="The mail message number is "_RCMSG S RCDXM(8)=" ",RCDXM(9)="EEOB DATA INCLUDED:" S RCCT=9 K ^TMP($J) D DISP^RCDPESR0("^RCY(344.5,"_RCTDA_",2)","^TMP($J,""PRCA_EXT"")",1,"^TMP($J,""PRCA_LINES"")",70) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,"PRCA_LINES",Z)) Q:'Z S RCCT=RCCT+1,RCDXM(RCCT)=$J("",3)_$G(^TMP($J,"PRCA_LINES",Z)) D BULLERA^RCDPESR0("",RCTDA,RCMSG,"EDI LBOX EEOB FROM "_$E(RCFROMNM,1,18)_" FOR "_$E($G(RCD("PAYFROM")),1,20),.RCDXM,1) K ^TMP($J) Q ; SENDACK(RCTDA,RCSTAT) ; Send accept/reject msg to transf 'from' site ; RCTDA = ien of entry file 344.5 ; RCSTAT = flag to indicate what happened ; values: "" = receipt 1 = accepted 0 = rejected ; N RC,RC0,RCDOM,RCREF,XMTO,XMBODY,XMZ ; Send a mail message to sending site for accept/reject of EOB S RC0=$G(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,0)),RCREF=$P(RC0,U,13) S RCDOM="@"_$S($P(RC0,U,12)'="":$P(RC0,U,12),1:$$KSP^XUPARAM("WHERE")) S:RCDOM="@" RCDOM="" I RCREF,$P(RCREF,";",2) D . ; 835ACK^accept/reject flag (""/0/1)^ien file 344_;_ien file 344.41 . S RC(1)="835XAK^"_RCSTAT_U_+$P(RCREF,";")_";"_+$P(RCREF,";",2) . S XMBODY="RC",XMTO("S.RCDPE EDI LOCKBOX SERVER"_RCDOM)="" . D .. N DUZ S DUZ=.5,DUZ(0)="@" .. D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(.5,"TRANSFER EEOB ACKNOWLEDGEMENT",XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) Q ; FILEEOB(RCTDA) ; Files trans-in EOB in IB N DIE,DA,DR,X,Y,RCE D UPDEOB^RCDPESR2(RCTDA,5) I $D(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,0)) D . S DIE="^RCY(344.5,",DR=".04////0;.05///@;.1////5",DA=RCTDA D ^DIE Q ; BULL1(RCTDA,RCERR,DUP) ; Send bulletin for EDI Lockbox EOB exceptions ; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.5 ; RCERR = the name of the error global ; DUP = ien of existing entry in file 344.4 if ERA is duplicate ; N RCSUBJ S RCSUBJ="EDI LBOX "_$S(DUP:"ERA - DUPLICATE TRANSMISSION MSG #"_DUP,1:" EEOB - EXCEPTIONS")_" "_$E($P($G(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,3)),U),1,20) S RCSUBJ=$E(RCSUBJ,1,65) S DUP=+$G(DUP) D BULLERA^RCDPESR0("D",RCTDA,$P($G(^RCY(344.5,RCTDA,0)),U,11),RCSUBJ,RCERR,0) Q ; BULL2(RCTDA,RCERR,RCXMG) ; Send bulletin for EOB transfer received at site ; RCTDA = ien of entry in file 344.5 ; RCXMG = incoming message # ; RCERR = the name of the error global ; N RCDIQ,RCXM,RCXM1,XMBODY,XMZ,XMTO,RC,Z,Q,RCSUBJ S RCSUBJ="EDI LBOX EEOB DETAIL RE-FILE ATTEMPTED TO IB" S XMTO("I:G.RCDPE PAYMENTS")="",RC=0 K ^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J) S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)="The following EEOB was received at your site.",RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)="It was received on: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),2)_" in mail msg # "_RCXMG_"." S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)="The initial attempt to file this data in IB failed and this message",RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)="is the result of a subsequent attempt to file this EEOB detail data in IB" S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=" " D GETS^DIQ(344.4,+RCTDA_",","*","IEN","RCDIQ") D TXT0^RCDPEX31(+RCTDA,.RCDIQ,.RCXM,0) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(RCXM(Z)) Q:'Z S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=RCXM(Z) I $G(RCERR)'="",$E(RCERR,1,5)'="^TMP(" S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=RCERR,RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=" " S RCERR=$S($E(RCERR,1,5)="^TMP(":RCERR,1:"RCERR") I $O(@RCERR@(""))'="" D . S Z="" F S Z=$O(@RCERR@(Z)) Q:Z="" D .. I $G(@RCERR@(Z))'="" S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=@RCERR@(Z) .. I $O(@RCERR@(Z,0)) S Q="" F S Q=$O(@RCERR@(Z,Q)) Q:Q="" S RC=RC+1,^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J,RC)=@RCERR@(Z,Q) S XMBODY="^TMP(""RCERR_BULL2"","_$J_")" D . N DUZ S DUZ=.5,DUZ(0)="@" . D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(.5,$E(RCSUBJ,1,65),XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) K ^TMP("RCERR_BULL2",$J) Q ; DISP1(RCCT,RCNOH) ; Extract formatted EOB detail for bill ; RCCT = bill seq# within ERA transmission ; RCNOH = 1 if no header text needed on 05 rec ; ; Error array returned in ^TMP("RCERR1",$J) ; N RC1,RC2,RCCT1,Z D DISP^RCDPESR0("^TMP($J,""RCDP-EOB"","_RCCT_")","RC1",1) D FMTDSP^RCDPESR0("RC1","RC2",75,RCNOH) S Z=0,RCCT1=$O(^TMP("RCERR1",$J,RCCT," "),-1) F S Z=$O(RC2(Z)) Q:'Z S RCCT1=RCCT1+1,^TMP("RCERR1",$J,RCCT,RCCT1)=RC2(Z) Q ;