RCDPEX31 ;ALB/TMK - ELECTRONIC EOB EXCEPTION PROCESSING - FILE 344.4 ;10-OCT-02 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**173,208**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; UPD ; Try to update the IB EOB file from exception in 344.41 N RCDA,RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCWHY,Z,DA,DIE,DR D FULL^VALM1 D SEL^RCDPEX3(.RCDA,1) S RCDA=$O(RCDA(0)) G:'RCDA UPDQ S RCTDA=+RCDA(RCDA),RCTDA1=+$P(RCDA(RCDA),U,2) I '$$LOCK(RCTDA,RCTDA1,0) G UPDQ I $P($G(^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0)),U,7)'=2 D G UPDQ . W !,"EEOB cannot be filed in IB"_$S($P($G(^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0)),U,7)=1:" - the bill # is invalid",1:"") . D PAUSE^VALM1 I RCTDA,RCTDA1 D UPDEOB^RCDPESR2(RCTDA_";"_RCTDA1,4) S Z=$P($G(^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0)),U,2) I Z D ; Update file 344.41 record . S DA(1)=RCTDA,DA=RCTDA1,DR=".07///@;.13////1;.02////"_Z,DIE="^RCY(344.4,"_DA(1)_",1," D ^DIE W !,"EEOB DETAIL UPDATE ",$S(Z:"WAS SUCCESSFUL",1:"ENCOUNTERED ERRORS") S RCWHY(1)="Update IB with EEOB detail",RCWHY(2)="Update EEOB detail was "_$S('Z:"NOT",1:"")_" successful" D STORACT(RCTDA,RCTDA1,.RCWHY) D PAUSE^VALM1 D BLD^RCDPEX2 ; UPDQ S VALMBCK="R" Q ; DEL ; Delete exception conditions from EOB detail list - file 344.4 N DIR,X,Y,Z,RCDA,RCOK,RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCWHY,DA,DR,DIE,RC0,RC00,RCDIQ,RCE,RCT,RCX,RCWHYTXT,XMDUZ,XMSUBJ,XMZ,XMER,XMBODY,XMTO,RCDIQ1,DTOUT,DUOUT D FULL^VALM1 D SEL^RCDPEX3(.RCDA,1) S RCDA=$O(RCDA("")) I RCDA="" G DELQ S RCTDA=+RCDA(RCDA),RCTDA1=$P(RCDA(RCDA),U,2) I '$$LOCK(RCTDA,RCTDA1,0) G DELQ W ! S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A",1)="This action will mark this EEOB detail record so it no longer appears as an",DIR("A",2)="exception. A bulletin will be sent to report this action",DIR("A",3)=" " S DIR("A")="ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE? ",DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR K DIR G:Y'=1 DELQ S DIR(0)="FA;3:60",DIR("A")="ENTER A REASON FOR THIS ACTION: ",DIR("?",1)="Enter the reason why this EEOB exception is being removed from the",DIR("?")=" exception list (3-60 characters are REQUIRED)" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) G DELQ S RCWHY(1)="Removal of EEOB detail entry from the exception list",RCWHY(2)=" Reason Entered: "_Y,RCWHYTXT=Y S RC0=$G(^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,0)),RC00=$G(^(1,RCTDA1,0)) ; D GETS^DIQ(344.4,RCTDA_",","*","IEN","RCDIQ") D GETS^DIQ(344.41,RCTDA1_","_RCTDA_",","*","IEN","RCDIQ1") S RCE=0 D TXT0(RCTDA,.RCDIQ,.RCX,.RCE) S RCE=RCE+1,RCX(RCE)="RAW MESSAGE DATA:" D TXT00(RCTDA,RCTDA1,.RCDIQ1,.RCX,.RCE) S DA=RCTDA1,DA(1)=RCTDA,DR=".07///@;.13////0",DIE="^RCY(344.4,"_DA(1)_",1," D ^DIE D STORACT(RCTDA,RCTDA1,.RCWHY) ; S RCT(1)="The electronic EEOB detail for Trace #: "_$P(RC0,U,2)_" and Seq #"_$P(RC00,U),RCT(2)=" is no longer flagged for an exception condition" S RCT(3)="PAYMENT FROM: "_$P(RC0,U,6)_" on "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(RC0,U,4),2) S RCT(4)=" " S RCT(5)="REASON: "_RCWHYTXT S RCT(6)="ACTION PERFORMED BY: "_$P($G(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)),U)_" "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,2) S RCT(7)=" ",RCE=+$O(RCT(""),-1) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(RCX(Z)) Q:'Z S RCE=RCE+1,RCT(RCE)=RCX(Z) S RCE=RCE+1,RCT(RCE)=" " S XMSUBJ="EDI LBOX EEOB DETAIL EXCEPTION REMOVED",XMBODY="RCT",XMDUZ="",XMTO("G.RCDPE PAYMENTS")="" D ; . N DUZ S DUZ=.5,DUZ(0)="@" . D SENDMSG^XMXAPI(.5,XMSUBJ,XMBODY,.XMTO,,.XMZ) ; W !,"A bulletin has been sent to report this action",! D PAUSE^VALM1 D BLD^RCDPEX2 ; DELQ I $G(RCTDA),$G(RCTDA1) L -^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; TXT0(RCTDA,RCDIQ,RCXM1,RC) ; Append 0-node captioned data to array RCXM1 ; N LINE,DAT,Z,Z0,Z1 S LINE="",RC=+$G(RC) S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=" **ERA SUMMARY DATA**" F Z=.02:.01 D S Z1=+$O(RCDIQ(344.4,RCTDA_",",Z)) Q:Z1'<1!'Z1 . I $G(RCDIQ(344.4,RCTDA_",",Z,"E"))="" Q . S Z0=$$GET1^DID(344.4,Z,,"LABEL") . S DAT=Z0_": "_$G(RCDIQ(344.4,RCTDA_",",Z,"E")) . I $L(DAT)>39 S:$L(LINE) RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=DAT,LINE="" Q . I $L(LINE) D Q:LINE="" ; Left side exists .. I $L(LINE)+$L(DAT)>75 S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE=DAT Q .. S LINE=LINE_" "_DAT,RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE="" . S LINE=$E(DAT_$J("",39),1,39) I $L(LINE) S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S:RC RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=" " Q ; TXT00(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCDIQ1,RCXM1,RC) ; Extract 0-node data for file 344.41 ; N RCT,LINE,DAT,Z,Z0,Z1 S LINE="",RC=+$G(RC) S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=" **EEOB DETAIL DATA**",RCT=RCTDA1_","_RCTDA_"," F Z=.01:.01 D S Z1=+$O(RCDIQ1(344.41,RCT,Z)) Q:Z1'<1!'Z1 . I $G(RCDIQ1(344.41,RCT,Z,"E"))="" Q . S Z0=$$GET1^DID(344.41,Z,,"LABEL") . S DAT=Z0_": "_$G(RCDIQ1(344.41,RCT,Z,"E")) . I $L(DAT)>39 S:$L(LINE) RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=DAT,LINE="" Q . I $L(LINE) D Q:LINE="" ; Left side exists .. I $L(LINE)+$L(DAT)>75 S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE=DAT Q .. S LINE=LINE_" "_DAT,RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE="" . S LINE=$E(DAT_$J("",39),1,39) I $L(LINE) S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S:RC RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=" " Q ; TXT2(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCDIQ2,RCXM1,RC) ; Extract all data for file 344.42 ; N RCT,LINE,DAT,Z,Z0 S LINE="",RC=+$G(RC) S RCT=RCTDA1_","_RCTDA_"," S Z=0 F S Z=$O(RCDIQ2(344.42,RCT,Z)) Q:'Z D . I $G(RCDIQ2(344.42,RCT,Z,"E"))="" Q . S Z0=$$GET1^DID(344.42,Z,,"LABEL") . S DAT=Z0_": "_$G(RCDIQ2(344.42,RCT,Z,"E")) . I $L(DAT)>39 S:$L(LINE) RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=DAT,LINE="" Q . I $L(LINE) D Q:LINE="" ; Left side exists .. I $L(LINE)+$L(DAT)>75 S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE=DAT Q .. S LINE=LINE_" "_DAT,RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE,LINE="" . S LINE=$E(DAT_$J("",39),1,39) I $L(LINE) S RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=LINE S:RC RC=RC+1,RCXM1(RC)=" " Q ; LOCK(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCSHH) ; Attempt to lock file entry in file 344.41 ; Return 1 if successful, 0 if not able to lock ; RCSHH = 1 if there should be no direct writes ; N OK S OK=1 L +^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA1,0):5 I '$T D . I '$D(DIQUIET),'$G(RCSHH) W !,*7,"Another user is editing this entry ... please try again later" D PAUSE^VALM1 . S OK=0 Q OK ; STORACT(RCTDA,RCTDA1,RCWHY) ; Store the detail for the action taken for ; the exception record at ^RCY(344.4,RCTDA,1,RCTDA,0) ; RCWHY(#) = lines containing the reason/explanation for the action ; RCWHY(1) should contain the description of the action taken ; It will be appended to the first line of the message after ; the date and user who made the change. ; N RCDA,RCTXT,RC,Z S RCDA(1)=RCTDA,RCDA=RCTDA1 S RCTXT(1)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),2)_" "_$P($G(^VA(200,+DUZ,0)),U)_" "_$G(RCWHY(1)) S (RC,Z)=1 F S Z=$O(RCWHY(Z)) Q:'Z S RC=RC+1,RCTXT(RC)=" "_RCWHY(Z) D WP^DIE(344.41,$$IENS^DILF(.RCDA),2,"A","RCTXT") Q ;