RCDPRPL4 ;WISC/RFJ-receipt profile listmanager options ;1 Apr 01 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**169,172,173**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; this routine contains the entry points for receipt management ; ; ONLINE ; allow the supervisor to mark the CR document as input on line D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" ; ; get fms document and status N %,FMSDOC,GECSDATA S FMSDOC=$$FMSSTAT^RCDPUREC(RCRECTDA) ; W !!,"This option will allow you to mark a rejected Cash Receipt document as" W !,"entered on line. This will prevent the document from being listed on" W !,"the nightly mailman message used to help manage the receipts and deposits." ; W !!,"FMS Cash Receipt Document: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^"),?48,"Status: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2) ; I '$D(^XUSEC("PRCAY PAYMENT SUP",DUZ)) W !!,"You are not an owner of the supervisor PRCAY PAYMENT SUP security key." D QUIT Q ; ; cr accepted I $E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2))="A" W !!,"You CANNOT mark the Cash Receipt document as entered on line.",!,"The CR document is ACCEPTED ??" D QUIT Q ; ; not been transmitted for 2 days I $E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2))="T",$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,$P(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,0),"^",8))'>2 W !!,"You CANNOT mark the Cash Receipt document as entered on line.",!,"The CR document has NOT been TRANSMITTED for 2 days ??" D QUIT Q ; ; cr queued for transmission I $E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2))="Q"!($E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2))="M") W !!,"You CANNOT mark the Cash Receipt document as entered on line.",!,"The CR document is waiting to be TRANSMITTED ??" D QUIT Q ; ; check to see if already marked as entered on line I $E($P(FMSDOC,"^",2))="O" D Q . I $$ASKSTAT("REMOVE")'=1 Q . W !,"... removing CR status as entered on line ..." . ; remove the status on field 201 . D EDITREC^RCDPUREC(RCRECTDA,"201////0;") . ; show the new status . S FMSDOC=$$FMSSTAT^RCDPUREC(RCRECTDA) . W !!,"FMS Cash Receipt Document: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^"),?48,"Status: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2) . D QUIT ; ; ask to change the status to entered on line I $$ASKSTAT("ENTER")'=1 D QUIT Q ; ; change the status to entered on line W !,"... changing status to entered on line ..." W !,"... changing the generic code sheet stack file status to ACCEPTED ..." ; ; set the status to entered on line in field 201 D EDITREC^RCDPUREC(RCRECTDA,"201////1;") ; ; set the generic code sheet status as accepted ; get the document ien D DATA^GECSSGET($P(FMSDOC,"^")) I $G(GECSDATA) D SETSTAT^GECSSTAA(GECSDATA,"A") ; ; show the new status S FMSDOC=$$FMSSTAT^RCDPUREC(RCRECTDA) W !!,"FMS Cash Receipt Document: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^"),?48,"Status: ",$P(FMSDOC,"^",2) ; QUIT ; pause and rebuild the header W !!,"press RETURN to continue: " R %:DTIME D HDR^RCDPRPLM Q ; ; ASKSTAT(ACTION) ; ask if its okay to remove or change the entered online status ; 1 is yes, otherwise no N DIR,DIQ2,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A",1)=" Do you want to "_ACTION_" the status showing the Cash Receipt" S DIR("A")=" document was entered ON LINE" D ^DIR I $G(DTOUT)!($G(DUOUT)) S Y=-1 Q Y ; ERAWL(RCSCR) ; Generate automatic dec adj from ERA Worklist in RCSCR ; RCADJ returned = 1 if passed by reference and adjustment successful ; returned = 2 if passed by ref and adjustments aborted ; returned = -1 if error ; returned = 0 if no WL adjustments found N RCZ,RCZ0,Z00,V00,RCCOM,RC1,RCADJ,RCOK S RC1=1,RCZ=0,RCADJ=0 F S RCZ=$O(^RCY(344.49,RCSCR,1,RCZ)) Q:'RCZ!(RCADJ=2) S V00=$G(^(RCZ,0)),RCZ0=0 F S RCZ0=$O(^RCY(344.49,RCSCR,1,RCZ,1,RCZ0)) Q:'RCZ0!(RCADJ=2) S Z00=$G(^(RCZ0,0)) Q:"12"'[+$P(Z00,U,5) D . S RCCOM(1)=$P(Z00,U,9) . I RC1,$P(Z00,U,5)=1 D Q:RCADJ=2 .. S RC1=0 .. S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A",1)="Generating automatic decrease adjustments from EDI Lbox Worklist ...",DIR("A")="ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?: " .. D ^DIR K DIR .. I Y'=1 S RCADJ=2 . I $P(Z00,U,8)=1 D Q ; previously done .. I $P(Z00,U,5)=1 W !," Automatic decrease adj from ERA Worklist for bill #"_$P($G(^PRCA(430,+$P(V00,U,7),0)),U),!," for amount of "_$J(+$P(Z00,U,3),"",2)_" was previously completed" S RCADJ=1 . I $P(Z00,U,5)=1 D Q ; Decrease adj .. I '$$INCDEC^RCBEUTR1($P(V00,U,7),$P(Z00,U,3),.RCCOM) D ... W !," Could not perform automatic decrease adj from ERA Worklist for ",!," bill # "_$P($G(^PRCA(430,+$P(V00,U,7),0)),U)_" for amount of "_$J(+$P(Z00,U,3),"",2) ... S RCADJ=-1 .. E D ; success ... D UPD(RCSCR,RCZ,RCZ0) ... S RCADJ=1 ... W !," EDI Lbox Worklist automatic dec adjustment made to "_$P($G(^PRCA(430,+$P(V00,U,7),0)),U)_": "_$J(+$P(Z00,U,3),"",2) . I $P(Z00,U,5)=2 D Q ; Bill comment .. D ADDCOMM^RCBEUTRA($P(V00,U,7),.RCCOM),UPD(RCSCR,RCZ,RCZ0) ; Q $G(RCADJ) ; UPD(RCSCR,Z,Z0) ; Mark as complete so it doesn't get done twice N DA,DIE,DR S DA(2)=RCSCR,DA(1)=Z,DA=Z0 S DIE="^RCY(344.49,"_DA(2)_",1,"_DA(1)_",1,",DR=".08////1" D ^DIE Q ;