RCDPUREC ;WISC/RFJ-receipt utilities ;1 Jun 99 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**114,148,169,173,208,222**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; ADDRECT(TRANDATE,RCDEPTDA,PAYTYPDA) ; add a receipt ; ; if deposit or payment type is missing, do not add the receipt I 'RCDEPTDA!('PAYTYPDA) Q 0 ; N DA,DATA,RCDPFLAG,RECEIPT,TYPE ; if a receipt has already been added for this transmission date ; and deposit number, do not add a new one S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^RCY(344,"AD",+RCDEPTDA,DA)) Q:'DA S DATA=$G(^RCY(344,DA,0)) I $P($P(DATA,"^",3),".")=TRANDATE,$P(DATA,"^",4)=PAYTYPDA S RCDPFLAG=1 Q I $G(RCDPFLAG) Q DA ; Q $$BLDRCPT(TRANDATE,RCDEPTDA,PAYTYPDA) ; BLDRCPT(TRANDATE,RCDEPTDA,PAYTYPDA) ; Build a receipt with/without deposit ; N TYPE,RECEIPT ; build unique receipt number for date S TYPE=$E($G(^RC(341.1,PAYTYPDA,0))) I TYPE="" S TYPE="Z" I TYPE="C",$G(RCDEPTDA)["ERACHK" S RCDEPTDA=+RCDEPTDA,TYPE="E" ; ERA plus paper check EDI Lockbox receipt ; lockbox receipt in the form of L980901A0, do not include century F D Q:RECEIPT'="" . S RECEIPT=$$NEXT(TYPE_$E(TRANDATE,2,7)) ;get last two digits from 00 to ZZ . L +^RCY(344,"B",RECEIPT):2 I '$T S RECEIPT="" ; ; add it N %,%DT,D0,DA,DD,DI,DIC,DIE,DLAYGO,DO,DQ,DR,X,Y S DIC="^RCY(344,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=344 ; .02 = opened by .03 = date opened = transmission dt ; .04 = type of payment .06 = deposit ticket ; .14 = status (set to 1:open) S DIC("DR")=".02////"_DUZ_";.03///"_TRANDATE_";.04////"_PAYTYPDA_$S(RCDEPTDA:";.06////"_RCDEPTDA,1:"")_";.14////1;" S X=RECEIPT D FILE^DICN L -^RCY(344,"B",RECEIPT) I Y>0 Q +Y Q 0 ; ; NEXT(RECEIPT) ; get next 2 digits in sequence 00 to ZZ for receipt ; ; start with 00 I '$D(^RCY(344,"B",RECEIPT_"00")) Q RECEIPT_"00" ; N DIGIT1,DIGIT2,LAST ; get the last one used and increment by 1 S LAST=$O(^RCY(344,"B",RECEIPT_"ZZ"),-1) ;example L2980901ZZ S DIGIT1=$A($E(LAST,8)),DIGIT2=$A($E(LAST,9)) ; increment the ascii value of last digit S DIGIT2=DIGIT2+1 ; ascii 48=0, 57=9, 65=A, 90=Z I DIGIT2>57,DIGIT2<65 S DIGIT2=65 ;an A ; digit2 above a Z, set digit2 to a 0 and increment digit 1 I DIGIT2>90 S DIGIT2=48,DIGIT1=DIGIT1+1 I DIGIT1>57,DIGIT1<65 S DIGIT1=65 ;an A ; digit 1 is above a Z, reset and reuse the Z I DIGIT1>90 S DIGIT1=90,DIGIT2=90 ; Q RECEIPT_$C(DIGIT1)_$C(DIGIT2) ; ; SELRECT(ADDNEW,RCDEPTDA) ; select a receipt ; if $g(addnew) allow adding a new receipt ; if $g(rcdeptda) allow selection of receipts for the deposit only ; if $g(addnew) and $g(rcdeptda) deposit number auto set for new receipt ; returns -1 for timeout or ^, 0 for no selection, or ien of receipt N %,%Y,C,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DIK,DG,DLAYGO,DQ,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,RCREFLUP,X,Y,RCDE,RCLB,RC1,RC2,RCREQ,RCY S DIC="^RCY(344,",DIC(0)="QEAM",DIC("A")="Select RECEIPT: " S DIC("W")="D DICW^RCDPUREC" ; set screen to select receipts linked to deposit and to screen out ; selection of EDI Lockbox-type receipts unless an EFT is associated ; with the deposit and the receipt is not associated with an ERA S RCDE=+$O(^RCY(344.3,"ARDEP",+$G(RCDEPTDA),0)) I $G(RCDEPTDA) D . S DIC("S")="N Z S Z=$G(^(0)) I $S('$$EDILBEV^RCDPEU($P(Z,U,4)):'RCDE,1:RCDE&'$P(Z,U,18)),($P(Z,U,6)=""""!($P(Z,U,6)=RCDEPTDA))" . S DIC("A")="Select RECEIPT (for deposit "_$P(^RCY(344.1,RCDEPTDA,0),"^")_"): " ; use special lookup on input I '$G(RCDEPTDA) S RCREFLUP=1 ; add new entries S RC1="TYPE NOT VALID FOR THIS RECEIPT",RC2=">>AN EFT REFERENCE IS REQUIRED" I $G(ADDNEW) D . S DIC("A")="Select RECEIPT (or add a new one): " . S DIC(0)="QEALM",DLAYGO=344 . S DIC("DR")="S RCREQ=0;.02////"_DUZ_";.03///NOW;.14////1;@4;.04"_$S(RCDE:"////"_$$LBEVENT^RCDPEU(),1:"") . S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";S RCLB=$$EDILBEV^RCDPEU(+X) S:'RCLB Y=""@6"";I $G(RCDEPTDA) S Y=$S('RCDE:""@8"",1:""@6"");W !,RC2 S RCREQ=1;.17;S Y=""@99""" . S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";@6;.06"_$S($G(RCDEPTDA):"////"_RCDEPTDA,1:"")_";S:'RCDE Y=""@99"";.17////"_+RCDE_";S Y=""@99"";@8;W *7,!,RC1 S Y=""@4"";@99" . S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";" D ^DIC S RCY=Y I RCY<0,'$G(DUOUT),'$G(DTOUT) S RCY=0 I $P(RCY,U,3),$G(RCREQ) D . I '$P($G(^RCY(344,+RCY,0)),U,17) D Q .. W !,*7,"NO EFT REFERENCED - RECEIPT NOT ADDED" .. S DA=+RCY,DIK="^RCY(344," D ^DIK .. S RCY=0 . S DIE="^RCY(344.31,",DA=$P(^RCY(344,+RCY,0),U,17),DR=".08////2" D ^DIE Q +RCY ; ; DICW ; write identifier code for receipt lookup N DATA S DATA=$G(^RCY(344,Y,0)) I DATA="" Q ; opened by W ?13,"by: ",$E($P($G(^VA(200,+$P(DATA,"^",2),0)),"^"),1,15) ; date opened I '$P(DATA,"^",3) S $P(DATA,"^",3)="???????" W ?35," on: ",$E($P(DATA,"^",3),4,5),"/",$E($P(DATA,"^",3),6,7),"/",$E($P(DATA,"^",3),2,3) ; type of payment W ?50," ",$E($P($G(^RC(341.1,+$P(DATA,"^",4),0)),"^"),1,18) ; status W ?70," ",$S($P(DATA,"^",14):"OPEN",1:"CLOSED") Q ; ; LOOKUP ; special lookup on receipts, called from ^dd(344,.01,7.5) ; if rcreflup flag not set, do not use special lookup I '$D(RCREFLUP) Q ; user entered O.? for lookup on open receipts I X["O."!(X["o.") S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,14)" S X="?" Q ; user entered C.? for lookup on closed receipts I X["C."!(X["c.") S DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),U,14)" S X="?" Q K DIC("S") Q ; ; EDITREC(DA,DR) ; edit the receipt (dr = string of fields to ask) N D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,X,Y,RCDR1,RCDR2,RCDR3,DIPA,RCDA S (DIC,DIE)="^RCY(344,",RCDA=DA I $G(DR)="" N DR D . S DR=".01;.04;"_$S($P($G(^RCY(344,RCDA,0)),U,17):"",1:"I $P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,17) S Y=""@1001"";.06;@1001;")_"D LBT^RCDPUREC(.Y);.18;@99" ; I $G(DR)[".04;" D ; Add a check to DR string for type of payment edit . D EDIT4^RCDPURE1(RCDA,DR,.RCDR1,.RCDR2,.RCDR3) . S DR=$S($E(RCDR1,$L(RCDR1))'=";":RCDR1,1:$E(RCDR1,1,$L(RCDR1)-1)),DR(1,344,1)=RCDR2,DR(1,344,2)=RCDR3 ; D ^DIE I $P($G(^RCY(344,RCDA,0)),U,6),$P(^(0),U,17),$$EDILBEV^RCDPEU(+$P(^(0),U,4)) S DIE="^RCY(344,",DR=".06///@" D ^DIE ; Delete deposit if EDI LB event and EFT referenced I $D(^RCY(344,RCDA,0)) D LASTEDIT(RCDA) Q ; LBT(Y) ; Determine if Y should be set to @99 ; DR string too long ; Assume DA,RCM3 is set N Z,Z0 S Z0=$G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),Z=($P(Z0,U,4)=$$LBEVENT^RCDPEU()) ; Don't allow to edit ERA reference if worklist created it I $P($G(^RCY(344.49,+$P(Z0,U,18),0)),U,2)=DA S Y="@99" Q ; only ask for ERA if not EDI lockbox and deposit # exists I $S(Z:1,1:'$P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,6)) S Y="@99" Q W !,RCM3 Q ; TYP(Y) ; Determine where to jump to in the 'type' edit of the template ; DR string too long ; Assumes RCP,RCNO,RCN4,RCO4,DA defined N RCCHANGE I $S(RCN4=RCO4&(RCN4'=14):1,RCN4'=14&(RCO4'=14):1,1:0) S Y=RCP+2 G TYPQ ; To get here, the type was changed and it either was 14 or is now 14 S RCCHANGE=(RCN4'=RCO4) I RCCHANGE D G:Y TYPQ . ; Type can't be changed if the old type was EDI Lockbox and there is . ; an ERA detail record associated with it . I RCO4=14,$P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,18) S Y=RCP+1 Q . ; Type can't be changed to EDI Lockbox if rcpt detail already exists . I RCN4=14,$O(^RCY(344,DA,1,0)) S Y=RCP+1 Q . ; If type changed to EDI LOCKBOX, must have an EFT reference I RCN4'=14 S Y=RCP+2 G TYPQ TYPQ I '$G(Y) D . ; If ERA is matched to EFT, don't allow to edit EFT . I $P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,17),$P($G(^(0)),U,18),$D(^RCY(344.31,"AERA",+$P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,18),+$P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,17))) S Y=RCP+2 Q . S RCNE=$$ASK17^RCDPUREC(DA) I 'RCNE S RCNO=1,Y=RCP+1 I $G(Y) S Y="@"_Y Q ; LASTEDIT(DA) ; set when receipt last edit N %DT,D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y S (DIC,DIE)="^RCY(344," S DR=".11////"_DUZ_";.12///NOW;" D ^DIE Q ; ; MARKPROC(DA,FMSDOCNO) ; mark receipt as processed, set receipt as closed, ; store fms document number if passed N %DT,D,D0,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y S (DIC,DIE)="^RCY(344," S DR=".07////"_DUZ_";.08///NOW;.14////0;" I $G(FMSDOCNO)'="" S DR=DR_"200////"_FMSDOCNO_";" D ^DIE Q ; ; FMSSTAT(RCRECTDA) ; return the fms cr document ^ status ^ if sent before lockbox N FMSDOCNO,PRELOCK,STATUS ; get the fms document from the receipt S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,2)),"^") ; if not on receipt, it may be earlier than lockbox and on deposit I FMSDOCNO="" S FMSDOCNO=$P($G(^RCY(344.1,+$P($G(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,0)),"^",6),2)),"^") I FMSDOCNO'="" S PRELOCK=1 S STATUS=$$STATUS^GECSSGET(FMSDOCNO) I STATUS=-1 S STATUS="NOT ENTERED" ; ; if the cr document is entered, check to see if entered on line I FMSDOCNO'="",$P($G(^RCY(344,RCRECTDA,2)),"^",2) S STATUS="ON LINE ENTRY" ; ; if the cr document is missing, set status to not sent I FMSDOCNO="" S FMSDOCNO="NOT SENT" ; Q FMSDOCNO_"^"_STATUS_"^"_$G(PRELOCK) ; ASK17(DA) ; Ask,return the EFT detail record for a receipt ; DA = the ien of the RECEIPT (file 344) N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="PAO^RCY(344.31,:AEMQ",DIR("?",1)="Select the EFT that contained the deposited money that this receipt details",DIR("?",2)="An EFT detail record can only be associated with one receipt" S DIR("?")="This is required if the type of payment is EDI LOCKBOX" S DIR("A")=" EFT DETAIL RECORD: ",DIR("S")="I $S('$O(^RCY(344,""AEFT"",+Y,0)):1,1:$O(^(0))=DA)" S:$P($G(^RCY(344,DA,0)),U,17) DIR("B")=$P(^(0),U,17) D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT)!Y=""!(Y<0) Q 0 Q +Y ;