RCDPXPAM ;WISC/RFJ-auto process payments, message generation ;1 Jun 99 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**114,153**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; ERROR(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,ERROR) ; reply to server message with error ; pass ^tmp($j,"rcdpxpay","error",#) for additional/multiple errors N LINE,MESSAGE,RCDPERR ; ; build error message S MESSAGE(1)="This message was received by the Automatic Payment Processing Server" S MESSAGE(2)="and was NOT processed because of the following error(s):" S MESSAGE(3)=" " S MESSAGE(4)=" " I ERROR'="" S MESSAGE(4)=" "_ERROR_"." D TRANERR^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,ERROR) ; display multiple errors S LINE=4,RCDPERR=0 F S RCDPERR=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPERR)) Q:'RCDPERR D . S LINE=LINE+1,MESSAGE(LINE)=" "_^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPERR)_"." . D TRANERR^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPERR)) ; ; send message with response D MAILRESP(RCDPXMZ,.MESSAGE) ; ; set the transmissions status to error I $G(RCDPDATE) D TRANSTAT^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,"e") Q ; ; DUPLCATE(RCDPDATE,SEQUENCE,RCDPXMZ) ; reply with duplicate warning message N MESSAGE,ORIGXMZ S ORIGXMZ=$P($G(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,SEQUENCE,0)),"^",4) I 'ORIGXMZ S ORIGXMZ="unknown" ; same message sent to server twice I ORIGXMZ=RCDPXMZ Q ; S MESSAGE(1)="* * * * * W A R N I N G * * * * *" S MESSAGE(2)=" " S MESSAGE(3)="This message was received by the Automatic Payment Processing Server" S MESSAGE(4)="and is a duplicate sequence number ["_SEQUENCE_"] (line 1, piece 2)." S MESSAGE(5)=" " S MESSAGE(6)="The Automatic Payment Processing Server will only process the first" S MESSAGE(7)="message it receives for a sequence. The first message for the sequence" S MESSAGE(8)="was in mail message number "_ORIGXMZ_" and has been forwarded to you for" S MESSAGE(9)="review. Message number "_ORIGXMZ_" will be used for payment processing." S MESSAGE(10)="This message will not be used." ; I ORIGXMZ D MAILRESP(ORIGXMZ,"") ; forward original D MAILRESP(RCDPXMZ,.MESSAGE) ; send response to duplicate Q ; ; RETRAN ; ask for retransmission N %Z,COUNT,DATA,DATE,MESSAGE,RCDPDA,STATUS,X9,XCNP,XMDUZ,XMZ S MESSAGE(1)="The following Automatic Payment(s) have not been processed and need" S MESSAGE(2)="to be retransmitted to the Automatic Payment Processing Server." S MESSAGE(3)="" S MESSAGE(4)=" TranDate Deposit# DepositDate Reason" S MESSAGE(5)=" -------- -------- ----------- ------" S COUNT=5 S RCDPDA=0 F S RCDPDA=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","RETRAN",RCDPDA)) Q:'RCDPDA D . S DATE=$E($P(RCDPDA,"^"),4,5)_"-"_$E($P(RCDPDA,"^"),6,7)_"-"_$E($P(RCDPDA,"^"),2,3) . S DATA=^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","RETRAN",RCDPDA) . I $P(DATA,"^")="" S $P(DATA,"^")="unknown" . I $P(DATA,"^",2)="" S $P(DATA,"^",2)="unknown" . I $P(DATA,"^",3)="" S $P(DATA,"^",3)="unknown" . S $P(DATA,"^")=$E($P(DATA,"^")_" ",1,8) . S $P(DATA,"^",2)=$E($P(DATA,"^",2)_" ",1,11) . S $P(DATA,"^",3)=$S($P(DATA,"^",3)="r":"Partial Payment Received",$P(DATA,"^",3)="p":"Partial Payment Processed",1:"Error in Payment Message") . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . S MESSAGE(COUNT)=" "_DATE_" "_$P(DATA,"^")_" "_$P(DATA,"^",2)_" "_$P(DATA,"^",3) S XMTEXT="MESSAGE(" S XMSUB="Request Auto Payment Retransmission" S XMDUZ="AR Package",XMY("G.RCDP PAYMENTS")="" D ^XMD Q ; ; MAILRESP(RCDPXMZ,MESSAGE) ; enter response and forward message to mail group N %H,%I,%Z,ER,X,X9,XMA,XMC0,XMQF,XMZ,XMZ2,Z ; create response I $G(MESSAGE(1))'="" S %=$$ENT^XMA2R(RCDPXMZ,"Automatic Payment Processing Server Response",.MESSAGE,"","AR Package") ; forward original message S XMDUZ="AR Package",XMY("G.RCDP PAYMENTS")="" S XMZ=RCDPXMZ D ENT1^XMD Q ; ; PROCMSG ; show the message with processed deposits and receipts N %Z,MESSAGE,RCCOUNT,RCDPDATA,RCRECTDA,RCERROR,RCFLAG,RCUNLINK,X9,XCNP,XMDUZ,XMZ S MESSAGE(1)="The following Automatic Payment(s) have been processed by the" S MESSAGE(2)="Automatic Payment Processing Server." S MESSAGE(4)=" Deposit# Receipt# FMS Document# Total Amount Unlinked Accts" S MESSAGE(5)=" -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ --------------" S RCCOUNT=5 I '$O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","PROCESS",0)) S MESSAGE(6)=" <>",RCCOUNT=6 S RCRECTDA=0 F S RCRECTDA=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","PROCESS",RCRECTDA)) Q:'RCRECTDA D . D DIQ344^RCDPRPLM(RCRECTDA,".01;.06;.15;200;") . S RCUNLINK=+^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","PROCESS",RCRECTDA) . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1 . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.06,"E")),10) . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.01,"E")),12) . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,200,"E")),16) . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.15,"E")),14,2) . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J(+RCUNLINK,16) . ; set error flag if receipt did not process (no fms document) . I $G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,200,"E"))="" S RCERROR=1 ; ; show if any receipts need to manually be processed due to errors I $G(RCERROR) D . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" " . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)="Warning: The receipts listed above that are missing the FMS Document# did not" . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)="completely process due to an error. Use the Receipt Processing option to view" . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)="the error and reprocess the receipt." . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" " ; ; show duplicate receipts, previously received/processed I $O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","DUPLICATE",0)) D . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" " . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)="The following receipts were received as duplicates." . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" Deposit# Receipt# FMS Document# Total Amount" . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" -------- ---------- ------------- ------------" . S RCRECTDA=0 F S RCRECTDA=$O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","DUPLICATE",RCRECTDA)) Q:'RCRECTDA D . . D DIQ344^RCDPRPLM(RCRECTDA,".01;.06;.15;200;") . . S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1 . . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.06,"E")),10) . . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.01,"E")),12) . . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,200,"E")),16) . . ; show ** if fms document processed . . I $P(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","DUPLICATE",RCRECTDA),"^",2)=1 S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_"**",RCFLAG=1 . . E S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_" " . . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_$J($G(RCDPDATA(344,RCRECTDA,.15,"E")),12,2) . . S MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)_" "_$P(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAP","DUPLICATE",RCRECTDA),"^") ; I $G(RCFLAG) S RCCOUNT=RCCOUNT+1,MESSAGE(RCCOUNT)=" ** FMS Document Processed" S XMTEXT="MESSAGE(" S XMSUB="Auto Payment Processing Completed" S XMDUZ="AR Package",XMY("G.RCDP PAYMENTS")="" D ^XMD Q ; ; ZEROMSG(DATE) ; show RT received with no payments for a date ; date in the form MMDDYYYY S DATE=$E(DATE,1,2)_"/"_$E(DATE,3,4)_"/"_$E(DATE,5,8) N %Z,MESSAGE,X9,XCNP,XMDUZ,XMZ S MESSAGE(1)="The Automatic Payment Processing Server received a Lockbox" S MESSAGE(2)="transmission for "_DATE_" with no payments to process." S XMTEXT="MESSAGE(" S XMSUB="Auto Payment Processing Completed" S XMDUZ="AR Package",XMY("G.RCDP PAYMENTS")="" D ^XMD Q