RCDPXPAY ;WISC/RFJ-server top to receive electronic payments ;1 Jun 99 ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;**114,148,150**;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; ; START ; start receiving message N RCDPCNTL,RCDPCSUM,RCDPDATA,RCDPDATE,RCDPFLAG,RCDPFSUM,RCDPLIDA,RCDPLINE,RCDPNEXT,RCDPSEQ,RCDPSITE,RCDPTOTL,RCDPXMZ,X,Y K ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY") ; ; not a valid mail message I '$D(^XMB(3.9,XMZ,0)) Q ; S RCDPXMZ=XMZ ; find line 1 of data and make sure it is correctly formatted S RCDPLINE=.99 F S RCDPLINE=$O(^XMB(3.9,RCDPXMZ,2,RCDPLINE)) Q:'RCDPLINE S RCDPDATA=^(RCDPLINE,0) I $E(RCDPDATA,1,2)="RT" Q ; first 2 characters of line 1 must equal RT I $E($G(RCDPDATA),1,2)'="RT" D ERROR^RCDPXPAM("",RCDPXMZ,"RT expected (line 1, piece 1)"),COMPLETE Q ; check the station number S RCDPSITE=$$SITE^RCMSITE I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",4)'=RCDPSITE D ERROR^RCDPXPAM("",RCDPXMZ,"Wrong station number (line 1, piece 4), station number should be "_RCDPSITE),COMPLETE Q ; get the transmission date and convert it to a fileman date S RCDPDATE=$$CONVDATE($P(RCDPDATA,"^",8)) I RCDPDATE<0 D ERROR^RCDPXPAM("",RCDPXMZ,"Invalid transmission date (line 1, piece 8)"),COMPLETE Q ; get the sequence number S RCDPSEQ=+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",2) I 'RCDPSEQ D ERROR^RCDPXPAM("",RCDPXMZ,"Sequence number of the message is missing (line 1, piece 2)"),COMPLETE Q ; ; check for zero payments on message ; sequence=1 ,total sequence=1 ,no payments ,no dollars on RT ,no total dollars I +$P(RCDPDATA,"^",2)=1,+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",3)=1,'$P(RCDPDATA,"^",5),'$P(RCDPDATA,"^",6),'$P(RCDPDATA,"^",7) D ZEROMSG^RCDPXPAM($P(RCDPDATA,"^",8)) Q ; ; stay and wait for lock to clear L +^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE) ; ; check for duplicate message, only store/process the first one ; still go and check to see if all messages have been received and can be processed I $D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,0)) D DUPLCATE^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPSEQ,RCDPXMZ),STARPROC Q ; ; add transmission date if not in file I '$$ADDTRAN^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE) D ERROR^RCDPXPAM("",RCDPXMZ,"Unable to add transmission to AR PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS file 344.2"),COMPLETE Q ; store total sequences and dollars if available for transmission D TRANDOLL^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",3),+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",7)/100) ; ; add the sequence to the transmission multiple S RCDPSEQ=$$ADDSEQ^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",2)) I 'RCDPSEQ D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,"Unable to add the sequence number (line 1, piece 2)"),COMPLETE Q ; store number of transactions, total dollars for the sequence, mail message number D SEQUDOLL^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,RCDPSEQ,+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",5),+$P(RCDPDATA,"^",6)/100,RCDPXMZ) ; ; once the sequence has been added, future errors must pass the ; variable rcdpdate to the label error to set the status to error ; and prevent further processing later on. ; ; store control header line 1 for comparing count and dollars of transactions S RCDPCNTL=RCDPDATA ; ; loop transactions and store the data S RCDPCSUM=0 ;used to compute checksum for sequence S RCDPLIDA=0 ;used to count entries stored in the data wp field S RCDPTOTL=0 ;used to total all payments (transactions) F S RCDPLINE=$O(^XMB(3.9,RCDPXMZ,2,RCDPLINE)) Q:'RCDPLINE D . S RCDPDATA=^XMB(3.9,RCDPXMZ,2,RCDPLINE,0) . I RCDPDATA=""!($E(RCDPDATA,1,4)="NNNN") Q . ; convert deposit date to fm . S $P(RCDPDATA,"^",7)=$$CONVDATE($P(RCDPDATA,"^",7)) . I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",7)<0 S $P(RCDPDATA,"^",7)=0 . ; check for errors . I $E(RCDPDATA,1,2)'="RD" S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPLINE)="RD expected (line "_RCDPLINE_", piece 1)" . I '$P(RCDPDATA,"^",3) S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPLINE)="No payment amount (line "_RCDPLINE_", piece 3)" . I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",6)="" S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPLINE)="Deposit/215 number missing (line "_RCDPLINE_", piece 6)" . I '$P(RCDPDATA,"^",7) S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",RCDPLINE)="Deposit date missing/invalid format (line "_RCDPLINE_", piece 7)" . ; add up dollars . S RCDPTOTL=RCDPTOTL+($P(RCDPDATA,"^",3)/100) . ; remove RT, remove station number from account (based on site length) . ; since the station number is variable 3 to 5 characters . S RCDPDATA=$P(RCDPDATA,"^",2,99),RCDPDATA=$E(RCDPDATA,$L(RCDPSITE)+1,99999) . ; store the data . S RCDPLIDA=RCDPLIDA+1 . S ^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,1,RCDPLIDA,0)=RCDPDATA . ; compute checksum . S X=RCDPCSUM_RCDPDATA X $S($G(^%ZOSF("LPC"))'="":^("LPC"),1:"S Y=""""") S RCDPCSUM=Y ; ; store 0th node with count of lines and date S ^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,1,0)="^^"_RCDPLIDA_"^"_RCDPLIDA_"^"_DT_"^" ; store the checksum for sequence D TRANCSUM^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,RCDPSEQ,RCDPCSUM) ; ; check number of transactions for sequence I $P(RCDPCNTL,"^",5)'=RCDPLIDA D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,"Expected number of transactions not equal actual number (line 1, piece 5)"),COMPLETE Q ; check total dollars for sequence I ($P(RCDPCNTL,"^",6)/100)'=RCDPTOTL D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,"Expected dollars of transactions not equal actual dollars (line 1, piece 6)"),COMPLETE Q ; ; if errors on rd lines, stop process I $O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","ERROR",0)) D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,""),COMPLETE Q ; STARPROC ; start processing ; check to see if all messages (sequences) have been received S RCDPFLAG=1 S RCDPDATA=^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,0) I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",2) D . S RCDPFLAG=0 . F RCDPSEQ=1:1:$P(RCDPDATA,"^",2) I '$D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ)) S RCDPFLAG=1 Q ; not all sequences received yet I $G(RCDPFLAG) D COMPLETE Q ; ; ***** all sequences received, start processing ***** ; if status is error, quit and wait for tomorrow to send retransmission ; message to mail group I $P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,0),"^",4)="e" D COMPLETE Q ; already processing/processed the payments I $P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,0),"^",4)="p" D COMPLETE Q ; ; set status to processing D TRANSTAT^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDATE,"p") S RCDPTOTL=0 S RCDPNEXT=0 ;used for making tmp global entry unique F RCDPSEQ=1:1 Q:'$D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ)) D . S RCDPCSUM=0 . S RCDPTOTL=RCDPTOTL+$P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,0),"^",3) . F RCDPLIDA=1:1 Q:'$D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,1,RCDPLIDA,0)) D . . S RCDPDATA=^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,1,RCDPLIDA,0) . . ; compute checksum . . S X=RCDPCSUM_RCDPDATA X $S($G(^%ZOSF("LPC"))'="":^("LPC"),1:"S Y=""""") S RCDPCSUM=Y . . ; store transaction for processing . . ; the deposit number and date should not be null unless the . . ; data was modified after receipt . . I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",5)="" S $P(RCDPDATA,"^",5)=" " ; deposit number . . S RCDPNEXT=RCDPNEXT+1,^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","DEPOSIT",$P(RCDPDATA,"^",5),RCDPNEXT)=$P(RCDPDATA,"^",1,4)_"^"_$P(RCDPDATA,"^",7,99) . . ; store deposit date for deposit if it is needed . . I $P(RCDPDATA,"^",6),'$G(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","DEPDATE",$P(RCDPDATA,"^",5))) S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","DEPDATE",$P(RCDPDATA,"^",5))=$P(RCDPDATA,"^",6) . ; verify checksum . I $P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,1,RCDPSEQ,0),"^",5)'=RCDPCSUM S RCDPFSUM=1 ; ; verify totals for all sequences I $P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE,0),"^",3)'=RCDPTOTL D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,"The total dollars for all sequences do not balance with expected total"),COMPLETE Q ; checksum error I $G(RCDPFSUM) D ERROR^RCDPXPAM(RCDPDATE,RCDPXMZ,"The deposit information has been altered before processing occured"),COMPLETE Q ; ; everything checks out, start processing ; modify the lockbox lookup for accepting payment from other systems D PROCESS^RCDPXPAP(RCDPDATE,$O(^RC(341.1,"B","LOCKBOX",0))) ; COMPLETE ; complete the process ; check for errors in the transmission file for prior dates ; if they exist, mail a message to the users asking for retrans ; remove the entries N DATA,DEPDATE,DEPOSIT,RCDPDA S RCDPDA=DT F S RCDPDA=$O(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA),-1) Q:'RCDPDA D . ; if the status was last updated today, do not modify . I $P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA,0),"^",5)=DT Q . ; try and find deposit number and deposit date . S (DEPOSIT,DEPDATE)="",RCDPFLAG=0 . F RCDPSEQ=1:1 Q:'$D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA,1,RCDPSEQ)) D Q:RCDPFLAG . . F RCDPLIDA=1:1 Q:'$D(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA,1,RCDPSEQ,1,RCDPLIDA,0)) D Q:RCDPFLAG . . . S DATA=$G(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA,1,RCDPSEQ,1,RCDPLIDA,0)) . . . I $P(DATA,"^",5)'="" S DEPOSIT=$P(DATA,"^",5) . . . I $P(DATA,"^",6)'="" S DEPDATE=$P(DATA,"^",6) . . . I DEPOSIT'="",DEPDATE'="" S RCDPFLAG=1 ; used to stop for loops . ; . S ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","RETRAN",RCDPDA)=DEPOSIT_"^"_DEPDATE_"^"_$P(^RCY(344.2,RCDPDA,0),"^",4) . ; remove the entry from the file so it will not appear later . D DELETRAN^RCDPXPA1(RCDPDA) ; if there are any, send a message asking for retransmission I $O(^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY","RETRAN",0)) D RETRAN^RCDPXPAM ; ; clear the current transmission date lock, clear it here to prevent ; two processes from sending the retransmission request message I $G(RCDPDATE) L -^RCY(344.2,RCDPDATE) ; ; clean up K ^TMP($J,"RCDPXPAY") ; ; remove message from server basket N K,X,XMK,XMSER,Y S XMSER="S.RCDP AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS",XMZ=RCDPXMZ D REMSBMSG^XMA1C Q ; ; CONVDATE(DATE) ; convert date from mmddyyyy to fm date cyymmdd Q ($E(DATE,5,6)-17)_$E(DATE,7,8)_$E(DATE,1,2)_$E(DATE,3,4)