RCFMDRV1 ;WASH-ISC@ALTOONA,PA/RGY-Add FMS document ;8/18/94 11:36 AM V ;;4.5;Accounts Receivable;;Mar 20, 1995 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. OPEN(DOC,TYPE,ID,ENT,ERROR,BILL,EVN,BAT) ;Add event to FMS document file NEW DIC,D0,DIE,DA,X,DLAYGO,DR,DEBT,DIS,DINUM,RCOK S ERROR="",ENT=-1 I $G(DOC)="" S ERROR="FMS Document number undefined" Q I $G(ID)]"",$D(^RC(347,"D",ID)) S ERROR="Duplicate Identifier requested" Q I '$D(^RC(347.1,+$G(TYPE),0)) S ERROR="Unknown type of document" Q I $G(BILL)]"",'$D(^PRCA(430,BILL,0)) S ERROR="Bill number does not exist" Q I $G(EVN)]"",'$D(^PRCA(433,EVN,0)) S ERROR="Event number does not exist" Q ;S:DOC["-" DOC=$P(DOC,"-")_$P(DOC,"-",2) ;CLH - to allowfull fms number to be entered F ENT=+$P(^RC(347,0),"^",3)+1:1 L +^RC(347,ENT):0 I $T S RCOK=0 D L -^RC(347,ENT) Q:RCOK .I $D(^RC(347,ENT)) Q .S DINUM=ENT,DIC="^RC(347,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=347,X=ENT .K DD,DO D FILE^DICN K DIC,DLAYGO,DO .I Y<0 S ERROR="Unable to add bill to bill file!" Q .S DIE="^RC(347,",DR="[RCFM OPEN DOCUMENT]",(ENT,DA)=+Y D ^DIE .S RCOK=1 .Q Q Q